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Posts posted by MetaTerminal

  1. All PMs have been sent. Everyone (with the exclusion of Snip, who will be added to their PM momentarily) should have received their Team PM. If you have signed up, and have not yet received a PM, let me know.

    Signups are still open, and will only close when the first round is released in just over 24 hours time.

    In addition, I have discovered that I will be unavailable to receive answers for several hours after the first round opens - hopefully that won’t present any logistical issues, but I’m just letting you know ahead of time that your first few answers may not be checked immediately.

  2. 15 minutes ago, I am a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said:

    One team has 5 people, and I won’t be available till Monday night (CA) so I think I should be on the 5 person team

    My first thought was: Honestly I think that team can probably cope with three for a few days, unless they think otherwise. The other thing is that I tried to balance experienced players across the board (three per team) and I’m afraid that matchups like Exalted+Fura or Exalted+RShara will give that team undue advantage, and swapping you for a new player will mean the third team is down to two previous players. Snip will also be going inactive (not sure when) so by the week the second team will be down a player.

    My thinking now is that we could move Snip to your team so you have consistently four players, but that depends on how the second team feels about losing that experience. (I think they’ll be fine, but they are better judges. And obviously we should ask what @Snipexe thinks and when he’ll go inactive.)

  3. First draft of new teams. People requested a shuffle and balance, so I have done a randomised shuffle and then tried to account for solving power. Tell me if you’re happy with balance, and your teammates.

    Team 1:

    Team 2:

    Team 3:


  4. 29 minutes ago, Babilarian Darkeyes said:

    If you are doing majorities then I clearly should have posted here instead of pming you (via Discord). If you start at 3 to 5 PT tomorrow you will have two more very active players who will miss the first 24 hours plus.

    Oh... right. (Sorry, Discord has been malfunctioning for me recently.)

    How about a Saturday Cali start (24 hours later)? I’m fairly certain you’re available then, and hopefully it’s early enough for @xinoehp512 and @Snipexe.

  5. 7 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

     Yes. Last time I missed the start, so I fell behind. That's why I was so inactive.


    5 hours ago, Snipexe said:

    Earlier is better yes.

    I’ll move the start time forward, then - let’s open sometime 3-5pm on Friday afternoon Cali time.

    3 hours ago, I am a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said:

    I’m not available this weekend:(

    That’s unfortunate. The majority has spoken, though - and you could probably rejoin in time to play the entirety of the second round.

    Given the earlier start, a draft for teams will go up today, everybody. If you want to sign up, do so soon!

  6. 9 minutes ago, AonEne said:

    Can I join the easier round (if I read that right)?

    Of course! All teams will play through the first, more accessible round at the same time, regardless of skill. Once the second round is unlocked, teams will have certain options around how they want to approach it, and you can work out with your team whether you want to keep playing.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

    My schedule is still busy... but I shouldn't need to pull all nighters to work on this one!

    Sign me up!

    Hooray for proper sleep cycles!

    5 minutes ago, I am a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said:

    I’m in!

    can we do some new randomized teams?

    If people are okay with some shuffling, then I’m happy to. It might be interesting to get different team matchups as well.

  8. "That took longer," says the white-haired man, "than I expected. I'm terribly sorry."

    Welcome, one and all, to the third and fourth rounds of the Sanderson Puzzlehunt! Signups are now open to both new and returning players. For those unfamiliar for what this is, there is a description of it in the spoiler below:

    • What do you mean, a puzzle?

    A puzzle is anything with hidden information, like a crossword, a grid of sudoku, or even (Adonalsium forbid) a math(s) puzzle.

    • So you've made a bunch of crosswords and math puzzles?

    Quite the opposite - there will be no math puzzles and crosswords (unless we see overwhelming demand for them. Let me know!) These are puzzles of an altogether different variety. They could be a series of images, descriptions of certain Sanderson scenes, quotes from characters, audio clips, coded messages, or anything that hides information. In a crossword, the aim is to completely fill out the grid. In a puzzlehunt, the solution is a word or phrase that you need to uncover. Lateral thinking is just as important as logical thinking, and you may need to research Cosmere material to help in your solving. However, some puzzles may not require any Cosmere knowledge at all! The variety is part of the fun.

    Another important note - there are no or few instructions. Working out what to do is part of the puzzle.

    • That sounds difficult.

    Don't worry!

     1) The early puzzles have been designed to be accessible to people with little puzzle-solving ability.
     2) You're not alone - you're working with a team! One person might not recognize that the photos all describe historical Rithmatist duels, but four people will be able to work it out.
     3) There will be a hints system - you can use a hint to ask a question to help with your solving. This is supposed to be fun, so if you're stuck we'll do our best to get you moving and keep you in the competition.
     4) The puzzles all have clues about how to solve them within the title and flavortext (the story introduction before the puzzle).

    • So how do I solve the puzzle?

    We can't give you any specifics... but:
     1) Read the title and flavortext again. They include... well, clues to solve it.
     2) You don't need to know every step of the process to get started in solving it. If there are a bunch of crossword clues, work out the answers. If there are some photos of people, identify who those people are. Once you have more information, the way forward will probably become apparent.
     3) If you're stuck, ask for help. The hint system is there for a reason, and if a puzzle is too hard for everyone, we'll try and make it easier. The competition is more fun if everyone's solving quickly, instead of being stuck.

    • So when will the hunt start?

    Once we've got enough people interested. 

    However, this is a special event! There will actually be two rounds of puzzles that will be released to teams in this round. The puzzles in the first round will be designed to be easier and generally more approachable so that newer players can whet their teeth. The second round shall only be available and solvable to the teams with the strongest of wills (coughs obliquely in Team 5's direction).

    There may also be other changes and surprises that I'm not telling you about! But you'll just have to play the game to discover them, won't you?

    Due to the size of these rounds, team sizes may be larger depending on membership - I will also try to put new players with experienced ones so that they can work alongside people who have been in the puzzle circus before.

    The Rules:


    In the Sanderson Puzzlehunt, participants are organised into teams who try to complete puzzles in order to gain points and move up the leaderboard in a given round. The puzzles will be released in waves to all participants at once, and further waves will be released once certain conditions are met.
    The Hunt Moderator is, was, and in all likelihood forever shall be MetaTerminal.

    Each team has received a group PM and a Google Doc for them to work in. The Doc is for collaboration about solving a puzzle, including listing information that may be useful or identifying elements. The puzzles are designed to be completed in teams - we recommend against going it alone.
    The Team PM is your main avenue for communication with the Hunt Moderator. You should submit answers, hint requests, clarifications, and possible errors through the Team PM. Do NOT submit any of these things through the thread, email, paper mail, telegram, plane banner, TV broadcast, radio advertisement, smoke signals, beacons from Gondor, Seons, telepathy, passenger pigeons, astral projection, inception, or other unauthorised methods of communication unless indicated to do otherwise by a puzzle.

    A puzzle can be anything with encoded or hidden information - a series of images, seemingly random letters, or a group of playing cards or game instructions. Solving a puzzle will require noticing, deciphering, and extracting this information.
    The answer to each puzzle is an English word or phrase, usually between 3 and 20 characters. When a team thinks they have the answer to a puzzle, they should submit it in their Team PM (NOT the thread), and will receive confirmation as to whether or not they are correct. If they are correct, they will receive points for solving that puzzle, and no further points can be received for working on it. If incorrect, they are free to continue to work on the puzzle. 
    Puzzles will mostly be based on books by Brandon Sanderson, although they may incorporate elements from other areas (such as simple arithmetic or codes). As a general rule, knowledge about yet-unpublished works will not be required for solving.

