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Senor Feesh

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Everything posted by Senor Feesh

  1. If you're referring to 'every odd numbered movie is rubbish', I actually liked Generations... and hated the last movie (the first of the reboots)
  2. He has actually stated that not every Shard is paired... so I'm afraid that one is out too
  3. Knowing an object's history is absolutely vital, as the Forgery must write a plausible fake history to take. Part of the instructions of the forgery actually define what form the forgery takes (this is evident in many places, and explicit in the example of the wall painting). I'm not 100% though on if Kurk is correct is saying 'this is how you should look now, and here's the history that justifies it' or if it should be 'here is the false history, with very specific details defining how you were created'. The end result is the same, but the difference in process is important realmatically. In one instance you're defining the end result and giving a creating the justification after the fact, in the other you're in essence writing a script in the code of the universe, and allowing it to play out as reality catches up with the altered history. I'm not really sure which I see as more likely.
  4. Ooh, somehow I'd missed that one... that's really cool. I'll have a look-see on the forms thread later. Thanks Kurk
  5. Yeah, sorry, wasn't trying to imply that we had evidence of this, just that I agree with you on that count - it seems very likely.
  6. So there's been some discussion of late regarding what pertains to the spiritual realm, and what is a cognitive aspect. I propose that part of the reason that there's some fuzziness here, is because one thing can be considered both cognitively and spiritually. I'll try and explain. From the Emperor's Soul, we know the cognitive realm governs how an object is viewed, and how it views itself. The spiritual contains an object's essence, and its connections to the things and people around it. So consider then, interpersonal relationships. Cognitive, or Spiritual? I consider myself to be many things (a son, a father, a brother) and yet, would I not be said to have a connection to my brothers, my son, my parents? Based on this, I would say that these things are of both realms - or, more correctly, that there is a representation of them in both realms. Why the distinction? Well, consider siblings - hell, let's just go with the cliché - twins separated at birth. They grow up in different families, living totally different lives, possibly in different countries. Cognitively, they have no knowledge of each other; they view themselves in the context of their adoptive families (possibly without even knowing they are adopted). However, would this mean they have no Spiritual connection? Is that connection lost because they were separated by simple physical distance? I believe no. Now, this is where it gets tricky - how does this apply to other types of 'connection'? For example, cultural identity. I'm a big fan of KChan's theory regarding how regional magic works on Sel. One of the stipulations of this theory is that your cultural identity determines which regional magics you can access. So, is cultural identity cognitive or spiritual? I can go either way here. Galladon has access to AonDor, but his father was Elantrian, and he lived in Elantris for much of his life (and later, lived in northern Duladel, close to the Arelish border). You could argue for both a cognitive (he sees himself as at least partly Arelish) and spiritual (through familial connections; living in Elantris forming spiritual connections) reasons for his being taken by the Shaod. Shuden, by contrast, uses ChayShan, a decidedly Jindo form of accessing the Dor. It's been mentioned that he likely still considers himself more Jindo than Arelish, despite living in Arelon. I don't know if we know where he was born or not, but racial heritage may (or may not) also play a part in both spiritual and cognitive perceptions. So again, a Jindo, born and raised in Arelon may well view himself as Arelish, whilst still having a spiritual connection to the Jindo homeland. I think that could be a good question for Brandon actually... If a child was born or Jindo parents, but raised in Arelon, by Arelish parents, would he have access to AonDor, ChayShan, or both? I'm sure people can think of plenty of supporting and contradictory arguments to my idea - please tell me what they are! I'd love to know what you all think
  7. I'm pretty sure it would; after all a dead Greatshell is sliced as easily as a rock, but a living one just suffers from limb-death.
  8. Agreed. In the nicest possible way, your theory of Honor and Cultivation merging is, as I understand it, based on your interpretation of the Knights Radiant diagram. Sadly, I just don't buy what you're selling here. The 'eye with two pupils' is a total stretch; I don't see that at all when I look at the image. I don't even really see a face; it's just not there in the negative space between the winged creatures. Having formally studied art and design in university, I'm very much aware of how images can be interpreted to have meanings that the artist never intended, and on the other side of the coin, I saw plenty of people in my class effectively crem dung 'meaning' into their work that was never really there - hell, I even did it myself on occasion. Beyond this questionable reading of the KR diagram, we really have no good reason to assume the two ever joined.
  9. Firstly, that's awesome - much love :3 Secondly - Liar or Partinel re-writtem in first person? Hoid's origin, told by the man himself? HECK YES! (I know it's speculative at this point, but I really hope he goes ahead with this plan )
  10. The difference is that in one instance you permanently bind the sDNA of the donor to you, so you get the Hemalurgic effect without requiring a spike to be placed in yourself (which from the quotes is not what happens, and impossible) and in the other you remove part of your own sDNA - and who knows where that ends up, if you are vaporising the spike in its entirety. Assuming you didn't burn the entire spike, you could feasibly create a spike which now has part of your soul attached, along with the original Hemalurgic charge. I think part of the issue here is that it's not clear if he's talking about simply swallowing a powderised spike and burning that, or actually burning a spike which is currently piercing your body (which I think he's suggested in the past that inquisitors could do, although it would be excruciating).
  11. No, so far we know very little of Endowment, though there are a few interesting questions which Brandon RAFO'd, such as 'Is Endowment's holder named Edgli?' and 'Is Endowment colourblind?' Edit: Although we haven't seen Endowment, s/he was confirmed to be the Voice from beyond that speaks to Lightsong.
