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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. RAFO, Jk. there's some weird time stuff going on. It mostly has to do with the fact that he's not really changing time, you have to remember that at that moment time is dead. So it's not that he's changing time as much as he's reliving the exact same moment as before, even though he remembers doing it before. Kind of like a really strong Deja Vu. (also, I have toyed with the idea that it is hard for him to deviate from the path he took the first time. Sort of like how it works with Deja Vu, you tend to follow the same path as you remember.)
  2. I am honored to be listed among your list of creative individuals. In regards to your play, I think it is pretty good. I don't know anything about playwriting but I was engaged. I would be interested to read more of it. Also if you could give an introduction to it (something that tells us what it's about, where it's set, etc) that would be great. I'm assuming by the names Haman and Mordechai that this takes place around the time of the biblical story of Esther.
  3. @Jehoiada I just updated everything. What do you think of the new plot?
  4. I really like this idea. Especially in this day and age when it's important to hook your readers right off the bat. This is the first lines of my WIP novel tentatively titled KillingTime. Time, it permeates all things, constantly in motion.
  5. That's interesting, you could split Earth into Stone/Rock and Earth/Sand. Also, is there any particular reason for the pairings? If it's just by like elements then I think there might be better pairing options. Like maybe Air and Ghost, or Psychic and Sound. EDIT: Assuming there isn't a specific reason for the pairings here is how I would pair them (reasons for changes are in red): Water - Electricity Ice - Fire Nature - Bug Air - Ghost Both are invisible yet could have real-world effects. Earth - Stone Both are earth related. Poison - Petroleum Both are chemical based. Light - Dark Metal - Dragon I was thinking metal relates to dragon scales. Psychic - Sound both relate to the brain. These are just ideas though, feel free to ignore them.
  6. What are the elements you currently have? Also, how are they paired?
  7. Hi, I have an HTC Vive that I use in conjunction with my gaming laptop. I've never played Skyrim VR, I heard from some people that it is hard to control. I really want Beat Saber but I haven't gotten it yet, it's on my wishlist. Here are some of the games I recommend: Job Simulator - This is a really well made fun little game. It has four different "jobs" that you can do, Chef, Gas Station Worker, Car Mechanic, and Office worker. In each of the jobs, you are given various tasks to complete. It is very much for the casual gamer or anyone who just wants to relax an mess around in VR. Horseshoes, Hotdogs, and Handgranades - By far the leading VR gun simulator. This game has over 150 different guns ranging from old single shot pistles to a minigun. It also has all kinds of attachments and various types of ammo for all the guns. (not to mention the grenades, fireworks, and all the other shenanigans.) There are also about 15 different levels to play on varying from shooting ranges to wave defenses. To The Top - This is sort of a VR parkour game. It features a large selection of levels that you must work your way through in the fastest time possible. Motion Sickness Warning: This game does not have a teleport to move function. This means that when you move the world appears to move around you instead of you just teleporting around. This style of VR movement can make many people motion sick. Superhot VR: A simple wave defense game with one difference. Time only moves when you do. This game is a mixture of a shooter and a puzzle game because you can move at your own deliberate pace and you have time to make decisions. (Also, it is really fun to feel like you're in the matrix when you watch bullets move slowly past your head.) There are other ones I play, but these four are my favorite.
  8. Mine is actually a fairly recent change, for the longest time I used SlimeKing45 as my username on everything. I originally changed it as sort of a joke, but I kind of got attached to it. besides, as The Lopen says "if you make the jokes yourself, you steal the laughter from everyone else." or something like that. Since then I have changed everything I can to this current one. My only problem is that for a lot of places it is too long. For those ones, I use The1stIdiot or just 1stIdiot.
  9. I can't see yours, but I assume it is a great one. An assumed 10/10
  10. I have gotten to see it twice and it is so much better the second time through. @TheOrlionThatComesBefore @Captains Domon
  11. So I once heard of this guy who got married in prison. Unfortunately, nobody showed up to the party afterward. I guess he had a poor cell reception. Sorry... not sorry.
  12. In honor of Avengers: Infinity War coming out, I have created this. Don't worry, this contains no spoilers. I'm really excited about seeing this movie, it's going to be a really groot movie, I’m really interested to see how they manage to cram that many characters in one movie, it’s something to marvel at. I really hope they don’t kill Spider-Man, you know, the guy who can Wakanda walls. Though I don’t care if he gets injured and needs a doctor. Strange that there doesn’t seem to be much Hawkeye in the trailers, guess he had to bow out. I’m also hoping that they keep the romance to a Loki level. It’s a good thing most of them aren’t married yet though because it would be bad if there were too many widows. Some of those actors are huge and jacked man. Can you imagine how much work it takes to get that hulked up, after all the working out they’re probably really Thor. What I’m really saying is that I hope it lives up to the director's vision.
