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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. If you don't know what this is, it's when you take something such as a quote from a book and run it through translation after translation until it has changed completely. So for example if I take the first ideal of the knights radiant: "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. " This is the ideal when translated from English into German and then back into English: "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before the goal" Next, I translated it into Pashto (don't ask me what that is, it was just an option.): "Life before death, before the goal, before the goal" I did a few more after those, the final list of translations is as follows, English>German>English>Pashto>English>Hindi>Bangla>Latin>Korean>English This is the final product: Before the goal, life before the death of life. I think these are humorous and it's interesting to see what they become when put through so many translations. Here are a few more quotes put through many layers of translation: "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." , - William Shakespeare English>Latin>Dutch>Arabic>Italian>Hebrew>Spanish>Indonesian>Vietnamese>Japanese>English "Do not get angry, they explain that there is a person with a large image size in the greatness of many others." "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor, Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.." - Mark Twain English>Filipino>Hawaiian>Icelandic>Somali>Norwegian>Welsh>Croatian>Chinese>English "You've been hurt for twenty years. Now let's go, leave the correct port, direct the wind. To understanding. View. find him."
  2. Hi and welcome, would you like a cake with a thousand breaths in it?
  3. Hi and welcome! It’s always great to have another member join!
  4. The man screamed as he tumbled down the steps, landing in a heap at the bottom.
  5. Um yes, in this one right here "IIINsickly looked over at Dalinar and said 'Hi, who are you?'" (page 52685)
  6. "I just think you like breaking stuff." Eighth said as he walked into the building. They were in a small entryway, there was a doorway in the back and one to the left.
  7. I know Forgery doesn't work here,Eighth dabbles in it when he can. Maybe, it seems that they could. @Kingsdaughter613 It might be too late, Louik is about to smash to door anyway. Eighth raised an eyebrow, "most of us?" he said stepping away from the door.
  8. That's gruesome, that's why Eighth stay's away from Hemalurgy. He prefers brute strength, and a dash of forgery.
  9. Eighth looked over at Raisa "Storms woman, what are you talking about? we're kind of in the middle of something here." Eighth looked over at Louik, "you going to brake it or should I?"
  10. wow, you make it sound like this guy was torn limb from limb.
  11. That would not make Louik happy, though Eighth would probably be fine with that.
  12. Are you kidding, I'm about to break the door down. I've already knocked, but either the Bloodmaker's not home, or he's intentionally ignoring us. (Someone really need's to be the Bloodmaker.) EDIT: Oops double posted,
  13. I don't care enough make a rule about it, I was just curious if there was a reason for one or the other. And if one of them is more common for RP.
  14. Eighth stared at Louik flatly, "That was a joke Louik."
  15. Eighth glanced over a Louik, "Fake? I thought that was your natural state." he said grinning. Edit: Are we supposed to be in present tense or past tense? I've been using past because it feels more natural to me, but most of you are using present.
  16. Eighth turns to Harthan, "Don't worry, we'll get you home. But first, we have a Bloodmaker to deal with." with that eighth walks up to the door of the Bloodmakers house and knocks loudly. So... who wants to be the Bloodmaker?
  17. I make puns way too often, it can be really shard to understand me. sorry.
  18. Hi and let me welcome you with a brownie made with a single bead of Lerasium!
  19. There is no real winning, it's just for fun.
  20. Hi and Welcome! Unlike @Ookla the Elephant I will not try to take your breath, in fact I would like to offer you a cake invested with 50 breaths. As far as the abbreviations, there is a full list at the abbreviation compendium, it is missing a few but the majority of them are there.
  21. Eighth looked at Raisa, "I meant no disrespect, and I'm sure that they taste fantastic. I was merely saying that there is some comfort to the familiar. Just because one has slept in the most comfortable bed in the world, does not mean one wouldn't prefer one's own." Eighth turned to Louik, "considering what I know about Rend, It does not seem overly surprising." he said with a smile.
  22. I hereby declare a meme war against any and all members of the 17thShard! Come at me with your best memes, but beware, I will retaliate. Rules of warfare The goal is to make the best memes, whether they are about the shard or not. Feel free to target a meme at a particular member but personal attacks against anyone's character or beliefs are not permitted. Have fun and remember, it's only a game. P.S. Imgflip is my personal favorite for making memes.
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