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Status Replies posted by Doomstick

  1. Merry Christmas at the last minute!


    Today on Hen shares things she makes,



    This is a Christmas present I made for one of my friends! I’m just a tad proud of it :P

  3. Merry Christmas Y’all! 

  4. Say hello to my new profile pic! Thanks @JesterLavorre for this beautiful drawing!

  5. You guys...

    I can't even.

    You guys are the greatest.

    Who wants a free waffle?

  6. You guys...

    I can't even.

    You guys are the greatest.

    Who wants a free waffle?

  7. welp I screwed it up

    there was a period of time when I had them all, but my request to be unupvoted was granted at the exact wrong moment and I didn't realize it until I posted that my screenshot was off, so all I got was this


    Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 10.13.46 PM.png

  8. Just a reminder that I love all of you guys! Stop banging your head into the wall and continue your great life because it will get better, I (almost) promise! :wub:

    That was mainly to Vapor, but I thought that everyone can take advantage. :P

  9. congrats!

    (this includes FGaRS posts)

    Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 12.01.30 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 12.01.30 AM.png

  10. Ap says to let you guys know he's alive, just traveling through the Cognitive Realm right now, and it sounds like he'll probably come back when things have calmed down more for him.

  11. I have a very important request: 

    PLEASE do not give me any rep for a bit, I would like very much to have perfect multiples of 16 for posts, rep, and followers

    please do not give me rep (and that includes here)

  12. AonDii means wood

    AonEhe means fire

    I understand now

  13. Y’know, I just accidentally spent my 2000th post talking about how Sinnoh starters are the best starters out of all the Pokémon games with Salad. I can’t think of a better way to spend it!

  14. It's kind of funny.

    Everyone else is saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll be on a lot more!"

    And I'm saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll have no reason to get on the computer, so I won't be on as much!"

    Plus, we're going on a trip for a week right after Christmas, so I won't be on at all if Mom doesn't let us bring the chromebook. Which, to be honest, she probably won't.

  15. It's kind of funny.

    Everyone else is saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll be on a lot more!"

    And I'm saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll have no reason to get on the computer, so I won't be on as much!"

    Plus, we're going on a trip for a week right after Christmas, so I won't be on at all if Mom doesn't let us bring the chromebook. Which, to be honest, she probably won't.

  16. It's kind of funny.

    Everyone else is saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll be on a lot more!"

    And I'm saying "Now that it's Christmas Break, I'll have no reason to get on the computer, so I won't be on as much!"

    Plus, we're going on a trip for a week right after Christmas, so I won't be on at all if Mom doesn't let us bring the chromebook. Which, to be honest, she probably won't.

  17. I just got a rep from a post in a thread that was locked after one reply and was posted two years ago...


  18. I just got a rep from a post in a thread that was locked after one reply and was posted two years ago...


  19. I just passed 1,000 reputation

    and 8,000 posts

    without realising it.


  20. *Deep breath*

    @Hentient, @Ookla the Dragon@Ookla the Sly, @Ookla the Shadowed, @Chasmgoat, @Spock, @rosin_the_beau, @Knight of Iron, @Ookla of Truthshapers, @Ookla the Intimidating, @Darkfinder, @Ookla the Monk, @Ookla the Rōnin, @Ookla the Rhadamanthine, @Ookla the Tortured, @Spren of Kindness, @Ookla the Groovy wanna be my Shardbuddy?

    Cause I have an official list and for some reason none of y'all are on it. What's up with that?

    Anyone else seeing this can be too, of course :P

  21. I am trying to be responsible today. If you see me on at any time, yell at me.

  22. I am trying to be responsible today. If you see me on at any time, yell at me.

  23. I am trying to be responsible today. If you see me on at any time, yell at me.

  24. Question: Why is it that whenever I glance back here when I'm bored every few weeks, there's always someone who's visited my profile in the last few days. 

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