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Everything posted by mycoltbug

  1. That may be totally possible,we have however confirmed that Hoid does lightweaving in both Warbreaker and Way of Kings. That to me is the obvious one that he wants us to catch. There maybe others that we haven't caught or noticed because of lack of other books.
  2. Go submit Brandon if you feel he deserves to win the award for the best LDS author and book. http://whitneyawards.com
  3. body-part regeneration specialist *nods to those how get this line*
  4. That's assuming that the tank is drivable when you get it. IF not you going to use a tow truck to tow you there and park it in front of the building and yell "this is a stick up"
  5. LOL, yeah good luck paying for the restoration parts and the gas bill on those beasts.
  6. The series I read and enjoyed even though it was very Arthurian was the Sword of Truth series by Goodkind. I've also heard that the Runelord series is quite amazing, that's on my list to read after I finish up some of other Brandon's stuff. Another author worth picking up is Dan Wells. Of course you can't miss the two series that got me into fantasy: Lord of the Rings and Wheel of Time. Both series have truly withstood the times ( ok WoT book 6-11 were a little hard but eh he was sick).
  7. Gold, the ability to heal yourself through when you are sick or injured would be hugely useful and invaluable. Imagine jumping off 20 foot cliff just to land and keep running because you healed your injury.
  8. That's the next one to read once I finish Elantris. I'll look for it.
  9. Nothing I've read or heard has proven that there are female Heralds. We do know that there are female Radiants though from Dalinar. Are you sure Dryone you aren't confusing the Radiants with Heralds?
  10. Admins of 17th shard and myself talked to Brandon last night for over 45 minutes concerning different theories we had and specific details. The question we asked was if Galladon was in WoK. He replied," That's an astute questions." We asked," Is there a Duladel on Roshar?" Brandon,"Yes" So yes there is proof that there is at least 1 Duladel on the planet. There were many other things we discussed that may come out eventually but not yet It did give us many smiles the things we were able to pick up. Rainbowrose, Nehex, or Josh could confirm this statement if you don't believe me.
  11. We know for sure that there is at least one Duladel. As this was confirmed by Brandon himself.
  12. Wednesday 17 August 2011 - Sunday 21 August 2011 http://www.renovationsf.org/
  13. Is anyone planning on going to WorldCon2011? I'm planning on going if I can get my book done and through the first revisions. The reason I was wondering is because if we could get enough people there to vote for Brandon that would help us get him on the Hugo Award Ballet for voting. It's in Reno, Nevada this year.
  14. In the prelude, when they gave up the oathpact and all that, they mentioned one of them (talenel) all ready being dead and pretty strongly imply that he will remain dead after the oathpact is given up, so that's at least one we can relatively safely say is dead, though for good i suppose remains to be seen. But as we all know Dead isn't dead with Brandon....
  15. Which we can deem this as false. Brandon did confirm last night it is possible to use magic from other systems all through out the cosmere.
  16. Can we get a section where those of us who have read it can talk about it?
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