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Senor Feesh

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Everything posted by Senor Feesh

  1. There are significant hints in the book many of which we have discussed in the forums, but I don't remember much in the way of Cosmere-spanning reveals. Although there are some detractors, it's also very highly recommended - I personally think it's one of the most fun books I've read in a long time.
  2. No, each time Honor seemed to be responding to Dalinar can on a re-read be seen as simply reciting a pre-determined speech. It's actually really strange on the second go-around and being in the know, watching Dalinar 'interact' with Honor.
  3. Or maybe it obeys the law in the normal method. Do we actually know for sure that you always get out exactly what you put in? Perhaps there is a minimal degradation over time. Although in the case of copper, I think it may have been stated that you get perfect recall... So I'm probably wrong there. I'm also personally curious about the naming convention for ferruchemy. Why are they metalMINDS? It makes sense for copper, but why strength, or weight? These are not things you would usually store in the mind. I imagine it's simply that copperminds were named first, and it just stuck.
  4. Sazed's rings were notably able to store less than a larger metalmind could.
  5. Well, these people who have visions as they die, many seem to be transported (not necessarily literally) in their head to another place and time (given the nature or the statements in the epigraphs). So the statement of 1000 days until the Everstorm doesn't have to mean from the date of the vision, but perhaps from the date of what she is seeing. Or perhaps the thousand days doesn't actually refer to the Everstorm itself. "[something] is but a thousand days and the Everstorm comes" is another possible (though admittedly less likely) interpretation. I've always disliked prophecy as a narrative tool... it's annoyingly vague, and can be easily interpreted to mean many different things. That said, at least we don't have too many 'chosen one' prophecies in the Cosmere (very minor Mistborn-related).
  6. 1) Shin naming does indeed seem to follow <<name>> son <<father's name>> or <<name>> daughter <<mother's name>> for the most part. I think Szeth is known as Szeth son son Vallano because of his shame; he has either given up or been forced not to use his father's name to spare his immediate family form association with him. 2) We don't really know much about Aimians yet, I believe we will as the series continues. 3) Crown/Tower/Spear - we don't really know yet (cursed prophecies are always vague, except in the case of Agnes Nutter) but it's possibly simply a reference to the battle at the Tower, with Adolin (Spearfighter) saving Dalinar (the Kholin glyph is oft represented as a Crown - or it is a Crown and Tower paired? I forget) 4) This is something we know far too little about for me to feel comfortable speculating on - we don't even know where 'that place' is, let alone how they get there. Is it even in the Physical Realm? 5) It's commonly believed this man is one of the Heralds, though opinion differs as to which one. Disclaimer: I may be wrong on any and all of the above points
  7. This really depends on how much control kandra have over the pigmentation of their skin when mimicking someone. Obviously they need to be able to form a range of skin tones to be able to do what they do, but I don't think colours that don't naturally occur in the body have been covered. As a secondary but possibly relevant point, what else can a kandra mimic? Dogs certainly. Could they mimic a reptile? A koloss? If so, they'd need to be able to create the right skin colours here too. In the case of the Rpg, I would personally set the tattoo as some kind of skill challenge, with the difficulty dependent on the complexity of the tattoo and how much time the character had to study them first (or simply include this as part of the mimicry roll anyway). It's not an obligator you're mimicking by anny chance?
  8. Thanks Kurk. I didn't find the quote in your links (I actually saw it first in the interview database) but that is the reference - that it's your actions on Roshar that give you access (although obviously Blades are themselves Invested items, which may or may not be separate to humans directly accessing Investiture in the form or Surges).
  9. IIRC, atium deposits form into usable nuggets directly inside the geodes over long periods of time. Use of allomancy near the geodes destroys them, and it takes a very long time for them to recover, so his escape likely damaged any nodes near the surface too.
  10. I think that's exactly what he did. Might even be in-text canon somewhere.
  11. Except I'm fairly sure this has been officially debunked (cookie if anyone can find the quote). I could actually make a case for Feruchemy being more of Preservation than Allomancy is, if not for the fact that we KNOW Allomancy is Preservation's system, as you could say that Feruchemy 'preserves' attributes (nothing is created or lost). Allomancy is arguably a force for change, which is against Preservation's intent. As for how to actually create a full feruchemist, other than selective breeding, I have no idea.
  12. Was doing a Theoryland trawl the other day, and found something (which annoyingly I can't find right now) where Brandon stated that the nature if Investiture differs from world to world. Scadrial Investiture is genetic, on Sel it comes through the Shaod (so not everyone on Sel would be Invested, although how this matches up then with other systems I'm unsure - presumably one has to force the issue as with Dakhor or ChayShan). Roshar it comes in the form of Stormlight, which people can hold for a time, or inside Invested objects such as Shardblades but again the actual Investiture doesn't seem innate as it is on Scadrial or Nalthis. I don't know what implications this info has on Realmatic Theory.