  12. Well, after reading the ARC *wooo!* I will say this: I really enjoyed this book. The magic system is interesting, and I was consistently wrong about who the villain was (how many false trails, Brandon?) so well worth a read-through. However - the very beginning and the very ending (post-climax, without wanting to give spoilers I hope people understand what I mean by this) came across as... sort of flat? I don't often review things from a literary perspective, so I'm not sure how best to explain how I feel about it, but the opening and closing chapters felt sort of... disjointed. Tacked on even. I dunno. It's possible this is simply a pacing issue, and to do with the fact that it's a YA book - certainly I'm sure I'd have enjoyed it a ton when I was younger. I'm actually planning to try and keep my Rithmatic Chalk in its pouch and unbroken until my son is old enough to understand and enjoy the story, before presenting it to him sadly I'm going to have a long wait, as he's only 9 months old. tl/dr, I enjoyed everything apart from the very beginning and ending, and I'll definitely pick up the sequel.
  13. The one that gets me the most though is that first line: "Your god would never allow that to happen." Now it's possible, as I stated, that he's just trying to be comforting. But part of my brain wants me to believe he knows something here, and that Domi is a real force capable of influencing the world - and that Ashe knows it, is aware of these other forces in the Cosmere. And if that's true, then is Jaddeth also real? Are Jaddeth and Domi the same entity even, but interpreted differently through the eyes of Shu-Korath and Shu-Dereth? I might have to bug Brandon with this at whatever Q&A he does next. Or if someone is low on questions at a signing, I humbly offer this to ease my mind
  14. Welcome to the Coppermind! It's your one-stop shop for Cosmere goodies. Please be aware that many pages contain spoilers, both for individual series and the Cosmere meta-plot. It's probably best to avoid any pages that refer to books you've not read.
  15. Swiftsteel has read them; he's currently on a reread as stated in his posts. Also, as previously stated, Kelsier didn't actually destroy the pits, just set them way back. However, Sazed has destroyed them for good.
  16. So, I remembered one of the other thoughts I had whilst re-reading... There are two points in the book where Ashe comments on religion. The first he says to Sarene "Your god would never allow it to happen" or words to that effect (I forget the exact phrasing). The second he mentions the possibility of converting to Shu-Korath - the line is something like "If He keeps you safe, then He might have His first Seon convert." So my question is this: is Ashe just following normal human speech patterns and mannerisms (and in the first example, attempting to off Sarene comfort) or do Seons know more about the nature of Gods on Sel that we first thought?
  17. Don't forget Nightblood, the as-yet unwritten sequel to Warbreaker
  18. I agree, this is exactly how I read it. The yes isn't a response, he's reaffirming to himself what he's saying.
  19. So I'm (almost) done on my Elantris re-read and I've noticed one or two things (which I'll probably add in later because I don't remember right away) but still: Aons and constellations. There's at least one incidence of people looking at the constellations, which themselves form Aons. Does anyone know if this is a case of people just arbitrarily defining star-groups (as we do on Earth) or if the constellations are clearly and un-arguable aons? If the latter, then why? After all, AonDor is specific to Arelon, and other magic-systems use their local region as a base symbol. Perhaps there are other constellations relating to MaiPon and Fjorden? It's unlikely that they would only be viewable from their respective regions, but perhaps people in those countries never made the connection? I know there's more I wanted to discuss, but I'll have to go over my Kindle clippings to refresh my memory.
  20. Hey Mish where next? Now that's quite a question... If you want to read the next Mistborn book, that'll be Alloy of Law - it's set a few hundred years post-Well of Ascension, and technology has a distinct Wild West flavour. I don't know if you're already aware, but much of Brandon's adult fiction (including Mistborn) is set in the same universe - the setting is referred to as the Cosmere. If you'd like to explore more of this, check out Elantris, Warbreaker, and The Way of Kings. There's also The Emperor's Soul, a novella on the same world as Elantris but in a different country. Later this year we'll get getting Words of Radiance, the sequel to Way of Kings (these are books 1 and 2 of the Stormlight Archives). If you want to break out of the Cosmere, there's also Legion (very short but very fun), Firstborn and Defending Elysium. If you don't mind teen books, there's the Alcatraz series and the Rithmatist as well. Enjoy
  21. Ah, cool, didn't know the formula so mass isn't a factor then? Don't know why but I assumed it would be. Also it did seem more likely that you'd end up with shorter years closer in, so I'm glad I ended up being right about that even if I came to it in a roundabout way
  22. Forgive me for not digging the quote out right now as I'm on my mobile, but we actually have WoB that SOME spren are a mixture, whilst others are of Honor OR Cultivation
  23. It's also possible the year-length didn't change, as Rashek could have slowed the orbit. Actually, wouldn't the speed of orbit need to be altered to stop Scadrial flying into space or landing on a wookiee spiralling into the sun? Don't know enough physics, but I think it would actually need to speed up for that to work... hmm...
  24. Apologies, I wasn't very clear when I wrote that. A more simple way would just be to say that they may be shown a vision of something that's not happening right now, and their responses to this are the death-quotes. The one who talks to the healer, doesn't he specifically say something about not telling what he sees? Just a hypothetical anyway, we don't really know the nature of the knowledge being imparted on these individuals as they die, or why it only takes some there may or may not be a pattern to this).
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