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Everything posted by mycoltbug

  1. There is a backstory. In an unpublished book he refers to himself as a rock. I'm not allowed to say what book or what name though. Chaos and LinkvanHarvey can confirm if you need it. But there are a few of us who know what the rock is and the name. Sorry don't mean to rub it in, but it is out there just not available to everyone.
  2. Rocky mountain oysters. (I hope I don't need to explain what they are but... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Mountain_oysters
  3. Congratulations on your marriage. May God and the Shards bless you. Only you two could get Brandon to show up at a wedding.
  4. I'll be doing it this year. First year also. I've already got some of the book written so far just want to use NANOWRIMO to help finish it out. I'll be participating the Springville, utah area.
  5. I read it and didn't enjoy it at all. It made me give up on Tad williams.
  6. Filled with spoilers of greatness and hours worth of deep pondering. They are fun reads that's for sure. If you love me go here [move]http://www.timewastersguide.com/forum/index.php?topic=7292.0[/move] Miyabi has links for the few chapters of Liar and a revision chapter. 8)
  7. Reading Aether of Night and Elantris right now. I hope I don't have to say who wrote them. Then I have I am not a serial killer by Dan Wells next in the queue. Hopefully that will take me all the way to Towers of Midnight!
  8. I would assume there will be a bigger time. I'm sure most of the local 17th sharders will be there. We should try to coordinate to all meet up there.
  9. The Oathpact as we understand is an oath or saying that a Knight Radiant must say to draw extra powers/abilities. Kaladin when he said the Oathpact was able to do many things to a greater extent. So we can only assume that the Oathpact may have been broken but maybe fully or partially restored with Kaladin speaking it again. That would make a great question of the next time I see Brandon. " Was the Oathpact restored when Kaladin gave the Oath?" To bad we may have to wait another month to get the official and nearly obligatory " That is an interesting observation" response that Brandon has now taken to giving me.
  10. Lightweaving is from Liar. It's a form of storytelling. But is explained more in Dragonsteel.
  11. Feruchemical stoners Sounds like they would be quite funny to hear about.
  12. be decapitated by : (Time to show that fake author what a real character can do to her sparkly people)
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