    The Hunt Leaderboard lists each team and how many points they have received. Each team starts with 0 points. In the Earth round, a puzzle grants 15 points. Completing a round by solving a metapuzzle grants 25 points.
    Puzzles can still be solved and points can still be received after a team solves the metapuzzle for a round. In addition, points can be deducted for serious rule infractions.
    There are no point deductions for incorrect answer submissions, unless those submissions break other rules.

    At any time in the Hunt, teams can use a hint to aid them in their solving. All teams start with 2 hints, and receive 1 more for every two puzzles they complete, or for a long period where they are actively working in the Hunt but make no progress on any puzzle. Exceptions to both giving and withholding hints may be made under the Hunt Moderator’s discretion.
    In addition, hints may be more or less stringent depending on where the team is placed on the leaderboard. A team which is in the running for a first or second place will receive very stringent rules for hints (yes/no questions only, and nothing that grants excess or meta information) and hints that are deemed outside these rules will be rejected. A team in last place (depending on the spread of other teams) may be able to request a general and stronger hint to help them get unstuck. 
    A rejected hint is not used, and you are free to rephrase the question to fit the breached rules.

    If you find an issue or error in a puzzle, please report it to the Hunt Moderator. If there is a sizable bug, and the team who found it is the first to do so, the identifying team may receive a reward of an extra hint or a Good Samaritan bonus. If Meta discovers it, he gets nothing. Otherwise he would probably win somehow.

    Do NOT submit hint requests, answers, puzzle clarifications or found errors in the thread. Submit them in the Team PM.
    Do NOT try to brute force puzzle answers. If you’ve narrowed it down to three possibilities, trying each of them is a valid strategy. Submitting every word in the English dictionary until you get the right one is not.
    DO be sensible about answer submissions. Don't try anything that you wouldn't be willing to put in a public post.
    DO be very kind to fellow competitors and teammates. Especially in the latter case: you're all in it together.
    DO read the spoiler on How Do I Solve a Puzzle? These puzzles will most likely be unlike anything you've seen before, unless you played the previous rounds. If it wasn't intended to be helpful I wouldn't have written it.
    DO ask for hints and help if you need it. The competition is designed to be fun. If you're not having fun, let me know.

    DO follow the Act of Animal Inclusion where indicated, under threat of Uno, unless Doris Hill is in Nid; in which case the President must allot nine Eggs to the current Wandering Merchant to restore balance to the game.
    Do NOT begin revolutions; French, communist, carousel, Matrix sequel or otherwise. It always ends poorly.
    Do NOT read the rules. (Just kidding!)

    Answer submissions, hint requests and error reports should take the following rough format (in the Team PM):

    • Puzzle Solver: @MetaTerminal We're submitting the answer ANSWER for the puzzle THIS IS AN EXAMPLE PUZZLE.
    • MetaTerminal: Your submission of ANSWER was correct! THIS IS AN EXAMPLE PUZZLE has been solved. The Leaderboard will be updated shortly.

    Given that both Puzzle Solvers and Moderators are generally very lazy, it is unusual for said above wording to be used. 

    How do I solve puzzles?

    Congratulations. You're looking at a puzzle and have no idea what to do. It's a rite of passage - at some point in their lives, every puzzle-solver will experience it.
    However, there are a number of foolproof tricks to fix this situation.
    1) Don't panic! These are puzzles. It's okay if you're puzzled by them.
    2) Are there things in the puzzle you haven't identified yet? Like a set of pictures? Audio clips? Quotes or phrases? If so, identify them and see what comes up.
    3) Read the title and flavour text again. Do they suggest a course of action (maybe looking at things from a certain angle, or sorting data in a certain way) you haven't taken yet? If so, try that.
    4) If you've tried something that you think the puzzle is hinting at, but it didn't work, check your work. There will be at least one team that is held up because they mistranscribed a letter. I've been on that team, on multiple occasions. Check your work.
    5) Work with other people. Someone else might notice the way forward where you have not - you can also identify things twice as fast. Two heads are always better than one. (Google Docs are great for this.)
    6) Finally, if you're completely stuck: ask for a hint. They aren't free candy - you'll only ever get a limited number - but if you can't see a way forward, then a hint is always helpful.

    The last two rounds (for looking at sample puzzles and solutions):

    (In other, somewhat unrelated news: Puzzle Potluck (a non-Sanderson puzzlehunt run by someone who isn't me) is on June 15 - you may want to organise for your team to join that, depending on your teammates' preferences.)

    This event looks to be larger than Earth and Scadrial put together. Therefore, while I would put the ballpark on the first round being completed in two to four days, I have no idea when the final round will be finished. I would be very surprised if someone finished in under a week. Maybe someone will prove me wrong. Regardless, the hunt will begin whenever enough people have signed up, the puzzles are prepared, when the phase of the moon is correct, Sagittarius is waxing, Mars is in fifth house, and most importantly when I feel like it. 

    The hunt has begun. Signups are now closed.


    1. Team 3 - 65 points
    2. Team 1 - 50 points
    3. Team 2 - 40 points


  9. *commence thread necromancy*

    This is your announcement that a herd of the rare local species New Sanderson Puzzlehunt Round has been spotted in the area! As they were previously thought to be extinct, this is exciting news for any aspiring Puzzlehunt-ologists. Keep a peeled eye for them wandering through in the coming hours!

    I think that joke is about finished. This post is just to ping anyone who followed this thread or wanted to be notified of new rounds. If you want to sign up to the new round(s), please do so in the other thread when it arrives, not this one. Thank you for your interest.


    *conclude thread necromancy*

  10. 1 minute ago, Ark1002 said:

    Yeah, sounds good to me. It would be fine to join if you had membership of another guild, right? As the guild is totally neutral?

    Is the one-guild rule from the Ghostbloods? (I don’t believe that we have any strict conflict-of-interest rules atm, beyond individual guilds allowing or disallowing membership.)

  11. 11 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

    OK, so he looks good.

    So the age is fine? I’m fine with stuff contradicting each other or timelines being revised if you are, but I’m not sure that you have realised that there is a substantial contradiction.

  12. 2 hours ago, Rushu42 said:

    So, I was hoping to start a guild, but I first wanted to gauge interest in my idea. My character is a scholar and historian, so I figured that I could start a Scholar's Guild. It would be, as a guild, entirely non-combative. Our main mission would be compiling information on the Alleyverse, and attempting to uncover the nature of the universe. We'd focus on creating libraries and providing people with education, as well as asking questions for ourselves. I feel that this would be a good place for people who want to role-play, but don't particularly want to get involved in too many battles. Political conflict and debate, however, is welcome, which should keep things interesting. Does this seem like an interesting idea? Does something like this already exist? As a new member of the Alleyverse, should I join a Guild before trying to make one?


    *composes himself* Ahem. Excuse me.

    You know, I’m somewhat of a scholar myself. (See Alleyverse Wiki in my sig, my previous character Alum, etc.) So I would be very interested in joining a guild based around this.

