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Everything posted by Ashspren

  1. Remember how Syl described herself? I'm a little piece of the Almighty, @Ishar!
  2. Hey @Ishar, not as smart as you thought...
  3. Aghhhhh @Apollyon took mine! Just because you said Nazh, I'll say Khriss just to finish out the dynamic duo.
  4. So relatable. I'm trying my hardest to write a book right now, and the only thing I can think of is "Hey, that character would be a dustbringer..."
  5. Storms, YES! I'm writing out the lyrics for the "What Makes You Beautiful" Elantris version. I'll post it when I'm finished. Edit: All right, I finished them... spoilers below (obviously), and just a warning: these are pretty terrible:
  6. Seems like Progression is a popular surge! Yay, us!
  7. YOU'RE INSECURE / DON'T KNOW WHAT FOR / YOU'RE TURNING HEADS WHEN YOU WALK THROUGH THE DOOR DOR New hit song from Aon Direction. Lead singer Raoden. Backup vocals is Galladon. Not to mention, when @ScarletSabre mentioned that Stick was too perfect to change, it reminded me of Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are." GIRL YOU'RE AMAZING AWESOME / JUST THE WAY YOU ARE New hit song by Lift. Lead guitarist is Wyndle. Pianist is Gawx.
  8. You know you’re a Sanderfan when... You are playing the guitar, and someone asks: “who’s playing the guitar?” You scream back: “It’s not a guitar, it’s a storming enthir! Airsick lowlander!” Another friend, who you didn’t know has read the Way of Kings, asks: “Then why are you strumming it?” You are stupified. You look at a clock, but think “time fabrial” instead. Text messaging is now considered communication via spanreed. You start to write music based off of how awesome you think it would be as background music for the Cosmere books. You really want to write a Cosmere fanfiction, but you realize that the information you want to write about has already been canonized and written by Sanderson. Your autofill search options on Google are “Oathbringer,” “Kaladin Stormblessed,” and “Brandon Sanderson.” When you stub your toe, and act like the world is ending. A friend walks in and says, “Oh, quit being so melodramatic.” So you stand up, seize them by the arms, and scream in their face: “THINK ABOUT HOW INSENSITIVE YOU’RE BEING! IF I WAS AN ELANTRIAN, WOULD I BE MELODRAMATIC?!?!” You have literally annotated Cosmere books by choice. (Don’t worry, they’re eBooks. I would never write in a physical copy of a book by choice. *shudders*) You’ve spent more time on the 17th Shard than actually talking to people. Human interaction is overrated. A friend has literally had to yell at you because you keep on trying to get them to read Sanderson books. They tell you to let it go, but that just makes you think of the song “Let it Go.” You realize that Elsa is the “one with the wind and sky.” Elsa, are you a Windrunner? Disney, how could you have kept this from us?!?! Come to think of it, all of the disney princesses with magical powers could be Surgebinders... Elsa — Windrunner Rapunzel — Edgedancer Moana — I don’t know, but there’s gotta be something... You start to relate other characters from different books and movies to the orders of the Knights Radiant. Hermione Granger is a total Elsecaller. Jason Grace is either a Windrunner or Skybreaker. Clary Fray is a Lightweaver. Etc, etc, etc... You and your Sanderfriends (did I just coin a new term?) have hour long discussions about Sanderson themed Halloween costumes.
  9. Thanks for the clarification. Do we know if either of them are associated with the number 6 or Ash, or is the name just a coincidence?
  10. I love Jasnah, so I want to see a flashback from her. She's got to have had a bunch of crazy experiences throughout her life, and I want to know what her research has taught her. I'm also really excited for Lift flashbacks! Lift is one of my favorite characters of all time, and I really want to know her backstory with the Nightwatcher, her boon, and her curse.
  11. Agh, sorry. I read Oathbringer a few months before posting that, so I didn't remember. I just reread it recently, and you're right.
  12. Recently, I was looking at a chart of the names of the Heralds and the numbers which corresponded to their names from 1 to 10. One thing caught my eye: the sixth Herald, Shalash (better known as Ash), is associated with the number Shash. Does Ash or the number 6 have any sort of association with the Shash brands for slaves? I don't know if this has been asked before, so if there is already a WoB, please let me know.
  13. I’m better than the different friend. You should have given it to me. Agreed. Yay Progression! We’re basically the doctors of the KR, so the rest of y’all better bow down. Also, I just realized that my username does not reflect my Order. Oh well. Too lazy to change it.
  14. @Ishar is storming mean and wouldn’t give one to me. You know you’re a Sanderfan when a friend refuses to give you a laser cut of the Radiant symbols, so you yell at them via text and punch a pillow. Any other Edgedancers out there?
  15. With Lift’s expertise in food and Hoid’s worldhopping abilities, they’d be unstoppable... I can see it now: Hoid and Lift’s Epic Culinary Road Trip (Cosmere Edition)
  16. (Sorry for the double post. There was weird formatting.) TFE Elend is amazing! I started to like him less as the series went on, but when he danced with Vin and the book, I saw a little bit of the old him and I smiled.
  17. I was going to say Kaladin, but somebody said that already... Renarin?
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