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Senor Feesh

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Everything posted by Senor Feesh

  1. Some existed prior to the Splintering. Since the event, some new ones have come into being, and some older ones changed. Details unknown.
  2. This. All of this. I have no words. This thread is made of win. This also neatly ties in with Dominion and Devotion being shattered and mixed together, as the interplay of the intents directly influences the magic system(s). Edit: Unrelated, but Shiv, are you by any chance a WH:40K fan?
  3. ...and then being unable to separate them, or at least not easily as per Harmony.
  4. Eh, terminology is mutable. These are only metaphors, so carry the metaphor until it doesn't work any more, or until you find something that works better for what you're trying to illustrate no need for an apology
  5. Firstly, thanks for actually summarising my thoughts in a way that probably makes WAY more sense than my initial post Secondly that's an awesome expansion on the initial idea that I hadn't even really considered, although the foundation was totally there for me to see. Good call!
  6. Speculation, because I have no idea but am now intrigued. When storing a ferruchemical attribute, what you're actually storing is investiture, filtered through the metal (similar to how allomancy is accessing the same source, except in this case your own investiture is being filtered through the metal). The reason you store different attributes is purely a function of this interaction, and you are normally limited to drawing your investiture back through the same filter, hence tapping the same stored attribute. If however, you were able to alter the chemical makeup of the filter (by alloying a metalmind as you suggest) then you could pull your investiture back in a different form, as you are now pulling it through a different filter. Only one metal (forgive me, I forget which) allows you to store investiture in its unaltered state. What do people think? I think this is a great question to ask, by the way.
  7. Yes and no... although it was still a huge shock, I just about twigged before the explicit reveal. Taravingian I never saw coming, and although I knew there was a 3rd mistborn book, I had no idea what was going to do down at the well (although I did catch the 'Holy First Witness' bit).
  8. Either Taravingian, or that moment in WoA when we hear Ruin scream inside Vin's head 'I AM FREE'. You just KNOW that's a bad thing.
  9. This. This is excellent. Perhaps Brass/Zinc savants lose the ability to interact socially without the use of the metal to influence people? Best I can think of right now :S
  10. Slight thread necro, but... I feel like a bit of a tool. All this time I've been pronouncing Realmatic as Real-matic (RHEE-ul-MAH-tic). Only today, when thinking about the associations of the three realms and the term Realmatic in the same sentence did I realise it's probably pronounced Realm-atic (RELM-AH-tic).
  11. I don't have an answer for the infection argument, however I still say using a knife as a shank is totally different from the subtle movements required to chop things with a kitchen knife. I think it's plausible. As for the pain of having something sticking into you, totally valid. It would be distracting as hell. You would need a high pain threshold or a lot of acclimatisation to make it work. It may be feasible that a Hazekiller could be trained specifically to ignore that kind of pain. The only real problem I see here is one of infection, and I don't see an easy solution to that anywhere. Even leaving the would to close around the metal (as with cosmetic piercing) doesn't solve the issue, as the wound will reopen when it experiences fresh trauma (such as when you successfully stab the victim, and the recoil jars the knife in your hand). Good answers about Investiture interfering with pushes and pulls. I would also agree that Emotional Allomancy affects the cognitive/spiritual rather than the physical. This does leave me wondering as to the nature of Investiture in humans, and the interaction of the three Realms.
  12. I've noticed a lot of discussion about other uses for Aluminium; has this actually been confirmed then? I'm not as well-read on the interview database as others, and there's nothing on Coppermind (so if it has been confirmed, that page could do with being updated too). For the record, it would be great to see other uses for Aluminum/Duralumin, otherwise I just feel bad for Gnats
  13. This is an interesting point actually - how is the distinction made, Realmatically speaking? WHY exactly would embedded metal be resistant to Pushes/Pulls? I guess the inside/outside the body can be determined Cognitively (much like inside/outside the train in the time-bubble discussion), but I'm curious as to why this provides protection from Physical Allomantic effects, whereas being inside an inert object (a wall-safe, buried in plaster for example) offers no protection. Something to do with the Spiritual Realm? Perhaps Physical Allomancy is disrupted by the Spiritual presence of the soul? I'm just speculating wildly here. Whilst I agree with KChan regarding sword-grips, I think it would work for a basic dagger (if you're only going to use it as a basic stabbing weapon).
  14. I'm not sure... I don't recall this actually being a scene in the book, but perhaps it's mentioned somewhere in a discussion about Miles? Otherwise the only thing I can think of is maybe someone was confused with TLR stating that he'd survived beheading :S I seem to remember this discussion too though.
  15. This is definitely interesting... there's an argument to be made about whether she actually does mean literally all spren, or all spren of similar type (all windspren are the same, all flamespren etc). The latter reinforces Ideal Form theory. The former complicates matters significantly - unless we're talking Identity, which I believe has been confirmed as primarily Spiritual in nature, so this could be to do with that? So many questions...
  16. At the risk of sounding foolish, what's the MAG?
  17. Isn't electrum basically external atium though? They had it in HoA. Or did you mean Electrum's ferruchemical ability?
  18. Currently nothing, I'm just a guy who likes to have confirmation
  19. Works the same in IE 10 Metro as Chrome, for the record.
  20. Isn't that an in-world classification though? Not to discount it (not enough evidence for or against), but Brandon does like to remind us that characters make mistakes
  21. Are these confirmed to be functions of Breath though? That's kind of what I'm getting at. The memory thing almost certainly (it even seems to have a command). And how do these other effects work I wonder? Realmatically speaking. Or even an in-world explanation. Also, what the hell does Nightblood do to Breath to make it black?
  22. Heh, nice one PM I'm fine to speak about religion, it's just that I'm VERY unapologetic (and often blunt) about what I believe and don't. And that frequently offends people. As an aside, I do find it interesting that probably all of the great inventions of mankind are inherently open to abuse and subversions, making them both great and terrible at once. But that may be worth a side-topic. Perhaps a variation of the Evil Genie?
  23. This is something I feel very strongly about, and as such I prefer not to have this discussion I actually had to ban this as a topic of conversation with my own father. Greatest invention: Written language.
  24. Sorry, I know this is slightly OT, but has Brandon confirmed what Shadows of Self will be about? The name instantly makes me think of Gold Allomancy. As for uses for Identity... it depends on how Identity works Realmatically. So here's a notion - if you store lots of your Identity at once, it removes your spiritual connections. People would not recognise you, or remember interacting with you. I suppose reverse this for tapping? (So people would THINK they know you, or alternatively their memories of you would become incredibly sharp and clear whilst tapping).
  25. No, but that may be because of balance self-correction. Is that not because you stop pushing though? If you stand as close to the wall as you can and push to full-arm extension, you WILL move away from the wall. I'm not trying to be argumentative; as stated before I'm not a physicist, and don't have the expertise for this. But these may be just bad examples. Not going to dispute you for reasons I mentioned above, but is it possible to explain WHY this happens, rather than the intuitive result (which the physicists in the thread have confirmed is wrong)? If it's too complex to explain, that's fair. Just unsatisfying for the rest of us Alternatively, I might just have to look up 'a beginner's guide to dynamics' somewhere
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