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Everything posted by Ashspren

  1. Yes! Finally, someone who doesn’t think my theories are insane! My question is what kind of bond this forms. Is it a Nahel Bond, or something we haven’t learned about yet? Also, has anyone else realized how much Nahel sounds like Zahel? ...that was excessive. I’ll go now.
  2. Oh, got it. Thanks for the clarification. And I agree— unless, of course, Vivenna walks in with storming Nightblood. Now THAT would be an interesting fight.
  3. Oh, got it. That makes a lot more sense. Thanks! And in that case, @goody153, I wholeheartedly agree. I don’t know if Marsh is Cosmere-aware yet, though.
  4. Granted, but someone brings the penguins to life. They peck at you constantly. It's extremely annoying. I wish for @Ishar's Hemalurgic beaver to be mine and to love me forever.
  5. I made a super long post about "The Traveler," and virtually dissected it sentence-by-sentence... Edit: All of the posts between dantlee's and mine literally just loaded, so sorry about that. A new theory based off of some of the things that were just said above... https://wob.coppermind.net/events/93-odysseycon-2016/#e3239 In the link above, it's a WoB of Brandon saying that it would be possible for Kelsier, as a Cognitive Shadow, to Nahel bond to another person. If Adonalsium was a sentient being, I believe that he, in death, became a Cognitive Shadow. What if Adonalsium Nahel bonded, or did something similar, to Hoid? That would make Hoid some sort of weird Yolish-Cognitive-Shadow-Radiant-Something, which would be extremely interesting. A bit far-fetched, but I've learned through my Cosmere experience that Sanderson can justify pretty much any type of crazy magic, so...
  6. @MadhavDeval That was a really great read. I literally just ran out of reputation points, otherwise I would totally give you one. The tenth pancake isn't real... neither is the twenty-first upvote.
  7. Honestly, I love Adolin. It’s true that he might not have the most issues or drama in the series, but there are other reasons to like him. One, he’s a genuinely good person. His intentions are always to help other people. Even when he kills Sadeas, he’s thinking about the good of Alethkar. And, be honest, every reader wanted him dead, too... Two, he is like a light in the darkness for many characters. Everyone has days when they feel like chull dung, and they need someone positive to help them through it. Adolin is like that to so many characters, especially the Knights Radiant. He’s Dalinar’s pride and joy. He’s a friend to Kaladin. He’s a reliable and lovable person to Shallan. He’s an amazing brother to Renarin. I highly doubt that Jasnah has been able to live without laughing, so he’s maybe someone to provide comic relief and a break for Jasnah. Oathbringer spoiler below: In fact, this support extends far beyond the Knights Radiant. Navani seems more at ease around Adolin. In the Way of Kings, Navani is seen laughing and teasing Adolin about his flings with all of his ex-girlfriends. Oathbringer Spoilers Below: He also looks out for those who need help or someone who looks like they are alone. He helped the prostitute in the street. He stayed in jail with Kaladin. In conclusion, I believe a quote from Oathbringer sums everything up:
  8. We know that Demoux is on Roshar. He’s Thinker in Ishikk’s interlude. But wait... Marsh is on Roshar?! Who is he?
  9. Hm... I’m a combination. Lift, who’s awesome and always hungry... Kaladin, for being annoyed at a friend’s crazy fashion obsession... Sarene, because she’s terrible at art... Pattern, who loves math... Jasnah, for lecturing people even when they don’t want to be... Kelsier, for being somewhat melodramatic... And finally... Elend, who loves books.
  10. At first, I chose Rysn. I felt like she was going to become more of a major character later, and wanted to take the name before anyone else did. But then, I just decided to scrap it. I chose Ashspren because even if I don’t like Malata, I thought Dustbringers were cool.
