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Senor Feesh

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Everything posted by Senor Feesh

  1. Also, Glyphs can be drawn in different ways artistically whilst retaining meaning.
  2. I've been re-reading Warbreaker lately, and Vasher seems to have some unusual abilities. What uses does BioChromatic breath have, besides Awakening?
  3. I agree with Meg here, it's a shame that we can no longer see how many total up or down votes a post has, only the aggregate. However, it's unlikely to be fixed soon, so I'll just continue to try and understand why I may have been downvoted (assuming I notice, as a post with net positive will only show my total rep for the post). I try and be sparing with downvotes. If I disagree with something I'll explain why I disagree (as this promotes discussion and community). Personally I reserve downvotes for people being rude or abusive, and a few select other times.
  4. Given that his appearance in WoA isn't even mentioned in-text as being him, he's VERY good at disguising himself. for those not in the know, he's I know Cosmere theories is a Spoiler-unsafe board, I'm just being polite
  5. Ok, so if I apply the same example as above, but myself and my metal weight are in free-fall - what happens differently?
  6. Ok, I won't pretend to understand free-body diagrams (I don't know enough physics). I'm going to post my suppositions, and if someone can (if it's even possible) explain in layman's terms why I'm wrong, it would be greatly appreciated. If I stand with my right hand against a wall ( arm bent, so within full-arm extension) with an object equal to my body weight against my left hand (let's say my twin), and push to each side, I will move to my left at a given speed (we'll also assume I actually have some upper-body strength, which is a ridiculous slur against reality ). If I pushed with ONLY my right hand, the twin would move at the same rate. However, assuming I can push with equal strength in both arms, the twin will move at double the rate (it would have to, as in the same amount of time it has moved the length of two arm extensions, where I have move only one). Where does pushing with Allomancy differ from this? Replace the wall with a sufficiently heavy anchor that I will move when pushing against it (as we see all through the novels) and the twin with a metal of equal weight. Following the above logic, I should move at one speed (determined by the strength of the push) whilst my twin-weight lump of metal moves at double the speed. Now I'm not saying you guys are wrong, you obviously know more about physics than me - but where is my intuition leading me false?
  7. Or could Nohadon travel to Shadesmar?
  8. Good catch. From quote-mining, I'm 99% sure he was actually talking about the embossing on the actual cover (which is the Windrunner sword design), not the dustjacket. Doesn't make your finding here meaningless however, and I do wonder as to what it could mean.
  9. Wasn't it confirmed that gets replaced by a kandra?
  10. I suspect that was a deliberate Malapropism, a lá Foghorn Leghorn
  11. I get where you're coming from, but suggest,an alternative theory. Rather than creating a patchwork of the window, what if the time spent together has actually caused the glass to melt and merge? They become more inextricably linked then. Theoretically possible to separate, but not easily done. This would also create a window very different from the original. For the record, I actually find your idea more plausible and intuitive, given the example of the table which is still obviously constructed from different components, and the above quote stating that harmony is still, in fact, two shards.
  12. Sorry, i don't agree. What I see happening in this scenario is you move away from the wall (1000N of force, as the wall sure as hell isn't going anywhere) and the coin is going the other way with 2000N of force (simplified, other factors would likely alter the actual forces in play). The coin is not am anchor. If the coin was anchored against something, then everything remains stationary. I don't see why a steelpush would ignore normal laws of motion. You're not physically in contact, but your push still exterts force, and that will you and the object. Wait. I think maybe I understand where wires are getting crossed. Khmauv and I are talking about a SUSTAINED push. Am I right in assuming you're (in your example) giving a 'shove', then releasing the push? (Although saying that, I still perceive the same outcome to shoving a wall)
  13. I'm curious as to why there should be 10 shardpools on Roshar. Every other pool has been tied to one shard. Heralds ≠ shards. Or did I miss something?
  14. So then, can we infer from this that using metal as ferruchemical storage rearranges the chemical makeup of the metal? I see no other way that the allomantic 'charge' mentioned earlier would be lost. Otherwise, if the effect is only temporary, maybe a filled metalmind blocks allomantic resonance until emptied again. Ah, wait, no... Re-read the quote above... If you're fuelling ferruchemy with allomancy, then i guess a charged metalmind changes the resonance to give access to the stored attribute instead. Edited for grammar
  15. maybe then instead of making sazedium better than atium at stealing properties, perhaps it could be used to steal any single property but without killing the 'donor'? Just as an alternative suggestion. No idea what a lerasium spike could do :S
  16. Pretty sure that was me over here. I'm also wondering about Devotion and Dominion. It does seem that they're pretty tangled now.
  17. Oh my... forgot about this... off-topic (sorry) but this ties nicely in with the theory of Waveforms that's been recently suggested. I seem to remember something similar with the Dor (Aons filtering which 'wavelengths' of the Dor can push through into the Physical). I wonder if Waveforms aren't unique to Roshar, so much as they are magic interpreted differently across the Cosmere. Back OT, I am also curious as to what happens to a metalmind allmonatically which is part-filled, or totally filled and later drained. There seems to be an almost contradictory thing going on here, as we know metals don't 'contain' allomantic power, they act as catalysts to allow access to Preservation's power source. So I wonder then what is the nature of the allomantic 'charge'? Is this a natural function of the metal's chemical makeup, or is the metal itself invested?
  18. As I said, some things have been tweaked for game balance. I believe that the canon stated you need to be sufficiently powerful in Bronze, not sure if you specifically need double-bronze (I'm assuming this refers to spiking, sorry if I'm wrong) or not. I believe TLR could also pierce copperclouds (which is how he captured Kelsier and Mare) simply due to his absurd, god-like strength in Allomancy.
  19. Huh. I read this differently; when Sanderson says 'this is what Odium feared would happen' I assumed he was talking about why Odium hasn't taken up any of the Shards he's destroyed. Is interesting to think that he may be opposed to the merging of Shards generally.
  20. Just had a look at the RPG rules for copper (not 100% canon, but I think the best we have for now). According to the RPG, Coppercloud size is indeed fixed; flaring is simply used to offset a skilled or powerful Seeker. There is also an additional Stunt that can increase the size of a Coppercloud; however this is a permanent gain, and does not give the ability to alter the size of the affected area 'on-the-fly'. According to the RPG rules for Cadmium and Bendalloy, the Allomancer must decide when creating the bubble both the time-differential and the size of the bubble - these then become fixed, but only for each bubble until destroyed (subsequent bubbles may be a different size, up to a given maximum). Again, I must state that RPG rules are not necessarily canon. I think it was stated somewhere that certain things had to be balanced for game reasons, so things of this nature in particular should not be taken too much as cast-iron fact.
  21. Assuming you could push hard enough and fast enough, and overcome the body's central governor, I'll say yes. Thanks Lyrebon. I'm curious now; weight is a product of mass, correct? So when tapping weight, does Wax become denser? Is there anything in-text to support/contradict? Other than we know he becomes stronger to accommodate the weight, which could be interpreted as an increase in actual muscle density, rather than simply 'magically fuelled' strength. Actually, that would be in keeping with Ferruchemy's end-neutrality, if you also assume storing weight works by reducing muscle mass.
  22. Sorry, shorthand for Word of Brandon. Anything Brandon himself has directly stated, either in-text or at interviews/signings etc.
  23. I think a skilled Smoker probably could... turn the copper burn down low, like giving a gentle nudge with Steel or Brass for example.
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