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Status Replies posted by Silva

  1. Happy night 1 of Chanukah @Ookla the ingenious, @Ooktapus The Fierce@Nathrangking, and all the other Jews of Shard I don't know about!

  2. Happy night 1 of Chanukah @Ookla the ingenious, @Ooktapus The Fierce@Nathrangking, and all the other Jews of Shard I don't know about!

  3. Happy night 1 of Chanukah @Ookla the ingenious, @Ooktapus The Fierce@Nathrangking, and all the other Jews of Shard I don't know about!

  4. Your signature is awesome :lol:

  5. So... uhh... my shardic access is now extremely limited

    Me and my parents were talking last night and I told them about being a furry. We had a long talk, and they said they still loved me and everything, and everything is okay, but they decided to remove the news app (which is how I get to the shard in a very roundabout way) from my phone, which is how I shard most of the time.

    So... I won't be on very much, if at all. However, I still read everything in mail, which is mostly shard, so I'll be keeping up on everything.

    My temporary solution is to text bit what I want to say and have him copy/paste into all of the roleplays. It's not a perfect system, but it'll have to do.

    So that's why I'm going to be inactive. See ya all! Hopefully all goes back to normal soon...

  6. Why did the YAY have to spread here?

  7. Why did the YAY have to spread here?

  8. Hey Silva welcome back BTW but for your character go check out my posts in the 16YP thread so I can get the OK on the actions of your character. 

  9. Hey Silva welcome back BTW but for your character go check out my posts in the 16YP thread so I can get the OK on the actions of your character. 

  10. I ask you to take a formal stance on the Ghostbloods. I have notice your attempt at subtle disagreement with our services pertaining to the future.

  11. I ask you to take a formal stance on the Ghostbloods. I have notice your attempt at subtle disagreement with our services pertaining to the future.

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