    As per the Liebrarian guild - it’s not a guild that is active (I don’t believe it’s repped at all currently), and it was never really a guild of scholarship. A guild of scholars, certainly - so is Dark Alley! - but not one based around scholarship. Certainly not a neutral force in the Alleyverse, either. Nothing like this really exists at the moment, then.

    As for being ‘new’ and not in a guild - it should not preclude you from starting a guild, nor leading it, if there is sufficient interest for it to exist. I await with baited breath to see if this is the case.

  13. And so the thread is resurrected.

    Welcome, new players. I recommend reading the initial post in this thread, which outlines the idea behind this game. Don’t read all of the rules. (You can, but I advise against it.) Just read the section on voting, Wandering Merchants, and Posting Guidelines. You should be able to catch up eventually.

    Unfortunately, multiple exams are glowering at me and sharpening their wicked blades from just around the temporal corner, so I have little time to govern rule passings! I welcome anyone to do so. It’s fairly easy - just track the changes in state. If you do it once a page then you should keep on top of it.

    :3. 14. To be or not to be, that is the question.

  14. 56 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

    Uh. I will probably lose this arguement, as you know a LOT.

    But in current worldbuilding, the Ghostbloods would have beena around before then. They gained major prominence then. But they existed.

    And we're not in year 22. We're in the 22nd year since Era 0. The amount of years in Era 0 is... a lot.

    Yes, there are quite a few. Four, by my reckoning. Which means 18 years since Era 0 if I am correct.

    (I made a timeline for this, which you’ll have to hunt for in the PM, and that illustrates my point a little clearer.) But let’s summarise the length of the Eras:

    1. Era 1: three to three-and-a-half months. There is at most a month between the start of the Era and Calm given the events leading up to it, a month between Calm and Tension (at a stretch, but this is off of Septimus’ travel times assuming some relative difficulty), a stated month between Tension and Divided, and Divided leads directly into SDW. This means that, allowing for a few extra days here and there, Era 1 was 3.5 months long, or about a quarter of a year. (Surprisingly short, but what the hey.)
    2. Sixteen Year Peace: Self-explanatory. We are at 16.25 years.
    3. Era 2: One year. This is based on the positioning of Great Game (which was roughly halfway through, and explicitly five months after the one-month-in Ghostblood Ball), as well as Alum’s statement that Voidus had been in the barrier for seventeen years when he was released. (Quoting myself, so a little dodgy, but it seems about right and doesn’t contradict anything that I’m aware of.) We are at 17.25 years.
    4. Timejump: One year. We are at 18.25 years.
    5. Era 3: unless there has been another timejump that I am not aware of, it is safe to assume it has only been running for a few months in-universe - that pushes us up to 18.5 years.

    Add the six months in Era 0 that the Ghostbloods took to gain prominence (it was actually closer to four, but let’s be generous and assume they existed in secrecy for two months prior to going public), and we get 19 years for the length of time that the Ghostbloods have been around.

    It is entirely possible that there was a time jump during Era 0 or some other year that I am not aware of, or they date back to much earlier in secrecy, in which case the Ghostbloods would have been around for longer. But I would be surprised if that were the case.

  15. 1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

    The Ghostbloods are definitely more than twenty. It's been about twenty years since era 1. We were around late era 0. Do you really think the Era 1 Ghostblood power was gained in a year or two?

    To the rescue!

    We are in the 22nd year of the Alleyverse. The Ghostbloods were created halfway through the third year. That means that Ark (the character) can be at most 19 years of age, since that’s how old the Ghostbloods are.

    And it also appears that the Ghostbloods gained prominence over the course of about six months in-universe. Which is odd, but not impossible, considering that there was a clamor for membership and a considerable power vacuum at the time.

  16. One month later...

    Scadrial Round Solutions

    I mean, it's only a month and a half late. What's the big deal?

    There is also a very important question that I shall raise at the end of this post (regarding the next round) that I want everyone interested in participating in to at least read and consider.

    Travelling Blues


    Several clues in the text hint at both the time frame and location of the places the writer is visiting - Elendel Basin, specifically. Through use of Coppermind, maps and a little insight, solvers may be able to work out that all of these places (with one exception) are major railway stations in the Elendel Basin railway network. If we try to chart these places on the map, we might notice that they are all close together geographically. Since the flavourtext hints at the fact that some stations might be missing, we should try to work out what those missing stations are.

    We might notice that many of the numbers proceeding the clues are in sequential order, with gaps missing (indicating where the missing stations are). With a little experimentation, we could work out that the entire trip is a 'chain' of stations, visited in order, never missing any major named station, with only one station missing each day. There is only one path that fulfils these constraints (skipping repeated stops for brevity, unless noted specifically in the text):

    • Bilming
    • Elendel
    • Vindiel-Camuex (Missing)
    • Doriel
    • New Seran (Missing)
    • Dulsing
    • Garmet
    • Elmsdel (Missing)
    • Steinel
    • Dryport (Missing)
    • Elendel
    • Rashekin (Missing)
    • Faleast Range
    • Wyllion
    • Dazarlomue (Missing)
    • Tathingdwel
    • Alendel
    • Drypost (Missing)
    • True Madil
    • Covingtar
    • Weathering (Missing)
    • Feltrel

    Since we know that the places are not in their final orderings, we'll need to figure out how to shuffle them. Each day has a colour, so ordering the days by colour of the rainbow (with white at the end) gives us the missing cities in the following order:

    • Elmsdel (red)
    • Vindiel-Camuex (orange)
    • Dryport (yellow)
    • Drypost (green)
    • Dazarlomue (blue)
    • New Seran (indigo)
    • Weathering (violet)
    • Rashekin (white)

    Indexing into each of the missing stops by their assumed number, based on the numbers of the other stations of each day, gives us the answer SUPPORTS.



    For those familiar with the source material, it's easy to recognise this as the Steel Alphabet. However, many may not know that the Steel Alphabet has actually been fully mapped onto English letters, allowing for full translation. The lines therefore read:


    This is obviously the right path, but some of these letters seem like gibberish. In fact, this puzzle uses abbreviations to make things reasonable: MBFE or FE for Final Empire, WOA for Well of Ascension, HOA for Hero of Ages, and SOS for Shadows of Self. CH refers to Chapters - thus, we have to translate any gibberish letters after that into numbers. Though the numbering system is a little complex, it eventually maps to:


    Looking to the books to find each of the metals, we get:

    BRONZE (disputably - this technically violates the 'no adjectives' rule, though it is allowed here since the noun can be omitted for a still sensible sentence)

    Converting each of these metals back into letters, using the Steel Alphabet, spells the answer MAGNETS.

    Family Trees


    Since it is very unlikely that one person has this many familial relations, we can guess that these form a 'chain' of family links between people - each 'their' referring to the person in the last line. Some of the clues are maddeningly unspecific ("their leader", "their father", "someone's house"). However, others are much more specific, meaning that we can infer those through trial and error and work backwards and forwards, using the easy ones as entry points. Namely:

    • "Their co-worker’s victim in short story." The only person killed in a Mistborn short story by someone who has a co-worker is Antillius Shezler, by Kelsier. Thus, the line before refers to someone who worked with Kelsier, who is deceased.
    • "Their ally's scribe." The only scribe in Mistborn is Noorden, so the line before is someone who has children and is an ally of Elend. (This also fits with our inference of the second to last line, since most of the people who worked with Kelsier were also friends with Vin, who is Noorden's leader's wife.)
    • "Their ally’s friend’s partner’s brother." Though this seems unspecific, we know that this person's father was an ally of Elend, and that their sibling is married to someone who is friends with someone else. Guesswork and elimination allows us to arrive at the only person who fits this clue, Gneordin Cett. His father is Ashweather Cett, solving the next clue.
    • "Their predecessor’s wife’s house." and "Their cousin’s real name." Though this one seems to be difficult, searching for 'cousin' on Coppermind gives us only one possible pair of candidates: Renoux and OreSeur.

