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Status Replies posted by Silva

  1. It’s my two year Shardiversary!!! It feels kinda weird having my two year, while most everyone else I know is having/recently had their one year.

  2. Today is my six month Shardiversary! I can’t believe I’ve been on here for half a year already, 5,177 posts... It still seems like I joined just yesterday! 

  3. 2,222...woo? *rhymes*

    1. Silva


      This is just...so Ene. From a post about being a number of posts to a prophecy...^_^

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  4. I've got to stop talking to the kinds of people who lean against walls around the backs of buildings. I always end up feeling like Robin from the Adam West Batman series. 

    Me: *eating from a box of Lucky Charms* Hey.

    Him: *giving me a skeptical glance* Hey. Care for a light? 

    Me: Um. Um, I'm, really, um... 

    Him: *crushing his cigarette beneath his heel* It would be a mistake to refuse my generous offer, kid. 

    Me: Oh. Well okay then.

    Him: Wait, not like that. 

    Me: what do you mean? 


    Me: u mean roasting these marshmallows

  5. 2,000 is only 27 posts away. I'm not a big round milestone number person, but 2,000 is 2,000 and, well, that's a large number.

    Ideas of what to do for it, anyone?

    (Most likely it'll end up like my 1,000th anyways - in someone's introduction thread ^_^)

  6. Woah!! BoS, when’d you change your name?!

  7. 2,000 is only 27 posts away. I'm not a big round milestone number person, but 2,000 is 2,000 and, well, that's a large number.

    Ideas of what to do for it, anyone?

    (Most likely it'll end up like my 1,000th anyways - in someone's introduction thread ^_^)

    1. Silva


      AMA was 100th and necroed at 999th.

      RP would be interesting...maybe something Eve related...or Acute...too many possibilities...unless...

      *brain starts coming up with some ideas*

      It'll depend on how far along things get...where everyone's at...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. It's officially been one year since I joined the shard!

    2500 rep during that time, thank you all for the support.

    6,135 posts.... I've got the eleventh most posts of anyone on the shard lol

    I've been on every day I had internet access since I joined. For now that plan will continue :P

  9. So, I'm feeling happy. Could be the sudden absence of the slight headache I've had all day. Could be having just gotten back from Teen Author Boot Camp, which was AWESOME because I got to meet amazing people (read: Sharders) and also free stuff and of course the talks. Duh. Orrrrrr it could be the fact that as of tomorrow, I've officially been a part of this wonderful, friendly, funny community for a year.


    Three hundred and sixty-five days after that spur-of-the-moment join, thirty-one people thought I was interesting enough to follow (or heck, just felt obligated to), there were thirteen days when people really loved what I had to say, one thousand thirty-eight times when someone visibly enjoyed a post of mine, and I'm in a countless number of PMs where I can talk to hilarious and intelligent people anytime we're both on. I lead a Great Guild, have participated in and started a few forum games, roleplay like crazy - starting several of those as well - and am known by an affectionate nickname.

    The Shard introduced me to Housepets and some good authors. It gave me an outlet for my love of RWBY and obviously Brandon Sanderson's books. It lets me share anything I need to - personal problem, original joke, fanfiction, random idea - and then it helps, laughs, reads, or considers as appropriate. It's a clean fandom, for the most part, and one I don't know if I'd have survived without.

    And of course, it's the Sharders who facilitate all that. I can't name you all. I won't even try. But there are some of you whom I have to mention. You've been too great.

    Archer. Archer, Archer, Archer. For inviting me to join TUBA. Always being a good friend. Always there with advice, support, love, fantastic humor, everything for everyone. You gave me leadership advice - were prepared to give it to me before I even asked - and talked with me when I needed about personal stuff. From Empty Quiver's beginning to assisting negotiations out of scary spots with TFA, rabbirds and corrupted ducks to Klo and his wrench...at this point, just seeing that you posted makes me smile. If I had an older brother, I'd want it to be you. Thank you so, so much.

    Tesh. I don't want to get repetitive, but you know what I said in the KotC chat. Love ya, sule. When you're ready, I will be waiting.

    Mistspren...Mist, you've always been such a great friend. Your characters sweep me away. Your willingness to talk and RAFO in equal measure, your mastery of seemingly everything a roleplayer could think of, the way you joke. You'd better know how awesome you are.

