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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. Spongebob as a Steel Inquisitor, that's got to be one of the scariest ideas ever.
  2. This is similar to the "what are you watching" topic, but for YouTube instead. What channels do you all watch, what would you recommend? I watch way too much, but my favorites are Good Mythical Morning (GMM), Smosh, Crazy Russian Hacker (CRH), and Nerd3.
  3. Hi @Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper, I have more questions for you, 1: If you could ship any two characters from the cosmere (regardless of what world they're from) who would they be? 2: If you could name a spren, what would you name it and what kind would it be? 3: If you could add a metal to the allomantic arts what would it be and what would be the effects of burning it? How about if it were used is feruchemy? 4: If you could change any food to be any color (without it seeming weird to everyone), what food and color would you chose? 5: If you were in charge of which books Brandon writes next, what order would they be in?
  4. Hi! Welcome to the Shard! Just FYI, if anyone offers cookies, don't take them. What's your favorite of Sanderson's books?
  5. Granted, but you have no control over when it will combust, so you live your life in constant worry. I wish for exactly 263.5 TicTacs.
  6. My favorite cliche which is not a cliche because it does not happen nearly often enough is when the villain gets redeemed in the end. I.E. Redemption stories, especially if the one being redeemed is the villain Ditto to all of this.
  7. I don't know what I'd wish for, all I know is that my first wish would be something along the lines of "I wish that all my wishes, including this one, would be granted in the specificity that I intended with no unforeseen or unintended effects."
  8. There is kind of a theme to these ones. "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool out of you." - Joan Rivers "Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another." - Kenny Ausubel "I have always felt that laughter in the face of reality is probably the finest sound there is and will last until the day when the game is called on account of darkness. In this world, a good time to laugh is any time you can." - Linda Ellerbee
  9. Hi and Welcome! Have a free upvote! I'm glad you decided to join, trust me you won't regret it. Since you've read all the Cosmere books, which book is your favorite?
  10. This is a topic for random facts! Post your random facts here. If you want you can even include sources for them. I'll start, Did you know when hippos are upset their sweat turns red. Also, did you know that if you look at a complete stranger, that you've never met before and know nothing about, you still have a better than random chance at guessing their name correctly.
  11. @Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper I answer your summons and bring forth questions of great substance. 1: If you were to be attacked by a horde of anthropomorphic Mistborn potatoes, what would be your weapon of choice? 2: In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your first actions? 3: What topic on the Shard is your favorite? 4: If you could only eat bugs for the rest of your life, what bug would you choose? 5: If you were sucked into the world of a book, what book would you LEAST want to be sucked into? 6: Do you play video games? If so what is your console of choice? (Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, PC, etc.) 7: If you were to create a dance move, what would it be called? 8: And finally, the most important question of all... Why?
  12. @Zacer You don't need to tag people, but it's one of the best ways the make sure they see it. I personally tag people quite a bit. Thanks, that'd be really great when I write it. Assuming I can get it published. My current book is going great, It all started with the premise "what if everyone in all of history had superpowers. except you." I really like thinking about how this would effect the way that culture would have developed. Also the current working title is "Powerless". No I am not part of reading excuses.
  13. @Zacer Thanks! I have a rough idea for it, basic plot-line, main protagonist, etc. I still have to decide where it should take place, I.E. whether it should be set on an alternate earth, or on a entirely different world. I'm also currently working on the first draft of another book, so it will probably be a while before I start writing the TimeWells book(s).
  14. I was messing around with these, below are the ones I came up with. The second one is dedicated to Hoid. Pouring rain, evening descends, quiet still quiet, descending evening, rain pouring. Bacon sizzles, the aromas waft smells, delicious smells, wafting aromas, the sizzling bacon. Pen to page, words to write, thoughts create thoughts, writing to words, page to pen.
  15. Hi and welcome, Whats your sixth favorite food?
  16. "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it's hard to verify their authenticity" - Abraham Lincoln "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that is why it is called the present." - Oogway
  17. @Merrickz I love your idea for a Mistborn game, like I said in the OP we hadn't talked about how the game would work at all. Yours would be amazing, I especially love the being able to complete the missions in different ways based on what abilities you took at the start. I really like open ended games like that so that part sound awesome. I also like how by using that system, it would almost have some puzzle elements because you'd have to figure out how to solve each mission using the powers you've got.
  18. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. I will remember those who have been forgotten. I will listen to those who have been ignored. I will speak for those for those who have not been heard. huh, adds up to me. Confirmed.
  19. I see what your saying and I've wondered the same thing. The problem is if you are only trying to quote a small part of the post, without editing you could not respond to a specific part of a post. As much as it could be used incorrectly I think that it would be more confusing without it.
  20. Personally I play MTG, Netrunner, and L5R. With MTG though, I only buy packs when there's a set i'm interested in. I don't play any of them competitively, I just have my couple decks in each game. One of my friends is a registered judge for MTG so he's constantly handing me cards to make my decks better.
  21. That is true, I was thinking more my personal connotative definitions. I'm half Japanese so I grew up with the knowledge that if you want sushi with raw fish you order it with sashimi. Even then, sushi in America (where I live) rarely has raw fish (unless you buy it from an Japanese restaurant), so it still stands that people should not judge sushi on a basis of raw fish.
  22. Let me just start this by saying that there may be spoilers in the following. So I was thinking about the Mistborn video game that was canceled and it got me thinking, what kinds of video games would be the best for the different Cosmere worlds. I was talking with my brother-in-law (also the one who got me hooked on BS) about this and we came up with what we think are some great ideas. Stormlight Archive: Real Time Strategy (RTS), (Starcraft, The original Warcraft, most of the Command and Conquer games.) The Stormlight Archive lends itself to the RTS format very well, with the ability to have many different teams that all play very differently: Alethkar, Parshendi/Listeners, Ghostbloods, The followers of the Diagram, and more. All of these teams would have their heroes, such as Radiants, and Fused. They would also all play very differently, creating very different strategy's and lending themselves to different peoples play styles, for example: The Parshendi could have the ability to change the "forms" of all their units giving them the ability to go from having hundreds of workers to hundreds of soldiers. There would also be the ability to have vastly different maps ranging from the Shattered Plains to the Purelakes. Each of these locations could influence the game in a verity of ways. Mistborn: Third-Person Role Playing Game (RPG), (Assassins Creed, Tomb Raider,) We considered making this an MMO, the problem with this is that there would be far too many mistborns running around. The only way to limit this would be to limit people to mistings, but we felt that would be far less interesting given the universe. So our solution, a story driven RPG. We didn't really talk much about the mechanics of the game or how the ability of the metals would manifest in the game, but we think it's the best fit. Reckoners: Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMO), (World of Warcraft) I know this isn't Cosmere, but It is still a great idea. We were thinking about which of BS series would work the best as an MMO, the problem is that given the way most of his worlds works, there would be way too many magic users around, be they Mistborn, Radiants, or otherwise. Then we though about The Reckoners as an MMO, there wouldn't be hundreds of people with magic or superpowers. In fact the Epics would be perfect for bosses in instances and raids. I'm curious what you all think. What styles of games do you think would fit Cosmere worlds? Any thoughts on my ideas? Let discussion ensue! P.S. Alcatraz is totally an 8-bit Mario style plat-former.
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