    Solving all the names gives:

    • Penrod
    • Renoux
    • OreSeur
    • (Lady) Patresen
    • Aradan Yomen
    • Gneordin Cett
    • Ashweather Cett
    • Noorden
    • Dockson
    • Antillius Shezler

    Reading the first letters gives the answer, PROPAGANDA.



    This house is in reality a four by four grid of rooms, and every room is observed by the protagonist. Thus, we can calculate the relative speeds of all the rooms - if we convert them to whole numbers, we notice that they all seem to be between 0 and 25 - this seems to suggest converting them into letters, but it just produces gibberish.

    However, adding the differences from the table at the bottom shifts these letters into something more palatable. If we start at the room that the protagonist 'entered' in, and zig-zag between the rooms (by going right until we hit a wall, then going down once, then left, then down, then right...) we get the following string:


    Removing the X's gives the extremely thematic answer, TIME APPARATUS.



    (I'm writing this one off of memory, so the solution might be a little inaccurate. Will update when I can find my paper copies of my notes.)

    The first thing we might notice is that the message is actually a 20x20 grid of letters, numbers, and symbols - the same size as the 'Star Map'. If we cut out the 'stars' and overlay the map on top of the message, we get an instruction: ROTATE NINETY. Rotating the star map ninety degrees clockwise gives the next instruction: FOLD 1/2 X, FLIP Y. If we fold the star map on its new X axis (which removes many of the off-centre) and flip it along the y-axis, we are told to TRN L, or TURN LEFT. Doing so (turning 'counterclockwise' or, if you prefer, widdershins) gives us the final instruction OPEN. Unfolding the star map, we read the message EVRY 15 LETTER (and then some gibberish).

    If we go back to the raw message, reading every fifteenth letter in the text spells the answer, MORE CAFFEINE.

    Makes the Man


    (This was a multi-part puzzle - only the first is available in thread, since submitting each sub-answer, or 'keyword' would grant access to the next part. Apologies to any future solvers because of this.)

    Part One:

    The title gives us our first clue: though there are many quotes about things that 'make the man', there is only one famous one that 'makes the man' - The Hat Makes the Man, a famous painting by Max Ernst. From this, we can assume this is a puzzle about hats!

    Each of the clues references a person who wore a hat in a Sanderson book by describing the hat they wore. They are:

    • Wayne
    • Gawx
    • Hesina
    • Parlin
    • Brettin
    • Khriss
    • Vstim
    • Bashin
    • Yonatan
    • Rian

    (All of these people can be easily found by typing 'hat' into Coppermind.)

    Indexing into the names gives us the first keyword, EXHIBITION.

    Part Two:


    Wayne recently entered Elendel’s Official Hat Competition, expecting to breeze his way through with his good old Lucky Hat. However, he did not realise that there are, in fact, three categories: now he needs you to fill them for him, in order to get the prize. But be careful: the judges like to dock points for incorrect or poor submissions.


     - Most Similar Hat To Examples

     - Biggest Hat

     - Most Hats In One Photo

    Photos must include either your team name or your username to confirm that it is your photo. Don’t include yourself in the photo.

    Here, solvers are instructed to take photos of hats they own in order to please the judges in three categories. The (uncommunicated) guidelines for each of the competitions was:

    • A hat that was creatively modified to fit a character in the book (maximum of three points)
    • A hat that was unreasonably large, or modified or photographed so as to be larger than usual (maximum of one point)
    • A number of hats equal to or exceeding sixteen (maximum sixteen points)

    Once teams got the maximum number of points in each category, that category was closed. Taking the maximum point value of each category and converting it to a letter spelt CAP, the second keyword.

    Part Three:


    The judges all agree that you have absolutely killed the competition in all three submission categories - you have, in short, performed a homicidal hat trick. However, the final part of the competition is guessing what trophy you will receive (it takes the form of a strange object). They handed Wayne a clue, but he can’t make heads nor tails of it:


    When you have the answer, call it in.

    The final part of the puzzle is simply solving a cluephrase. With some thought (and perhaps a little guessing), solvers can get the answer of SHERLOCK'S CRUTCH.



    As the pre-puzzle definition hints at, each of these seemingly normal crossword clues is in fact a Wayneism of a Sanderson related thing. Solving all of them yields:

    • Bloody Tan (from bloody + tam)
    • Bands of Mourning (bands of 'morning')
    • Ska ('skaa' music)
    • Nuatoma ('noah timer', family clan member)
    • Erikeller (sounds like Helen Keller)
    • Catacendre (cat of Sandra)
    • Enefel (NFL)
    • Incarna
    • Beggar's Feast (beggar's 'yeast')
    • High Imperial (an Imperial in a high place... or a Cyrodiil on a hill, if you will)
    • Scadrial/Luthadel (from either Galadrial or Luthien - both give same answer)
    • Elsecallers (Knights who 'call' from 'elsewhere')
    • Cazzi (sounds like 'jazz')
    • Elariel (from Shan (or 'sham') Elariel)
    • Jaists (or 'jar-ists')
    • Innate
    • Allomantic Agreement of Ninety-Four (Wayne assumes the 94 represents how many people agreed, and not the date of agreement)
    • Death Metal
    • House Buvidas (uvas is Spanish for grapes)
    • Sliverism (or 'slither-ism')
    • Lord Ruler ('awed cooler')
    • First Contract (from 'First Contact')

    The clues (and therefore answers) are sorted into pairs. As the flavourtext hints, there is something in common between each of them! Each pair of answers shares one letter in the same position. Taking those letters yields the (fairly nonsensical) answer of BARN GLITTER.



    Though this logic puzzle may seem impenetrable at first, we can make some mileage through guesswork and pattern recognition. Specfically:

    1. Since people always have to be notified by someone, we can use the list of people who learnt the secret on the previous hour (or learnt it earlier but are still telling people) for each secret and work out who is in common among each of the examples to find who tells who.
    2. If one person is always notified after another person, they are either notified by the same individual, or one notifies another.
    3. We can use repeated notifications to pick out the noise - if two people are always notified in sequence, followed by a third person, then we can use an example where the second person already knows to find out if the third person is notified by the first or second.
    4. We can cross-reference our guesses with the names of the behaviours to complete our guesses or work out who is who.

    With that in mind, we can work out who is who:

    (Reminder to edit this in when it's not unreasonably late and you can actually find copies of your notes...)

    From there, we can reconstruct what happens when Shan is told first. As we can see, only one new person is told each hour:

    • Shan Blanches
    • Eptres Venture
    • Elyen Venture
    • Arriev Blanches
    • Idren Lekal
    • Crews Geffenry
    • Ardous Geffenry
    • Ferson Penrod
    • Tyden Lekal
    • Salmen Penrod

    Reading the diagonal of this ordering spells the answer, SPYING GEAR.