    Witless, having fun at college? Don't forget to visit every now and then, or a horde of upvote-wielding Sharders will show up at your door! Storytelling, comforting, roleplaying, you throw yourself into whatever you do with obvious eagerness. The dictionary definition of epic is you.

    Mraize, or Meeker as you are now. I haven't spoken to you in much depth lately, and I know you parted ways from our gang for reasons that make perfect sense. That doesn't mean the time I had with you was any less fun, and I look at Journey to the Unclaimed Hills with fondness. Your plots are crazy good, and you haven't run out of that playfully mysterious charm yet. Please never do.

    Ink! THANK YOU for Housepets. Wasn't it also you who convinced me I was a shipper? That was the right choice. Your roleplay enthusiasm, your determination to stand up for what you believe in and bravery in doing so in front of those you know, your offhand comments that sometimes randomly make my day, these are all things that make up Inklingspren. When you come back to us, I'mma hug you. (BoS, would you mind sending him this - even if not the whole thing, this portion? I'd be indebted.)

    Wait a sec, does Potency count? If not, too bad, y'all get to read about her anyway. Po, I'll keep it simple. You're funny, sweet, aware, and I feel irrationally safer when you're driving me around on a four-wheeler than when my dad is. You don't make fun of me for not knowing certain nerdy stuff. You introduced me to RWBY. I'd go on, but I said I'd keep it simple. Must not fantasize about Po's laugh. Noooooo. Stoooop iiiit.

    Ax? You're just plain awesome. Ap, if you come back, I miss your company. Zath, HOLY CRAP YOU ROCK. Ash, I'll miss you so much. Fire, your writing is insane and so's your music. Sami, Cole, Phoenix, you've made Knights of the Cosmere a third home (TUBA being a second). Okdes, Arlin, Cae, for V1. Everyone I haven't mentioned yet who's a TUBAist, for being in the best guild and for various other great attributes. Voidus, I have to bring up your humor and devious intelligence. Stick is pretty amazing; same with Lith. Every active Homeless, for making the Alleyverse the craziest family I'm a member of. Jay, Scintil, SF, for today and every other while we're at it.

    [Anyone I somehow missed], you know I love you too. I just have an awful memory and can't rant about everyone forever, as much as I may want to.

    I love you all. The Shard is the best. *raises glass of water* To next year being even better than the first! WOO!

    1. Silva


      Ene...I'm disappointed in you. :P Not really, though, I'm more pleased that it worked this long.

      Why were you back here anyways?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. I see* you future!




  11. I am a gyorn! Look out, Duladel!

  12. 5d09430c01a84_Screenshot2019-06-18at1_00_56PM.png.8adc5b27f8cf0fd5351c750c4e7ac677.png

    2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?


    *cheerleaderish screams*

    1. Silva


      Off screen, a man dangles a spider in front of a group of tied up cheerleaders, instilling in them the fear necessary to induce screaming.


    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. It happened again...

    Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 3.20.36 PM.png

  14. Arial again?

    Why, Chaos? Why?

    Seriously, though, it would probably be a permanent change from Calibri to Arial (Arial letters are so sharp and blocky...Calibri is so much nicer and smaller and smoother...) that would get me to leave the Shard. :P

  15. My Shardiversary is in ten days. 

    I feel old.

  16. So, I'm feeling happy. Could be the sudden absence of the slight headache I've had all day. Could be having just gotten back from Teen Author Boot Camp, which was AWESOME because I got to meet amazing people (read: Sharders) and also free stuff and of course the talks. Duh. Orrrrrr it could be the fact that as of tomorrow, I've officially been a part of this wonderful, friendly, funny community for a year.


    Three hundred and sixty-five days after that spur-of-the-moment join, thirty-one people thought I was interesting enough to follow (or heck, just felt obligated to), there were thirteen days when people really loved what I had to say, one thousand thirty-eight times when someone visibly enjoyed a post of mine, and I'm in a countless number of PMs where I can talk to hilarious and intelligent people anytime we're both on. I lead a Great Guild, have participated in and started a few forum games, roleplay like crazy - starting several of those as well - and am known by an affectionate nickname.

