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Everything posted by MountainKing

  1. I going to argue that the SR represents the whole universe, not just the collection of stars that is the Cosmere.
  2. I have to agree there are already to many Kholins radiant, but I kind of want Navani to bond the Nighwatcher.
  3. Read Oathbringer, pay attention to any chapter involving Odium and if you still haven't decided on an answer read Mistborn era 1 Also welcome to the 17th Shard.
  4. Any futuresight, pastsight, alternate presentsight, and maybe presentsight are manifestations of Fortune
  5. Books 1-3 are standalones and book four is the sequel of all tree of them.
  6. So Radiant Shardplate I think could reform without stormlight. I feel like they could just dismiss part of the armor and call new spren to reform it.
  7. They're both wrong. Spensa shouldn't have done that, and Jorgen shouldn't have reacted that way.
  8. How about this, a monk would expand the eye color of the person, redistribute it into an elixir, then set up the compression spell, so when someone starts to drink it, the elixir compresses itself into the person's eyes. And if the elixir doesn't have a compression spell
  9. Basically the idea is that Timber could form a nahel and gemheart bond with Venli, giving her both radiants powers and a new form(maybe a new form of power.)
  10. Extraction could be the use off all three types to remove eye color. Compress the eye color-> Distribute it into a special exlirlir => Expand it into that exlilir, and the only people who can perform extraction are ash eyes using the last remnants of there eyecolor
  11. (My Theory: The Krell are also humans) The weapons wouldn't matter because this would be centuries after DE, and the weapons would spread throughout the world
  12. I actually like the theory that is you don't store the copies of the memories in a coppermind, you just get one memory back that's really hard to forget(because you would have eight versions of the memories stored together)
  13. I doing to bring up an point that I raised earlier, it should be misting vs. radiant, not mistborn vs radiant, because mistborn, can'y usually exist. Specifically an Iron MIsting (one of the easiest to discover and obtain the right kind of metal) and Windrunner(Largest Order) And Truthwatchers/Lightweavers might be able to stop Steel Twinborns
  14. Sort of, but not really. You get Fortune, the ability to consciously or subconsciously process information from the spiritual realm. Usually seen in books as the ability to predict the future.
  15. Maybe it's easier for them to figure out the bindpoints.
  16. How can Scadrialians be seeded with Hemalurgy? @Calderis
  17. Nightblood could probably self-awaken, himself.
  18. Does the moon scepter allow for the Maipon's dor to power Aons or does the moon scepter allow someone to use Maipon's dor to power Maipon's symbols in a similar way to how the Aondor powers Aons.
  19. I don't think we should group shards into groups because the actual unfiltered intents are not grouped into groups. . And if Unity is another proper interpretation of Honor's mandate, then the system falls apart because Unity is not a state of mind
  20. Her name could be the Yolish word for Dawn.
  21. He did, can I have a wob for that? But Culti could still be a drgaon.
  22. So when you compound things, the feruchemical charge flavors the investiture gained from Harmony. So if the feruchemical charge is a memory is should cause the new investiture to become replicas of that. I said eight memories because Brandon, once in an example about how compounding works, said that you get times 8 back after compounding (the original investiture plus the new investiture, he also said not to use that number because the actual number hasn't been set on stone.)
  23. I could see this happening, that each order has a different method of shardplate creation. For your division problem, I think that the surge of Division can unite things as well as its regular use. Adhesion can be used to force things apart, illumination can cause darkness or silence, Cohesion can make thinks malleable or the opposite of malleable, so I am pretty sure all the surges can be used to do what they usually do and their opposite.
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