    Okay, it’s time to talk about something. There’s a question that’s on all of your minds, and I’m here to answer it. Namely:

    It’s been two months since the last signups went up. Where’s the new round? What have you been doing all this time?

    Quiet at the back! But, yes, imaginary person, you are correct. Turnaround on the next round has been slow. Or, should I say, two rounds.

    (To do list item one: set up cliffhanger. Status: complete. Item two: personal anecdote and side tangent. Proceeding...)

    So the first round took over a month to draft and finalise. The second went up twice as quickly - just under two weeks. So what’s the difference?

    The difference is time. I had almost unlimited free time for Scadrial - after meals, and family commitments, most of my time was on planning, writing, testing, throwing out, starting again, writing, cross-referencing... and it worked! I got a fairly successful round finished very quickly - before the dust had settled on the first round, I dare say. The problem with that method is it causes burnout. It was impossible for me to work on the third round for the rest of February - I was spent. By the time I picked the thing up again in March, workload had picked up again significantly. I’d say at least fifty hours of work in the past week has gone towards a local theatre production. More has gone to stuff I can’t share, or projects on the Shard, or personal stuff... (You can see the results of some more of my and other's work here.) I haven’t just been buried under this - I’ve spent some good time slacking off as well! - but other things have been on my mind.

    Okay, Meta, stop making excuses and get to the point. Settle, settle. I do have a point, which is: at some point in late February, I looked at my sketch of the next draft and said:

    This looks sorta Earth-sized, but on a much longer release schedule. I don’t want to release something this small after such a long wait, and the people who wanted another Scadrial might be disappointed...” And then I had what I thought was a brilliant idea. What’s better than one puzzlehunt round? Two puzzlehunt rounds.

    (Yes, thank you, save questions to the end. We’re not trying to establish whether it was, in fact, brilliant. The point is that I thought it was.)

    So I drafted another round, shuffled some things, tweaked some others. The details came out like this: I would have a first round that was slightly easier, more Earth-sized, to get everyone into the swing of things... and then the second one would pull out all the stops. It would be the biggest round yet. It would have ambitious and cool puzzles. (In theory, at least.) So I tried to write that one as well alongside it... and then, of course, I missed the March deadline.

    Good news! The first round is almost ready to go. (Puzzles are drafted, just some fine-tuning.) Associated bad news: the second round isn’t. It’s about halfway. And then with the ugly news: in almost exactly one month, I shall be sitting some very important exams. (Latin exams, precisely. Respice, quaeso, aliquando...) And studying and puzzle solving does not mesh well together. In fact, one week from now I will need to be studying solely for those Important Non-Puzzle Commitments, and I won’t have time to dedicate to anything else.

    Therefore, right now we have a dilemma. I can release what I have now: a single round (a finished one), after a longer-than-expected wait. But it won’t be very long, or very difficult. Underwhelming could be the right word. And the second round will have to be reworked as a result, and will take a little longer than if we wait, since I’ll have to rethink some of the things that might or might not be in it.

    Conversely, I can wait a month, finish the second round (won’t take long after that) and release the two-round extravaganza as intended. Upside: my evil plans work out, and I can release the two rounds in their interlinked glory. Downside: no Sanderson Puzzle Hunt for over three months. Great for suspense, maybe. Not so good for consistency.

    So! Instead of making up my own mind, I’ve put it to a vote. Would you rather a little bit of puzzle-content now (but you have to wait longer for the second/fourth round), or wait for both of them together? Neither are perfect - I would prefer the second option, but even so the delay is hardly ideal. But as long as the people more important than me - the audience - are happy, then I'm happy.

    What do you say?

  17. A number of new rules have been passed: the Fair Play Act, the Settlers of Disputes, and the Bold Text Initiative. (A note: deciding on what constitutes as 'reasons' will probably be down to a Settlers of Disputes vote.) 3 eggs have been awarded to Dr. Dapper, 3 to AonEne, and 3 to MiToRo. The amendment for the Rule of Locations has been included into the rule itself, as all who support the rule support the amendment (including me). Rules 94, 97 and 98 have thus been added to the Waiting List.

    I second the Monopoly Rule and the Rule of Zwei #2. I propose the Rule of Forbidden Things: that acknowledging this rule's existence is impossible. I withdraw it from consideration. :3

    Due to issues with setting up a new poll for deciding presidency, I will instead be doing it in any format that @I think I am here. and @AonEne can agree on a format.

    I am massively out of date on Participation Eggs, but I claim it now. (I also had to manually change the formatting of the rules due to the Initiative. I hope you're all happy.)

    To Itiah, Hemalurgic Headshot, and Taradiddle: I move pawn d4.

    My Character Sheet:


    Name: Meter
    Description: A five-dimensional being who has restricted themselves to this plane of reality for causa metrica.
    Abilities: Has a deep understanding of largely irrelevant historical events. Maintains the rules of the universe, though often forgets to update them. Is Turing Complete, but only on weekends.
    Weaknesses: Forgetful. Busy with extra-dimensional work. Once released a god without really thinking about the consequences. Third-dimensional computer's enter function is broken, for some reason.
    Appearance: A mix between that scene in Doctor Strange and that scene from Interstellar.
    Homeworld: The Eastern Australian Empire. Sometimes lives in the actual present-day Roman Empire, currently known as Finland.




    Character Sheets


    (To be edited in.)

    Player Attributes 


    Existing Rules (ie rules that are in effect):


    Section 1: Core Ruleset

    1. The Main Idea: Players take turns suggesting rules, or amendments to or the removal of existing rules.
    2. The Voting Clause: Upon a majority vote of more than three players, said amendments or removals are taken into effect. (Note: no rule is exempt from this rule, including this one, unless superseded by another rule.)
    3. The Winning Rule: The winning player shall be the first player that wins. When one player wins, all other players lose.

    Section 2: Winning

    4. The Points Rule: The winning player shall be the first player to reach one million points.

    Section 3: Rules About Rules

    5. The Equal Opportunity Act: any rule that discriminates based on the identities of players outside of the game (including screenname, rank, etc.) shall be considered invalid. (Note from Meta - overrules Meta’s Sanity.)

    18. The Original Version of the Rule of Honor: That anyone with the ability to modify the posts of others (mods/admins) or make minute, unnoticeable changes to the laws when listing them (Meta or anyone else who does) NOT be allowed to do so - no cheating, people. 

    27. The Fair Play Act: If a player cannot obey a rule for 'reasons' then they receive no punishment.

    39. The Paradox of Retroactive Rulings: Rules will never retroactively apply to posts made prior to the rule being voted into effect - unless directly stated otherwise in the rule. This applies to Eggs given or taken for certain kinds of posts, as well as rule infractions that would lead to any sort of punishment.

    54. The Voidus law of mayhem: People should be able to interpret anything in any logically consistent manner.

    62. Ene’s Third Rule: that rules allowing players to automatically win not be allowed for submission.

    64. Title Rule: All rules, amendments, and the like must have names.

    • Voting

    43. (Edit in the Brevity Act.)

    46. The law of inactivity: If a player does not comment supporting a rule, then their vote will count as a no.

    50. Discarded Proposal: If any proposal has been left unapproved after a total of 24 hours, and during that time a number of players equal to the number necessary for approving it with a majority vote have been active, that proposal will immediately be dismissed and have to be re-submitted without any votes.