  11. - I read the last line of every book before actually starting the book... - I actually didn’t really like Warbreaker once I started it, but I started to like it more as it progressed. After I learned about the Cosmere, I reread it, and loved it because of the references. - I hated Renarin for the first two Stormlight books. I don’t know what happened in Oathbringer, but I stopped disliking him. - Sometimes, when there is a love triangle (not just in Sanderson books), I have a fictional crush on one of the three people, so I ship the other two together for the sole purpose of keeping the third person for myself... - I despised Vin and Elend’s wedding. - I had to reread Shadows for Silence multiple times because I didn’t like it to start out with, and because it was confusing. Oathbringer Spoilers (Wait, it’s June. It’s been 6 months, right? Still putting it in spoilers to be safe, though...) - I have contemplated what a relationship between Jasnah and Hoid would look like. - I never shipped Dalinar and Navani. Now that they’re canonly married and together, I’m okay with them being a couple, I guess, but I don’t really react when they have special moments. - I didn’t realize why the purple outline appeared around posts with 17 upvotes until, like, three days ago. - I misread Adien’s name as Adolin the first time I saw it, and almost screamed before realizing that it wasn’t Adolin. I then misread it as Adrien, until finally getting it right. - In the Way of Kings, I really liked Jasnah. As a result, I didn’t really like Shallan. ...I feel like a terrible Sanderfan now. That was a lot of confessions.
  12. Vin— Edgedancer. It’s as if she can slip into places without being caught. Also, this doesn’t just refer to physical places, but also roles in society. Noblewoman, skaa thief, silent assassin, she does it all. Elend— Elsecaller. Jasnah is the only example of an Elsecaller we have so far, and it seems that they are good scholars. However, they can be firm and charismatic when needed. This fits the description of Elend as he develops as an emperor. Kelsier— Windrunner. He’s a natural leader. Plus, he can fly. ‘Nuff said. Spook— Windrunner. In HoA, we see him becoming similar to Kelsier. If not a Windrunner, then a Truthwatcher. Breeze— I don’t know, maybe a Stonewarden or Willshaper. We don’t know much about them, though. Ham— I don’t know, maybe a Stonewarden or Willshaper. We don’t know much about them, though. Dox— I don’t think he would be a Radiant, similar in that he is not a Misting. He would be a sense of normalcy for the group. Sazed— Bondsmith. He united the Shards of Ruin and Preservation, and was essentially the glue that kept the group together. Wax— Skybreaker. He holds strong to the law that he finds the most morally right. Wayne— Lightweaver. He’s good with disguises, and can make himself seem like he is something he’s not. Marasi— Skybreaker. She’s becoming similar to Wax, and is now working in the law. Steris— Not a Radiant. She would be that one practical person in the group who remembers the mundane and normal issues at hand.
  13. But, like you said @Herowannabe, Vin can do ranged attacks. Vivenna would need to be touching Vin’s mistcloak to awaken it.
  14. See, as crazy Cosmere fans, we would consider tattoos as Forgery stamps. So the piece of wood, if we were to tattoo a flower onto it, would probably actually turn into a flower. Bam. Science, Cosmere style.
  15. Sorry, the 17S has been pretty laggy for me lately. That post literally just downloaded for me, so sorry about that.
  16. Hm... this is tough, now. A Worldhopper that’s used a gun... Hoid? Edit: The other posts just downloaded, and I realized that someone else said Hoid... Um... yeah. Hoid is still the only one I can think of.
  17. I’m not even sure that Adolin knows who Stick is... if not, then we must shun him forever.
  18. There is a deleted interlude on Sanderson’s website... https://brandonsanderson.com/words-of-radiance-deleted-interlude-stick/ Best. Interlude. Ever.
  19. I wonder if Adolin has ever met Stick. Stick is omnipotent, so it probably chose its next location strategically in order to meet him. Also, I wonder what might have happened if Jasnah was the one to talk to Stick. I know Shallan was channeling her “inner Jasnah Kholin,” but Stick is powerful enough to know the difference.
  20. Sorry for the double post... but I told them the chull dung pickup line... Me: (insert chull dung pickup line) Them: ... Me: Oh, come on! You were supposed to have a reaction for me to post on the Shard! Them: But that was just terrible... like, no...
  21. Hey, that’s what the Shard is for, right? The person who used the pickup lines to me introduced me to Sanderson. They wanted me to read Mistborn, but I still hadn’t gotten it within two weeks. They surprised me with the Final Empire, and told me to start reading at that moment.
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