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Everything posted by Wyndlerunner

  1. I personally feel that we might have a Mistborn era 2 pulled on us. In that I feel that Odium will be splintered at the end of book 5. Roshar has enough potential for enemies beyond Odium (Aimians anyone?)
  2. Yeah, I'm partial to a good "Rust and Ruin" myself.
  3. @Tharatariel10, I just listened to "Song of Secrets", you are so incredibly talented! I wish you the most success in your musical endeavors.
  4. Like the title says! What are your favorite cosmere specific expressions? Mine have to be: "Idos Domi!" "Storms" What's your's?
  5. @Firerust, Great Job man! Hope you enjoyed prom, I was far too introverted to go, but it's cool that you were able to go with such a close friend.
  6. @Quell, I love Phineas and Ferb as well! To be completely honest, I sat down to make a 17th Shard account, and spent like 30 minutes coming up with the most punny cosmere username I could think of. I also feel as though I would be like Wyndle in any situation of crisis.
  7. How has nobody brought this one up? Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson- as our favorite Unkalaki, Lunamor. (In all seriousness, imagine The Rock saying "Airsick Lowlander" and it not working)
  8. @ParadoxicalZen Which Hulkbuster are you talking about? The big "collecter's edition" one, or the standard retail edition? Because for the collector's edition I can totally second that opinion.
  9. Eshonai is a good character and all, but I feel as though Venli has a greater potential for character growth. I am intrigued by Eshonai's flashbacks for a better understanding of Listener culture
  10. We also know that Honor was not necessarily sane when he claimed that the Dawnshards were used to destroy Ashyn, so we should perhaps take that with a grain of salt...
  11. This is why I point people to Brandon's work when they say that Fantasy can't be literature. Because it totally can.
  12. Quite a few of these are more catchy than the original!
  13. When you become certain that Cookie Monster is a Hemalurgic construct..
  14. Welcome to the Shard. I felt the same when I met Brandon. Also, avoid the cookies.
  15. OB is honestly one of the best works of Fantasy fiction I've had the pleasure of reading. It has the right mix of questions and revelations, actions and politicking. Dalinar's character arc in general was just powerful, and moving. I didn't love the love triangle, but it turned out how I wanted.
  16. I can totally relate to this opinion, Kal is a great character, but he is frustrating beyond belief at times
  17. I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Cultivation is primarily about getting what you want, and doing anything to achieve that. You cut down what you don't want, and favor what you do want. It is incredibly selfish, Cultivation is going after her own desires and what she wants for Roshar.
  18. I shall strive for proper penance for my heinous crimes....
  19. Uh, would now be the proper time to say that I am in fact, employed by a library? (Although I do primarily use it as an outlet to convert others to the cosmere)
  20. @Warbreaker_Weiss, this is why you use your phone's data to access the Shard at school....
  21. @Ryker Sinclair, A Skyeel would be pretty dang awesome, if it weren't for the fact that I'm terrified of any snake-like creature.....
  22. @Ryker Sinclair, hello! Welcome to the Shard, where the cookies are more than they appear...
  23. Don't know whether this is considered necroposting... But, Oh my goodness do I love Bionicle! Only really got into it around it's first ending, but took a deep dive into G1's lore and set collecting around 2011. Bionicle really cemented my love of storytelling, and really proved that unusual combinations can really work at times (I mean, Tribal robots? that's not a combination you see everyday!) Favorite Toa has got to be Lewa, and favorite mask has got to be the Kakama. I actually still MOC to this day, might post some here if I can figure out where to put them... Also, The Soundtracks for the first 3 films can be bought or streamed on any digital music service.
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