    70. Mac's First rule of organization: For a rule to make it onto the list of rules that can be considered (the waitlist), someone needs to propose it, and another person needs to second it.

    71. Mac's Second rule of organization: There is a list of 15 rules that can be voted on at any given moment (the waitlist), regardless of how many rules have been submitted and seconded.

    72. Mac's third rule of organization: Rules are divided into categories based on what they cover. Examples could include: Acquisition, Removal, or Transfer of eggs, Fun things (E.X. rule 15). Player rules (like the rule of inactivity). There is no limit to the amount of categories, but people should make an honest effort to try to fit rules into categories.

    77. The Settlers of Disputes: If a dispute comes up about any aspect of the game, the dispute can be settled by a vote. The dispute will be decided by whichever side gets 3 votes first (any player can place one vote, but if there are multiple people directly involved in either side of the dispute, all those directly involved will only be able to count as one vote per side. This way we prevent a group of 3 players from joining together to jointly benefit from a dispute that they can settle immediately on their own.)

    85. The Rule of Activity. (To be edited in soon.)

    Section 4: Posting Guidelines

    7. The Unnamed Proposal: just for clarification, voting for amendments should be in red and removals should be in green.

    11. Meta’s Clause: That every post that passes judgement (ie votes for or against) a rule must also propose a new rule. Should a vote be made without also proposing a new rule, then said vote is considered void until an associated rule is proposed.

    15. The Act of Animal Inclusion: Every post from here on out must have an image of a dog in it, real or fake, picture or gif, wordless or meme, so long as it's not inappropriate. The Act of Dog Inclusion also allows depictions of cats to fulfill its requirements. Depictions of any animal fulfill its requirements, so long as the poster genuinely appreciates the animal being posted - whether that is in cuteness, silliness, or any other positive feeling.

    32. New Rule the First: New proposed rules must rhyme, this rule will last till the end of time.

    44. The rule of rules actually meaning something: Any post that violates a rule shall be considered void of all meaning for the purposes of this game, specifically no votes in said post shall be counted, no rules proposed shall be voted upon, no points can be gained, no other rules that would apply any benefit or punishment outside of this rule shall take effect until said post is in accordance with all rules. 

    56. Musical Page Proposal: that the first person to post on the tenth, twentieth, thirtieth, and so on (you guys know what I mean, please interpret this seriously - I just don't want to type infinity out) pages of this thread must include a CLEAN music video in their post. If they don't notice they're going to be that post and edit it in a few minutes later, they have not broken this rule.

    76. The Rule Lawyering Rule. (This rule states that Rule Lawyering is forbidden - what is defined as Rule Lawyering can be decided on as a case by case basis, with common sense prevailing in this regard. (As a general concept, if passing a rule or making any sort of action requires bending existing rules to a great extent - by introducing alternate definitions or , or is contradicted by the Literal Rule, then it could be called Rules Lawyering.) Any post that is determined to contain Rule Lawyering will be entirely invalidated, under the same conditions as the rule to keep rules meaningful. Using a loophole that is clearly evident is obviously fine.) (This Rule is out of date - contact Meta for the details.)

    79. First rule of Idiocy: Each post must include a quote, regardless of form, context, or other defining features.

    86. The Bold Text Initiative. Should anyone use bold text while on this thread, that person loses one Egg.

    Section 4: Eggs

    • General Rules and Definitions

    8. The Trading Rule: each player starts with 0 points. Players can give points to other players, or - with the agreement of said other player - ‘trade’ something for points. Once both players agree on the terms, the transfer occurs automatically.

    12. First Law of Dapper: Points are to be hereafter refered to as eggs.

    10. Ene’s Second Rule: I also propose the rule that players must keep track of how many points they have in their signatures, About Mes, titles, or in each of their posts on this thread.

    20. The Negative Rule: Any player can have negative points if they have lost more points than they currently have, but a player cannot have more negative points than the total amount of points needed to win.

    33. New Rule the Second: Every 10 eggs will be referred to as a "Basket".

    84. the Rule of Big Eggs: Once you have gained 100 Eggs, you lose all your Eggs and get one Big Egg. Each Big Egg is worth 100 Eggs.

    • Receiving Eggs

    9. Ene’s First Rule: one way for points to be given should be by awarding them to people based on rules of theirs that go into effect, three per rule.

    16. Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage: All those who support this rule shall gain two points for every point that is gained by someone who did not support this rule. 

    22. MiToRo's Rule of Forgiveness: Whenever a player has negative points, that player may post an apology - no shorter than 3 full sentences, and unique to each other player - to other players in order to regain 1 point per apology.

    23. Reputation Points Rule: For each reputation awarded to a post, that poster gains 10 points. (Overruled by moderator intervention.)

    24. Everyone Is A Winner Rule: Any time a proposal - new rule, amendment, removal, or any other rule adjustment - gains unanimous support, the proposer gains 10 points, while the first 2 supporters (after the original proposer) gain 5 points. Unanimous support here means that all players vote in favor of the rule until the rule goes into effect; once the rule would go into effect, future voters who vote against it will not affect the points given by this rule.

    34. Participation Eggs: Once per 24 hour period, if a player makes a post and votes on all current proposals as well as submits at least one new proposal, that player gains 25 Eggs.

    38. Duel of Awww: Any player may challenge another player to a Duel of Awww, along with a bet amount. The challenger may bet any number of Eggs up to the current total Eggs held by the lesser of the two players; if one or both players has 0 Eggs, the bet is automatically set to 10 Eggs. The Duel of Awww begins once the challenged player accepts the duel in a new post. The public (all other players not participating in the duel) votes on which of the two duelers has the better animal picture - as per rule 15 - based on any arbitrary qualifications they would like. The animal pictures used for the duel will be the ones posted in the challenge post and the acceptance post, and must have both been a picture taken/drawn/created by the respective dueler. Once a majority vote has been reached, the winner gains the bet amount in Eggs and the loser loses the same amount, unless the loser has fewer Eggs - in the case of starting with 0 points - then the loser goes to 0 total Eggs while the winner gains 10 Eggs.

    41. The Spikes Rule: Spiking newcomers in the Intro thread gives the spiker 100 points. This rule applies retroactively.

    45. The Maybe A Rule So We Can Actually Start Earning Eggs? Rule: At any time, any group of players (at least 2) may compete in any game available to them (whether online or in person, as long as it can be verified). Examples include, but are not limited to, a game of chess, a pokemon battle, a footrace around the world, etc... Upon completion of the game, the winner gains a number of Eggs equal to 100 x the number of other players (i.e. the winner gains 100 Eggs if the game was only between two players), and the losers lose 100 Eggs each, unless a different amount was specified in a challenge post to initiate the game. In the case of a tie, the following occurs: if all players tie for the win, no Eggs are gained or lost; if some but not all participating players tie for the win, each winner gains a number of Eggs equal to 100 x the number of losers / the number of winners, and each loser still loses 100 Eggs.

    68. Voidus' Rule of Things: If a player posts the word 'things' in any post (Editing it in does not count) then they are to be awarded 20 Eggs. However if someone quotes said post and says 'and stuff' then the original player loses 10 Eggs, does not gain any Eggs that they would otherwise gain, and the player who quoted them gains 10 Eggs.

