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Senor Feesh

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Everything posted by Senor Feesh

  1. Not to put too much of a downer on this, but I think you might be ignoring other data to fit the theory. The Windrunner symbol also links to the symbols for orders 2 (vapour - just/confident), 6 (blood - creative/honest) and 10 (sinew -pious/guiding). I notice also that some orders only link to three others, instead of four, so I'm not sure what this implies (if anything). It's always possible that there's more interplay between the orders than we've seen, but without more supporting evidence I don't see this panning out.
  2. I agree with both these statements. Assuming the metals are in the correct ratios for Ferruchemy, then that would be an awesome last trick to pull on someone who thought they'd disabled you. Sure, it wouldn't be much, but any advantage could be the tipping point.
  3. I read them in order, and enjoyed them a lot. The fact that the first ones aren't as good only means they get better! There's a definite tonal shift though; the early books are basically a parody of traditional Fantasy tropes, whilst the later books are a parody of modern society, with the newest ones forcing you to look at and consider serious social issues through the medium of humour - there's a reason this guy was knighted The Guards books are easily some of the best; although there are some great standalones, and the Moist von Lipwig books are great too. Plus, Reaper Man might still be one of the funniest books I have EVER read. There are a few duff ones though; I was never a fan of the Rincewind books post-Sourcery, and Soul Music seemed to be missing... something, I couldn't tell you what exactly. But the world is a true joy to read, and I'd recommend them to anyone (and frequently do )
  4. Bear in mind there's also WoB that whilst Hoid has existed for many (many) years he's not actually experienced all of that time, so it would seem that either he's in stasis, or Shadesmar does indeed have some timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly going on. Or he has some other method of shuttling himself into the future. He also has never gone backwards, although Brandon hasn't said it's impossible. source Edit: just reread this, and he specifically mentions time-dilation. Would love to know how he does this; the only known method id Cadmium, but I'm sure other magic systems will be able to do this too.
  5. In answer to that, there's an in-text quote on page one if this thread from Hoid, that the fifth heightening does indeed give agelessness. I'm not 100% convinced that's the same thing as immortality, though I have no evidence to go either way.
  6. Is there a way to adjust which forums are included in this list? Currently when I choose this option I don't see anything outside the '17th Shard' and cosmere-related boards, so I don't always see the new content on the Rithmatist, or general boards for example. I seem to remember I may have chosen this option at some point before the site re-design (or I imagined this) but in either case, I can't find an option now. Ok, it took me a long time, but I found the option (at last!) In case anyone else is as hopeless as me and can't find it, click 'filter by forum' on the view new content page (list of options on the left).
  7. Preservation isn't simply inaction; if I take no action then Entropy ensures things will change. Preservation requires effort to protect and preserve things the way they are. Also, the intent isn't self-preservation - the Shard wants to preserve others. source source
  8. It depends on how the classifications work. I regard AonDor as end-positive because the effect requires the introduction of Investiture into the system from an outside source - the body doesn't necessarily need to be a factor here. I'm ultimately inclined to think of Awakening as end-neutral because the amount of Investiture in the system remains the same through the use of the magic. Even though Breath can be lost on death, it's NOT lost as a result of Awakening something. Surgebinding could go either way, depending on exactly how to define the process. Obviously there's an argument for end-positive, because power comes from Stormlight, but there is also the fact that Stormlight seems to occur normally on Roshar - it's there for the taking, as it were, so that a Surgebinder is using what's available in-system rather than drawing it from somewhere outside (as in the case of Allomancy or AonDor). Personally I think Surgebinding is end-positive as the power comes from somewhere other than the user, and there's a net shift in the power available to that person, but it could be argued. Perhaps it's dependent on Realms. It could be that the definition relates to how much power exists/is available to users in the Physical realm.
  9. Can someone point me to where the info that non-verbal Commands are possible comes from? Vasher stipulates in the text that Commands must be spoken clearly, and in the Awakener's native tongue, but I accept that in-world info on Awakening is very incomplete.
  10. I want to play a game... I got this idea from another forum where I saw them playing play-by-mail versions of tabletop card games, so I thought I'd suggest it here. I'd like to run for you guys a play-by-mail game of The Resistance: Avalon. The game requires 5-10 players, plus me as game-master (ordinarily you don't need one, but because of the logisitics of playing this way it's required). The game works as follows: You are all Knights in Arthur's court. However, the court has been secretly infiltrated by Mordred's minions, so whilst the majority of players are loyal servants of Arthur, some of your are traitors (I'll randomly select for each of you). Typically, the Minions of Mordred know who each other are. One of the Good players is Merlin, who also knows the identity of the Minions. However, should the Good team win, if the Evil team can successfully identify Merlin, they can assassinate him and streal the victory! The game consists of five rounds. Each round, a select number of Knights must be chosen by the current Leader to go on a quest. When Leader selects a team, the group votes on if they approive of, or reject, the leader's selection. Should the majority approve, then the chosen team goes on the quest. Should at least half the group reject, then the Leader token passes to the next player, who selects a new team. Naturally, there will be much discussion, especially in later rounds, about who should go on each quest. If a Minion of Mordred goes on a quest, they have the option of sabotaging it covertly. Should a Minion sabotage a quest, then the quest is claimed for Evil. If no-one sabotages (either because Evil choose not to, or because there are no Evil players on the quest) the quest is claimed for Good. The first team to claim three quests wins. Depending on the number of players, I may introduce the extra characters for fun. They are as follows: Percival: Good. Knows the Identity of Merlin. Morgana: Evil. If Percival is present, He will know both Morgana AND Merlin, but will not know which is which. Mordred: Evil. Other Minions know he is evil, but Merlin does not. Oberron: Evil. Does not know the other Minions, and the other Minons do not know him. Finally, there is the Lady of the Lake. If we have 7 players or more, one player starts with the Lady token. Immediately after Quest 2 is resolved, this player may learn the Allegiance (Good of Evil) or any single other player. The Lady token then passes to that player, who uses the power immediately after Quest 3. However, anyone who has held the Lady token is protected from having the power used against them in later turns. The Lady's power will be used once more, immediately after Quest 4. The number of players will determine the number of Minions, as well as any other special rules in play. All voting and sabotage, as well as uses of the Lady will be handled by private message. The results of Voting will be publicised, but are done privately so that people won't know anyone else's vote until all are revealed together. You may of course reveal the result of your viewing of another - or you may lie about it to the others (only really useful if you're a minion, or if you have a really weird game plan). The revealing of Minions/Merlin will also be done via private message. So, any questions, and anyone interested?