    The Shard introduced me to Housepets and some good authors. It gave me an outlet for my love of RWBY and obviously Brandon Sanderson's books. It lets me share anything I need to - personal problem, original joke, fanfiction, random idea - and then it helps, laughs, reads, or considers as appropriate. It's a clean fandom, for the most part, and one I don't know if I'd have survived without.

    And of course, it's the Sharders who facilitate all that. I can't name you all. I won't even try. But there are some of you whom I have to mention. You've been too great.

    Archer. Archer, Archer, Archer. For inviting me to join TUBA. Always being a good friend. Always there with advice, support, love, fantastic humor, everything for everyone. You gave me leadership advice - were prepared to give it to me before I even asked - and talked with me when I needed about personal stuff. From Empty Quiver's beginning to assisting negotiations out of scary spots with TFA, rabbirds and corrupted ducks to Klo and his wrench...at this point, just seeing that you posted makes me smile. If I had an older brother, I'd want it to be you. Thank you so, so much.

    Tesh. I don't want to get repetitive, but you know what I said in the KotC chat. Love ya, sule. When you're ready, I will be waiting.

    Mistspren...Mist, you've always been such a great friend. Your characters sweep me away. Your willingness to talk and RAFO in equal measure, your mastery of seemingly everything a roleplayer could think of, the way you joke. You'd better know how awesome you are.

    Witless, having fun at college? Don't forget to visit every now and then, or a horde of upvote-wielding Sharders will show up at your door! Storytelling, comforting, roleplaying, you throw yourself into whatever you do with obvious eagerness. The dictionary definition of epic is you.

    Mraize, or Meeker as you are now. I haven't spoken to you in much depth lately, and I know you parted ways from our gang for reasons that make perfect sense. That doesn't mean the time I had with you was any less fun, and I look at Journey to the Unclaimed Hills with fondness. Your plots are crazy good, and you haven't run out of that playfully mysterious charm yet. Please never do.

    Ink! THANK YOU for Housepets. Wasn't it also you who convinced me I was a shipper? That was the right choice. Your roleplay enthusiasm, your determination to stand up for what you believe in and bravery in doing so in front of those you know, your offhand comments that sometimes randomly make my day, these are all things that make up Inklingspren. When you come back to us, I'mma hug you. (BoS, would you mind sending him this - even if not the whole thing, this portion? I'd be indebted.)

    Wait a sec, does Potency count? If not, too bad, y'all get to read about her anyway. Po, I'll keep it simple. You're funny, sweet, aware, and I feel irrationally safer when you're driving me around on a four-wheeler than when my dad is. You don't make fun of me for not knowing certain nerdy stuff. You introduced me to RWBY. I'd go on, but I said I'd keep it simple. Must not fantasize about Po's laugh. Noooooo. Stoooop iiiit.

    Ax? You're just plain awesome. Ap, if you come back, I miss your company. Zath, HOLY CRAP YOU ROCK. Ash, I'll miss you so much. Fire, your writing is insane and so's your music. Sami, Cole, Phoenix, you've made Knights of the Cosmere a third home (TUBA being a second). Okdes, Arlin, Cae, for V1. Everyone I haven't mentioned yet who's a TUBAist, for being in the best guild and for various other great attributes. Voidus, I have to bring up your humor and devious intelligence. Stick is pretty amazing; same with Lith. Every active Homeless, for making the Alleyverse the craziest family I'm a member of. Jay, Scintil, SF, for today and every other while we're at it.

    [Anyone I somehow missed], you know I love you too. I just have an awful memory and can't rant about everyone forever, as much as I may want to.

    I love you all. The Shard is the best. *raises glass of water* To next year being even better than the first! WOO!

    1. Silva


      Happy Shardiversary, Ene! ^_^ Let's see if I can find the right shade of grey that won't show...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. I





  18. Hey, Silva. Surprise.


  19. Hey, hey Silva.


  20. Just realized that 4/5 of the leader board is alleyverse.



    Now we just have to recruit Calderis











  21. Rain is so weird (when not considering the science behind it). It's water, falling from the sky. You can't say that's not strange. It's great, but strange.

  22. Ookla the ingenious, @Ooktapus The Fierce, @Ookla the [your choice] , @Silva and other jewish sharders an easy and meaningful fast.

  23. So, my two thousandth post is coming up, and....



    I have no idea what to do with it.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

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