    87. The Rule of Egg Puns: If someone makes an egg pun that is deemed valid, funny, and relevant by three people besides the poster of said egg pun, that poster will be awarded 46 Eggs.

    • Losing Eggs

    21. MiToRo's Rule of Punishment: Any post that breaks a rule that has been in effect for longer than 15 minutes - to give time for those who have simply not refreshed their page - shall cause that poster to lose 10 points.

    35. Non-Participation Eggs: In any 24 hour period, if any player makes more than one post that does not include votes on all current proposals, that player loses 25 Eggs per post after their first without necessary votes.

    Section 5: Coolness Levels

    13. Second Law of Dapper: Every ten Eggs you get your Coolness Level goes up by one.

    14. Third Law of Dapper: Each Coolness Level make you cooler.

    Section 6: General Rules

    17. Voidus' Rule of Potential Karmic Retribution: Should a player propose a rule to change the name of 'points', that player is to be referred to by the name they suggest changing points to, until such a time as the rule is adopted.

    19. The Rule for Meta’s Sanity: that Voidus be unable to edit posts in the thread for his own benefit, under threat of immediately losing the game; and that Rule 16 shall be considered irrevocably immoral and unimplementable, from now and in perpetuity, and that should it be passed Voidus will immediately lose the game.

    28. The Act that Concerns the Frequency of Turns (or ACFT): as stated by the Main Idea, you may only create new rules or amendments on your turn. You may only take a turn if two other people have taken their turn between now and your most previous turn, or if you have not taken your turn in over 24 hours. You do not have to propose a rule on your turn (unless otherwise indicated, eg by Meta’s Clause).

    30. The Rule that Says You’ve Lost the Game (or RSYLG): every player must lose the Game at least once every ten turns. Other players are morally obligated to remind players when this requirement due. To announce the fact that you have lost the Game, say in a post during which you have taken your turn, “I have lost the Game.”

    Section 7: UNO

    25. The UNO Rule. If at any time, a post violates the rules, someone must point it out by quoting the post and saying ‘UNO!’ in order to implement any Egg changes or changes in game state - ie cheating in and of itself does not trigger any rules, but instead someone has to point it out. There is no time limit on UNO.

    Section 8: Gameboard

    29. The Chessboard Rule: there exists a standard chessboard, originally starting as the starting piece positions for white and black. Each player may elect one piece on the board as theirs - during their turn, they may move their piece as per the standard rules of chess. Checking a piece (checks being defined as per standard chess rules) which is controlled by another player (the ‘recipient’) gains the moving player 100 points, and loses the recipient 100 points. Mutual checks provide no point increase or deduction for either side.

    Section 9: Democracy

    31. The Beginnings of Democracy: We have a poll and whoever gets the most votes is the president, who gets the ability to give up to 50 points to anyone but themselves.

    36. The French Law: at any time, a member of the ‘public’ (ie a non-presidential person) may declare a vote to overthrow the president. If a majority vote is attained, the person who started the poll becomes the new president in the place of the old one.

    Section 10: Joining and Leaving the Game

    37. Fair Start: Any new player who starts the game after this point will begin with a number of Eggs equal to the player with the next lowest amount of Eggs - this could still be 0. 

    55. The Last Will and Testament: If any player wishes to leave the game, they may do so freely. In doing so, they may select another current player to receive all of the retiring player's Eggs (only a positive number of Eggs may be given), or choose to allow the Eggs to expire without going to anyone else.

    Section 11: Role-Playing

    73. Voidus' Ultimatum of Doom! (Also known as: Everything is RP): All players shall create a character sheet containing basic details for a character that shall represent the player in a collaborative RP. Every post that a player makes in-character for the character represented by the character sheet shall earn that player 1 point.

    Section 12: Wandering Merchants

    91. The Wandering Merchant Exception has the following clauses:

    1. A player posting for the first time in the thread "Nomic - A Forum Game" [hereafter referred to as the Thread] is considered a "Wandering Merchant." After their first post, a player must not post at all in the Thread for no less than 24 hours or until two new pages have been added since that player posted previously. A player is only considered a Wandering Merchant for that singular post; any subsequent posts by that player in the Thread will remove the Wandering Merchant modifier if they do not meet the spacing requirements.
    2. Wandering Merchants are exempt from punishments or restrictions exacted by rules. This prevents new players from immediately becoming invalidated. Attempts to infringe on the speech, expression, or influence of a Wandering Merchant by any player is rendered null and void.
    3. Wandering Merchants have the ability to grant Side Quests to a specific player. Wandering Merchants have a limit of one Side Quest per post. Side Quests award the chosen player an amount of Eggs upon completion. 

    92. Wandering Merchant Neutrality ActThat Wandering Merchants are unable to call UNO or attempt to punish any other player while a Wandering Merchant.



    51. The PM of Productivity: Same thing (in reference to Rule 47), but with a PM. I'm fine there being a President of the PM also. (3)

    57. New Rule Proposal: MiToRo wins! If this rule is put into effect, MiToRo immediately gains 1 million Eggs and wins. (3)

    60. The Proposal Proposal: If a player has ever been married or engaged, including in a roleplay, that player gets one Egg every time they lose any amount of Eggs. (3)

    63. Meta’s Clause Removal: That Meta’s Clause should be removed from the rules and no longer be in effect. (3)

    67. Jaywalk’s First Declaration: that we make porpoises the mascot of this thread. (3) 

    78. The Fonz Rule: Every ten levels of coolness you reach you must post a quote from Henry Winkler. (3)

    83. Rule of players: To be considered a player, you must be following this thread (3)

    88. The Continuation of Democracy: under this law, the Players will be split into roughly equal parts( groups decided by the president). When voting, group 1 votes, then if it passes, group 2 votes, then if it passes then, the president must pass or veto it. If it is vetoed, the it goes back to the beginning, and must gain a unanimous vote in the first two sections, if not, then it must be proposed again. If it fails in stage one or two, it fails and must be proposed again. (3)

    93. The superior terminology act: the plural form of Egg is Eggs or Eggses; 12 Eggses is a carton; a player is a citizen; a rule is a law. (3)

    95. The Corporations Rule: That a group players may agree to form a corporation under a name, and that upon the forming of said corporation the amount of Eggs that each person in the corporation (hereafter referred to as a ‘member’) has (be it positive or negative) is pooled into one shared sum (hereafter referred to as the Bank Balance). If a member chooses to leave a corporation, they receive ( S x n^(-1) ) Eggs (where S is the number of Eggs in the Bank Balance and n is the number of members) - this means that if everyone chooses to leave all at once they will all receive an equal amount of eggs. Any changes to a member’s Egg amount is instead applied to the corporation’s Bank Balance. A member may join a corporation after it has been formed if they receive the approval to join from a majority of the corporation’s members. (3)

    96. law of people who obsessively correct other's grammar: if a Player uses incorrect grammar, they lose 10 Eggs and the person who points out the mistake gains 10 Eggs (2)

    100. the Amended Sanity Rule: That Rule 16 be removed from effect, and that any effects to egg balances caused by the rule (ie increases, decreases, transfers, or any other changes in egg state that the rule allowed or caused) shall be revoked, overruled and undone retroactively, so the game can be fair. This rule supersedes all other rules (lest players despair). (3)