  11. I love webcomics, and I almost promise to cone back and turn these into correctly formatted links later. Olympus Overdrive - quite new, uses the fact that it's a digital comic to do things you can't do in print (and does it well). Oglaf - VERY NSFW but if you're cool with that it's damned hilarious. Go Get a Roomie - again, a fair bit of sexual content but with some really nice depth (and rarely if ever graphic). Has some real heart to it. Gunnerkrigg Court - simply sublime. That is all. Khaos Komix - a comic that deals with LGBT relationships tastefully and sensitively. Can be NSFW, and some stories have trigger warnings for people who have had bad experiences. Now finished and can be perused at your leisure. Next Town Over - fantasy in the wild west. Still in its infancy, beautiful artwork. Seems I have a few 'adult' comics there, but many people already listed others that I read
  12. That's a most interesting notion - I've not read the Liar chapters, so I don't know if there's anything in them which would support or contradict your idea, but I can see your logic, and based on that quote alone it may indeed have merit. Nice spot.
  13. Hey Fawx, welcome to the boards! May I ask why you think Hoid once held a Shard? That's not an idea I think I've seen anyone mention before.
  14. I like this. So, if I understand correctly, the more any selected arc on the circle deviates from the perfect circle, the weaker that section will be, which matches what we know - are you also implying a direct correlation between how acute the curve is and the strength? That would explain how ellipses work... I think.
  15. Yeah, I don't think we ever had confirmation that Szethblade was a type-3, but it's a commonly held belief due to the temporary eye-change being described as a unique side-effect of the weapon. I agree that any use of Windrunning should be considered end-positive, as power is being added from somewhere (in this case stormlight). The only end-negative system we've seen to date actually has a net loss of total available power. Szeth's imperfect lashings aren't power loss really, as he still had to get the power somewhere externally, and it's not lost in the same sense as a hemalurgic charge losing potency (or for that matter being ripped from another's spiritweb)
  16. Sorry Kroen, that was me misinterpreting your phrasing. As Phantom notes above, compounding has (annoyingly) more than one meaning with regards to metallic arts. I was referring to Twinborn compounding, I thought you were referring to tapping a metalmind faster for increased effect. No idea-stealing intended.
  17. I'm not sure I follow your logic - as you said, Vin destroys Kredik Shaw mid-ascension. She's actually HOLDING the power at that time, so has that to fuel her abilities. And I believe the comment about ripping troughs in your soul was referring to Savants, who actively channel the power almost constantly, which is different to merely holding it. Don't forget that TLR was a Mistborn (Lerasium-first-generation), a full feruchemist (so able to compound all him allomantic abilities) and a hermalurgist on top of that. His power post-well is easily accounted for.
  18. Didn't think Nicrobursting could help with Feruchemy. Ooh, now there's an idea - I wonder if a Nicro can assist an Allomantically burned Feruchemic charge (so, if for example a Nicro was to pump Miles' Goldminds as he burns them for compounding). Compounding already adds a huge boost by getting an extra infusion of power to the original Feruchemical charge, so if you could Nicroburst it too (or get Duralumin-spiked).... ye gods...
  19. Yes, but a Sliver doesn't retain the power of the Shard. As such, he's not going to have any Shard-like powers. source
  20. I'm inclined to think this either wouldn't work at all, or would only take for a very short time (seconds or less). There's a quote somewhere about how Investiture interferes with magic systems, making Shardblades difficult to push or pull with allomancy
  21. That's a good point Meg. I would have to assume then, that there is a limit to the rate at which Plate can absorb stormlight, or possibly the rate at which plate grows, otherwise you could just throw more infused spheres at it to speed the process along.
  22. I'd love to know if the Stormlight of a highstorm is enough to regrow a set of Plate... Edit: for clarity, I mean if you just left a piece of Plate in a storm while the other parts were not being fed Stormlight
  23. I have one or two issues with this, but I'd have to dig the evidence up later due to mobile browsing. A Sliver is, by definition, someone who once held the power of a Shard. Currently Kelsier has none of that, only the trace Investiture that it leaves behind. Assuming he can meddle at all I'm sure it doesn't involve any Shard-like abilities. Secondly, though we still don't know who, the Recipient is confirmed to be someone from Hoid's past, in an as-yet unpublished story. This makes them likely someone from Yolen, and I don't really see how Kell is going to know any of those guys, or gave them owe him.
  24. One point I'll mention regarding tall Terrismen - this is actually something that can happen as a side-effect of castration. I'll try and remember to link the source later, I'm on mobile now which makes it fiddly
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