  13. There is a WoB about this and no, apparently it would not work on a human. Questioner In Sixth of the Dusk, the Aviar, they [ate all those worms]. What happens if someone else eats the worms on Patji? Do they get powers? Brandon Sanderson Has-- It doesn’t work for a human. They’ve tried that. But there might be something more there. source
  14. For those of you that don't know, I am working on a book/series based on my TimeWells magic system. (A detailed write up on that can be found here.) This is the official topic for me to get feedback on it as I write. I finally have gotten a plot figured out that I like. Currently, I only have the prologue written, chapters will be posted as they are written. I am not a very fast writer so please bear with me on this, hopefully, you all will be an inspiration/motivation to write faster. Also, keep in mind that these are very rough 1st drafts, I am aware that they may need a lot of work. So without further ado, I present, Killing Time. Here is a brief summary of the plot. Kind of like what you would find on the back of a book. Here is a more in-depth breakdown of how the plot is going to work. Minor spoiler warning, (in case you don't want to know how the plot is going to work.) Prolouge: Also, what do you think of doing an Epigraph kind of thing but with quotes about Time from other people? This came from the fact that this whole book was partly inspired by Henry David Thoreau's quote "As if you could kill time without injuring eternity."
  15. Clubs? edit: I don't remember if he ever interacted with TenSoon though.
  16. Number 3 is hilarious, That is really interesting, I had wondered this before. Thanks for clearing it up for me. Now for my facts: 1: Apparently, babies cry in an accent. In one study they found that one could differentiate babies born in different countries purely by their cry. 2: You can build up an immunity to mosquitos, The only problem is that there are more than 3500 different species, so building up an immunity to one of them would be kind of pointless. 3: If all living humans were to hold hands around the equator of the earth, a significant portion would drown.
  17. Full name: Eighth of Midnight Investiture: Awakener of the 4th Heightening, worldhopper. Nationality of the cosmere: First of the Sun Height: 6'1" Age: 35 Hair color: Black Eye color: Dark Brown Heroic history: Generally tries to keep a low profile, most people don't know about him as he likes to work in the background. Personality: Serious, honorable, kind. What brought your character here? A rumor that has been passing around, one that, if true, could mean the end of everything. I'm imagining him looking something like this, credit: aenaluck on DeviantArt
  18. I have been thinking about this for a while, but is there any particular reason that Brandon still has the Oathbringer progress bar up? The same goes for Legion 3, seeing as how it is now finished and is already scheduled for release.
  19. @Niteshado 1: Generally speaking, would you say you're more likely to become a superhero or villain? 2: If you were to gain a superpower based on some aspect of yourself, what would it be. 3: White or dark meat? 4: If you were attacked by an army of anthropomorphic sentient zucchini, what would you do? 5: If you could change any food to be permanently any color, without it seeming weird to anyone besides yourself. What food and what color would you choose? 6: If I am what I am not, then who is what I am if I am not what I was, also they are not who you are because I am who they were before they became me. if so, does that mean you are who I was when I was not who they are? 7: Favorite color? 8: Favorite sports car? 9: Top three favorite video games?
  20. 1: Generally speaking, would you say you're more likely to become a superhero or villain? 2: If you were to gain a superpower based on some aspect of yourself, what would it be. 3: White or dark meat? 4: If you were attacked by an army of anthropomorphic sentient zucchini, what would you do? 5: If you could change any food to be permanently any color, without it seeming weird to anyone besides yourself. What food and what color would you choose? 6: What is your favorite genre to write? (Sci-fi, Fantasy, etc,) 7: Favorite point of view to write? (first, third, etc.) 8: If I am what I am not, then who is what I am if I am not what I was, also they are not who you are because I am who they were before they became me. if so, does that mean you are who I was when I was not who they are? 9: Favorite color?
  21. What?! You haven't named your pens? I have a maroon pen with me right now that I have named Isabel Riker.
  22. I have a couple of questions, 1: Are animals born with a breath just like humans? 2: if one were to give say a goat, thousands of breaths would that goat gain the heightening that go along with it? 3: if so what would be the purpose of a goat with all 10 heightenings? Other than to have a prismatic goat. 4: Could a goat awaken? Awakening requires the command to be spoken in the native language and a specific intent. Both of those things could happen purely by the goats instincts, regardless of whether or not the goat was trying to awaken. These we’re thought up by a half asleep me last night, as such they are a tad bit wacky.
  23. Well, he said it's a novella which means it's probably not the start of another series. The problem is that he said it's not something he's talked about before, which eliminates almost everything we've brought up so far. Wait... I figured it out, Brandon's twitter profile picture is currently of a Mistborn llama... could we be getting a novella about a Mistborn llama!?
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