    94. The Let Fate Decide Rule: If a player is accused of violating a rule, they can call a correctness check. Both players roll a d20. If one of the two players originally proposed the rule in question, they get a +2 modifier. For every 3 rules in the current rule book that a player originally proposed, they get +1 to their score, however this is only to a maximum of +3. The higher total score wins. The supposed rule violater loses 30 eggs as well as any they would of lost for the rule the originally violated if they lose the roll. The challenger will lose 35 eggs if they lose the roll. (2)

    97. The Wandering Commerce Addendum. According to the Trading Rule (Rule 8), players may exchange points/Eggs for goods and services, or simply gift points. Due to the nature of the Merchants Guild, it is only appropriate that Merchants have a particular obligation to the act of buying and selling. Thus, the Wandering Commerce Addendum:

    • Wandering Merchants can post consecutively without losing the status of Wandering Merchant if the following posts pertain only to the selling of the Merchant's wares. This allows for players to bargain and counteroffer with the Merchant appropriately. Bears. (2)

    98. The Merchants Guild Act creates an official institution comprising of Wandering Merchants and offers a medium through which the goals of the collective Merchants may be accomplished. (2)

    Other Proposals (in order of time seconded, then time proposed):


    99. rule 97, The forgotten naming scheme: All points shall henceforth be called "stygian drops" or "drops". 10 drops will be called a "forgetful water balloon" or "water balloon". 100 drops will be called a puddle. (2)

    102. The Rule of Locations: That the Gameboard be divided into four equal regions, considered ‘top-left’ (everything north and west of d5), ‘top-right’ (everything north and east of e5), ‘bottom-left’ (everything south and west of d4) and ‘bottom-right’ (everything south and east of e4), and that these locations shall correspond to the following places in the RP: a field, forest, river, and a village respectively. In order to be in a place in the RP (and take part in discussions in said places, etc.) you must have a piece on the board in these locations. In addition, every location created in the RP must have a position on the Gameboard. (2)

    101. the Monopoly rule: This causes our chess board to become a confusing, dice less monopoly board. Each square of the chess/monopoly board will have a property value to be determined after the rule is enacted... I’m sorry I couldn’t think of anything besides Chessopoly. (2)

    105: The Rule of Zwei #2: Zwei is an NPC in the roleplay. (2)

    103. The Rule of Pieces: Every player must have a piece on the board. If you choose, you may place a non-chess piece which has the same movement abilities of a king (known as a ‘checker’) on the board as close as possible to the centre in a region of your choosing (prioritising north, east, south and then west directionally if their is ambiguity in possible placements). Multiple checkers may stack upon each other, but no checker may share a square with a chess piece (ie move to a chess-filled square, or have a chess piece move to a checker-filled square - this does mean that checkers ‘block’ moves through that square even if the move does not end on that square) and checkers may not check or be checked. A player may discard their checker for a chess piece at any time of their choosing, but may not do the reverse. (1)

    104. The Rule of Zwei: (barking). (1)

    Proposed Amendments:


    * That the Winning Rule be ammended so that the authors of this and the next two posts directly after it be the winners. (2)

    * I would like to amend my own rule (16. Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage) to addend the following: No rule or ammendment may be passed or voted on if that rule would alter any part of Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage or punish those who have voted in favour of Voidus' Law of Unfair Advantage. And no person who has only conditionally voted in favour of Voidus’ Law of Unfair Advantage shall count as having voted for it, except for the purposes of passing the rule. (1)

    * amendment to 15: You must use a picture different from every picture you've used so far. The Internet is big, there are enough. (2)

    * amendment to the winning rule. Along with having 1 million points, having -1 million points also makes you win. (3)

    * yet another amendment to Rule 15: Humans do not count as animals for the sake of this rule. (1)

    * an amendment (to Rule 95): Different spelling due to living in different countries, where that spelling is right - i.e. all y'all's crazy U's everywhere and using S instead of Z sometimes - won't be counted. None of us want to go down that rabbird hole. (2)

    * the amendment (to Rule 95) of the Oxford comma: the oxford comma must be used. (2)

    Failed Rules


    26. The Self Punishment Act: If a player breaks a rule, they will be able to decide what their punishment is. (2)

    40. The Taxation Rule: The US tax code applies in its entirety to all points gained in whatever manner. (2)

    42. The Rule of Exceptions: that rules that are multiples of 1, 2, 4, and 8 are exempt from rules that are multiples of 3. (1)

    47. The Discord of Disputes: In order to prevent this thread from being over-cluttered with meta-discussion (i.e. discussion about the game in a meta sense, not about the player, MetaTerminal), we should have a Discord channel for all meta-discussion. This channel should be completely exempt from all rules in order to allow for unrestricted discussion and quick resolutions to any disputes. If the players would like separate channels for other discussion (e.g. off-topic, new rule ideas without actually submitting them, commenting on particularly dramatic happenings within the game without cluttering up this thread, etc...) that will be allowed. This Discord channel would also be an good place to have easy access to a pinned list of all currently active rules and proposals. (2)

    48. The President of Discord: In the event that we have a Discord channel and we have an elected president as per rule 31, the President will be in charge of keeping the Discord up to date. (1)

    49. Dapper Anti Rule 15Act: Anyone who posts a photo in relation to rule 15 loses all their Coolness Levels and 6 pounds of Eggs. (1)

    52. The Internal Consistency Plea: that the Literal Rule be rephrased as “All things, including rules, can be interpreted literally or metaphorically - as they were assumed to be intended - so long as it makes sense; and that any associated implications of the rule not explicitly stated should also be interpreted as true - this includes taking the spirit of a rule, even if the actual letter of the rule differs slightly due to a small technicality. This plea applies retroactively.” (2)

    53. The not internally consistent rule: No rules have to be consistent with anything. Even themselves. (1)

    61. The Following Proposal: From here on out, winning is actually bad. (2)

    65. Don't Leave the Eggs to Spoil: At the end of each 24 hour period - to be established at midnight EDT for consistency - if none of the players have earned any Eggs (defined as a net positive gain of Eggs for any one player) during those 24 hours (not including Eggs earned from this rule as of the previous 24 hour period), then all players immediately earn 1000 points. (2)

    66. Ene’s Fourth Rule: that porpoises be banned from this thread. (2)

    69. Rule of Voting: Everyone who participates in the game must vote on at least five waiting proposals. We need to move some of these along! (2)

    74. Macthorsten's government increase of efficiency proposal: This vote only needs the support of one other person to be passed. (Note from Meta: this is superseded by the Voting Clause.) The first person to support this rule besides me (note from Meta: this is Meta) gets the ability to cut any number of the rules on the waiting list in a one time purge. (2)

    75. Silverblade’s First Law: that we remove voting and give all power to an undefined group of players. 

    80. The Accidentally Copied Rule of Losing: The first person to win The Game (fairly, without any hacks) wins. 

    81. The rule of losing: The first person to win The Game (fairly, without any hacks) wins. (2)

    82. The rule of indefinitism: The only to win is by preforming actions necessary to win as the rule of losing declares (1)

    89. The Relevancy Rule: Relevant xkcd’s are expressly forbidden on this thread. (2)

    90. O Great One, Leader of Us All’s First Rule: That the point system ‘Eggs’ should be referred to as ‘O Great One, Leader of Us All’ (1)

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