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Everything posted by Mistspren

  1. that’s a closely guarded secret. Might want to get in touch with your book dealer. (Not librarian. Those are evil.) On a different note, when you tell your friend to read tWoK, and when they refuse tell them just to read the prelude, and they don’t have to read anything else. Suffice it to say that they took the bait, and are thoroughly hooked.
  2. It’s gone from 24/7/4.3/12/365 to 20/5/10/10/500. Before, it was just a daily dose of Sanderson. By now I’m practically hooking up books via IV to my arm constantly.
  3. When you are casually cruising the meme thread and accidentally write this because somebody made a Returned joke. I’m pretty sure my addiction has progressed from ‘overwhelming desire’ to ‘physically needs Sanderson to live’. Now I have a strange desire to write accompaniment and record it as a song. I think I need help.
  4. Nope, neither of those. Next clue: this character is half skaa.
  5. Vasher’s Ode to Nightblood: “Oh, Nightblood, you take my breath away, Oh, Nightblood, let’s destroy evil toda-ay, Oh, Nightblood, you’re basically my child, Oh, Nightblood, Sharshara’s mem’ry we defiled. Oh, Nightblood, monster of my making, Oh, Nightblood, angel of black steeled Breath taking, Oh, Nightblood, demon haunting my nightmares, Oh, Nightblood, I’m the only one who cares.” Not a meme, but the Returned joke made me think of it.
  6. Here's a fun one: Hoid leapt in, large greatshell's maw, gaping maw, greatshell's large, in leapt Hoid.
  7. Yep, it’s a novella between WoR and OB. I’m pretty sure it counts as part of the Archive, as it is at least part of the world.
  8. Hello! Which Brandon books have you read? Also, don’t take the cookies, they are spiked. Don’t give away your breath either.
  9. When your immediate reaction to being told to guess where you will be in life in 20 years is “Sacrilege!” and you have to restrain yourself from saying it out loud.
  10. More converts. Also, when you write your name on your math test in the Women’s Script and your teacher complains that you didn’t write your name on the paper, but you protest that you did, and they just look at you like you’re crazy.
  11. Granted, but you are vaporized by Rayse immediately. I wish to be able to travel through computers instantaneously.
  12. Didn’t Hoid mention something about there still being gods out there that worshipped him? This always brings the Returned to mind for me, or the Elantrians. Also, the Unkalaki people are probably another time Hoid got mixed up in doctrine, but they seem to be doing fine. Minus the deal with Moelach hanging out there and the perpendicularity being Raysed. (that’s a verb now)
  13. That depends, are you a Cryptic? @Kidpen this was the best April Fools day joke I heard this year. Either it was great or I haven’t seen any good pranksters. Or both.
  14. Could be an acronym for Yolen Escapes Extra Terrestrials. Dragonsteel + MB Era 4 (sci-fi) anyone? The real conclusion to the cosmere, Yolen is Awakened with 1 billion breaths, and the planet teams up with Hoid to become Adonalsium, then run away from the cosmere, leaving them godless.
  15. How many Manyhearts are there? Just the four? As a limitation, maybe the minds within the heart are in discord, and without focusing them, no magic can be performed. This would cause serious limitation in ability, as concentration and training would be necessary, but for newbies (like the protagonists, most likely) the power would only be accessible for so long, and only with difficulty. Also, scenes where the protagonist argued with the different minds while in flight would be fun to write/leave room for character growth driven by failure.
  16. I don’t know, Hemalurgy isn’t exactly all to peachy, and there are some mass slaughter parts in mistborn era 1. I have to agree with @1stBondsmith‘s assessment here.
  17. 63. If you became a mentor anyway, despite rule 21, just tell the protagonist everything. Leave the “he’s not ready” crem at the door.
  18. @Cadmium Compounder you didn’t start this, your thread is just playing host. Really sorry about that. A counseling session would probably end with the counselor running off crying. Welcome to the shard.
  19. I know, but now I want to see somebody use an atrium as a spike. It would be hilarious. And very bad.
  20. What’s an atrium spike? @Cadmium Compounder Vasher is an interesting character, it’s nice to hear a different response.
  21. Be careful about the cookies, and a few people may want your breath, but it looks like you have the idea already. Who is your favorite character?
  22. When you realize that eels can’t fly because you forgot skyeels weren’t really a thing. When you decide the 40 mile per hour winds have attracted more windspren than a chasmfiend corpse does cremlings. When you see an advertisement for memorial engravements on bricks for a walkway and decide that somebody should buy one and have it say: When you wonder what shard Earth has. (laziness?)
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