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Everything posted by mycoltbug

  1. The rock he is referring to I believe is [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] I just read it and it made me remember this post. [REDACTED] primary/secondary attributes: [REDACTED] Sounds just like Hoid.
  2. Cool thanks Ryan! The new site is awesome. Good work on it. I wish my limited programing knowledge was in html and not c#, so I could help you out more.
  3. Now that the new home page is set up is there a way to get a navigation buttons set up so that when you are in the forums or blog you can get back to the main homepage?
  4. I mentioned it to Rainbowrose the other day. I'll tweet the admins now.
  5. Brandon will be doing a signing/reading at the Orem Public Library between 7-9 PM on Tuesday Sept 21, 2010. Peter says he's not sure exactly what will be happening, but it maybe a great chance to talk about cosmere and your burning questions.
  6. It's been missing for several months now. But yes Munin you are referring to Liar of Partinel, which may never come out. It's an interesting light read. *Edit* Why no love shiver? Don't hate me for being able to read it.
  7. I stand amazed and awed at how someone deciphered these.
  8. On saturday Brandon was a member at Authorpolloza. During the signing like alway we had a chance to ask him a few questions, as a matter of fact he asked what questions I had. Since we have been debating several different points on the forum, I took the chance to get further clarification on them. He is having another signing tomorrow that I'll be going too also. Q1. Me-. "Is Midius Lightweaving when he is talking to Kaladin on the platuea?" *Note Midius is the name of the Apprentice in Liar of Partinel, his master was named Hoid.* BWS-. " What makes you think it's Midius? You are a very astute reader if you caught that." Me- "No one else we have heard of can LightWeave like we have seen so far in Liar, plus we know now that Hoid is Midius." BWS-" There is more than meets the eye when Hoid is doing during the time he is talking to Kaladin. Just like in Warbreaker, he's doing more than telling a story." Now he said all this with a cheesy grin, the one that he uses when he's been caught. Q2. Me- "When Dalinar was fighting the Chasmfiend it was said that he was glowing, he had tapped his gems right like a Knight Radiant of the 1st order?" BWS- " Wow, um.... Rafo. That's the first time I've had that asked." We can safely assume that Dalinar is in fact I Knight Radiant of the first Order from his response.
  9. One I think would be awesome is a mixture of 1 and 2. Maybe Kaladin with his body part armor and shield full of arrows with the Alethi glyphs for the number 4.
  10. Warning this is quotes from an unpublished book, you may not understand all the references Yes, here are a couple of Quotes I'll give:
  11. Haha I used to play on emerald dream
  12. Not sure if it's possible but on the wiki is there a way to have it show who is logged in and what section they are in. That way we don't duplicate work or work on the same section at the same time?
  13. I wonder if when you are not in the main forum section if we could have the tree and the navigational bar moved to the right or left. That would free up some space.
  14. Remembering that old repitle line makes me want to go finish reading Dragonsteel instead of Elantris...
  15. Kids, wife, work, and school made me quit playing WoW. Not that I regret quiting at all. I was losing way to much time with all the things that were important to me to that game. It was fun though. I still remember barely missing the realm first kill of Algalon with mu guild. We missed it by an hour. That sucked! I played all 3 specs of my druid.
  16. Ok I can change that. I was just following the format that's found in the ARS in the book.
  17. you can find me at spencerpanger Wow it's complicated I know. I don't post much at the time on there except for Tor giveaways. Maybe I'll tweet more though.
  18. I was thinking to put Jasnah's notes and Hoids letter in with their characters. *Edit* Added the center justification on all of them.
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