  13. Question one, I don't know and would have to see if it's ever mentioned in-text. Question two, I'm gonna go with no, as it's an internal metal. Also no other Allomancy allows you to detect another Allomancer directly apart from bronze.
  14. I would presume either it's impossible, or a poor rate of storage and tapping compared to correctly alloyed metals. Possibly also diminishing returns.
  15. Agreed. Kelsier tells Vin in the very first book that metal alloys have to be specially prepared in the correct ratios, otherwise you could end up ingesting something not only unusuable Allomantically, but potentially poisonous.
  16. I believe this is partly a dodge, by not committing to explaining the process, but it implies that somehow one person - and only one - gets the blade. Likewise, if you burned two Lerasium alloys, PM suggests that only one would take. Which one? We don't know.
  17. Seeing as Lerasium is re-writing your sDNA, I can totally see a second Lerasium allow re-writing so you only have one metal (basically re-structures your sDNA to give access to the new metal, whilst the write-over removes the old ability). I picture it as there is precisely one part of your sDNA which is applicable. Lerasium re-writes this component to give you access to a power. If you ingest another alloy, or pure Lerasium, it over-writes the same segment, so the original code is lost. Unsatisfying, but plausible, and fits with what we have from WoB.
  18. Ahoy there! Welcome to 17shard, and enjoy your time with us that's not a request, happiness is mandatory! Currently re-reading Elantris now that I'm cosmere-armed, and plan to next read Promise of Blood. Playing very little due to having a 9-month old baby, but when I can sneak the time still playing Halo 4. p.s. Do i get a cookie from anyone for the Paranoia reference?
  19. We know he in some way uses to be where he needs to be. I'd dig up the quote but I'm in mobile right now
  20. Further speculation - yay! The following hypothesis assumes two things. 1) That Shu-Dereth came from Dominion and Shu-Korath came from Devotion, and 2) that the above quote about hatred and devotion is in fact a clue and not simply an in-world observation. We know that Shu-Keseg was a religion that preached unity. I know that KChan has a pretty damnation appealing theory that Dominion and Devotion being conjoined is evident in their magic's being region-locked. I also know that she believes the magic systems on Sel were regional BEFORE the splintering. I'm not 100% on that yet, but it works with what I'm about to suggest. So let's say that Aona and Skai agree to work together on Sel, and Shu-Keseg is founded in response to this ideal of unity. They both have different ideals of what unity should be or mean, but agree to ignore this for mutual benefit. Later, Odium, feeling threatened by thus, visits Sel and slyly suggests to Skai that Aona's way is fundamentally flawed. What's more, Odium can help tilt the balance, giving Skai dominion (heh) over all of Sel. Odium subtly twists. Skai into hating Aona, and gives him just enough backing and extra power to take Aona down - before betraying him and killing him in his weakened staten then proceeding to Splinter both. Presumably he would need some way to stop anyone else taking up one of the Shards, as we know he needs time to recover after a Splintering. The quote about hatred unifying more effectively than devotion then, could indeed be a clue to the interference of Odium on Sel, and the reason that the Derethi priests have adopted this into their dogma is because Dominion's teachings were tainted by his alliance with Rayse. As stated, total speculation. And doesn't answer the question of HOW splintering is achieved, but may support the notion that it could be tied into the people on the planet (as the religions would then have split around the time of Odium screwing with things). The biggest potential flaw I can see with this notion is timing. I've not yet looked at the known timeline concerning when Shu-Keseg split, and (if known) how long ago the Splintering occurred on Sel (alternatively when the Seons first came to be, as we know this was post-Odium).
  21. I don't know if it's been confirmed exactly where they are now in relation to poles/equator, but they are still referred to as the northern and southern continents. So whilst Elendel is almost certainly still north of the equator, it needn't be as near the pole as before. Keep in mind that at the end of HoA Sazed did move the land so that everyone exiting the storage caches were close to each other, so the landscape must have been reshaped drastically.
  22. Ok, I kept forgetting to ask them, but just in case this does go ahead there are 2 people in my RP group who would order them if they do another run.
  23. Ah, thanks for that. I had trouble reconciling Sazed and the creation of new Hemalurgic spikes just so he could talk to his followers. Good to know my gut was right.
  24. Sorry, I know this is a little OT now... but can anyone with a copy of AoL find a description on Wax's earring? I can't help but wonder (and I'm sorry if it's been answered) how people are making Hemalurgic earrings in the AoL era :S it's a little dark, no? Also, who's responsible for making and distributing them?
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