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Everything posted by GeneralHZRD

  1. When a new sharder fall into this trap,
  2. Hi, since members of both other bakery based organisations are here I figured I should join as well. I come from the FEF, and I have a pie for you. And don't worry, unlike those from the DA, my pie is not spiked. Though it may have some bugs from First of the Sun in it.
  3. Hey, not all of them are being spiked. Some of them have gotten Lerasium beads in their cookies. I wanted to see if it would have the same effect when it was digested instead.
  4. Too be fair, I was never actually a member of the DA to begin with. I've never even requested to join. I'm just a purveyor of fine culinary arts, which may or may not be invested. To be completely honest though, that doughnut was not normal. In fact it was a forgery, it started out as moldy bread. I wanted to see if it would taste the same as a normal doughnut.
  5. Well in that case I'd say that we may be similar in many ways. But we differ in many as well, You at the DA are focused of the limits of hemalurgy, whereas here we are focused on food and all it's possible limits, be they invested or not.
  6. Um.. huh, I had honestly not considered that before. I would say that it varies with skill level. As far as 1 vs 10, I'd say that more takes longer. So if at your particular skill level you can transfer 5 years a second, then 10 years would take 2 seconds, 20 would take 4, 80 would take 16, etc.
  7. Yes, that would work. If you look at my answer to Ookla the Capricious's first question it's the same idea. You could channel hundreds of years from an outside source into your target, but you would have to be touching them.
  8. Yes, that is possible. Because the time is flowing through you without ever stopping you would have a constant up and down of 1 or so years. Because of this constant flow you would not be holding all 100 years at one time, so you would probably be fine. I'm not sure this is relevant given my answer to the first question. But it would probably kill you before it transferred. Yes, certain items such as diamonds can last for hundreds of years without changing much, so you could store time in those ans carry them with you. Honestly I don't know, I haven't decided, It might. It would be interesting if it did.
  9. That is true, and it is one of the dangers with taking in time. That being said there are some parameters that would change the likelihood of certain events. A soldier is more likely to gain wounds if he takes in time, whereas say an accountant is less likely to get wounded. Also because the future is fluid and ever-changing you could take in Time and find out that you caught a deadly plague, but you could get rid of that Time and wait a couple of hours and try again and your future might not be the same as it was the first time.
  10. new members be like Then I respond like
  11. This could work, the only problem is that it would be a last ditch effort because you would likely kill yourself as well. Look at it like this if you and your enemy were both 50 years old and you gave all your years to them, then they would instantly age to 100 which in turn would likely kill them from old age. But in turn you would de-age to 0, which would kill you by essentially making it as if you had never been born. Also if you and your enemy were only around 20, then even giving all your Time would not kill them because they would only be around 40. @Dragon314 I am changing my answer to this question. So the answer is no. If you look at the new info that I have added to the original post you will see why. Essentially what it means is that the more Time you pull out of yourself that larger your Difference becomes, and the harder your body will be pulling on the objects around it to try and get back to where it belongs. So the longer you continue to do this the more you will have to constantly fight to keep your body the age you want. Unless you were to wear a suit made of gemstones and be extremely careful to never touch anything, no you could not be immortal. Sort of, It would probably work in the opposite instead though, paying to get rid of Time. For example someone who was 80 years old could pay to have 60 of those years taken so that they could be 20 again.
  12. New and updated info is marked in red. This is an idea that I've had bouncing around in my head for a while. I figured that if I put it here all of you can help me shape it into a full system. The idea is that Time is a resource and that all things in the universe hold a certain amount of time. The amount of time an object holds is based on how long it has been in that state. For example, a human that is 20 years old holds 20 years worth of time (give or take how many days they are from their birthday.) The way this works as a magic system is that there are certain people that can draw from these wells of time that each object has, this allows them to say, take 10 years out of a rock and put it into a tree. This change has a physical effect on the objects because the objects are actually aging or de-aging. This change would have different effects on different objects, for example in the aforementioned scenario, the rock would likely not change much because 10 years is not much to a rock. At most the rock might get a little larger because it doesn't have the 10 years of erosion anymore. But to the tree, 10 years could mean a drastic change in appearance. 10 years could mean the difference between a 2-foot sapling and a 12-foot tall tree. Drawbacks The main drawback is that Time cannot exist without affecting something. What that means is that the average Time manipulator could not hold more than at max around 60 years. Any more than that and they risk dying of old age. Parameters Time cannot exist without affecting something. This means that no matter what is holding the Time, be it a rock, person, plant, or even a building, it will either be moved forward or backward in its timeline depending on how much it's holding. Time can only be pulled out of an object to the point where it last changed form. What this means is that if you take for example a broken sword, even if the sword is 30 years old, if it broke when it was 20 years old you cannot pull more than 10 years out of it because it changed from when it broke. Likewise, if a man lost his leg at 19, you could not de-age him past 19 because the loss of his leg changed his form. There is one exception to this rule, however, If you have both parts of the original object, like the sword, both the handle section and the blade, then you can de-age them at the same time and fuse them back together. Due to the fact that you obviously could not have every molecule of a broken object, it is possible to pull Time from a broken object with having all the pieces. But this takes more time and concentration. Essentially, the more you have of the original object the easier it is to pull Time from it. The past is set in stone, the future is not. This rule is in two parts, this first means that anything that happened in the past cannot be changed. This means you could take time out of a painting till it was just a canvas, but no matter how much time passes, when you put time back into the canvas it will ALWAYS become the same painting. The second part of this rule is that the future is fluid and ever-changing. This means that if you add time to say a hunk of wood and it becomes a beautiful carving, if you take that time out of that wood reverting it backing to just wood there is no guarantee that when you add time back into it again that it will still become a carving, it may become part of a chair instead. Memory's are not lost when a person loses Time. All this means is that memories are tied to a individuals identity, not their body. This means that if a person who was 60 transferred 40 of those years into a rock, thereby de-aging themselves to be only 20, they would not lose the memory's that gained during the 40 years they got rid of. 90% of the time, you must be touching the items you wish to change. It is possible to change an object that you are not touching, only by passing the Time through multiple objects. This can be incredibly hard to do and causes a lot of mental strain. The more objects that the Time has to pass through, the harder it is. Objects will always attempt to return to their present-day form. What this means is that if you add 100 years into an object it will try to shove that time back out so that it can return to the form it should be at the present time. The farther an object is from its starting point the harder it will push. So if an object is 100 years older or younger than it should be it will leak slower than if it were 1000 years older or younger. I don't know the ratio yet, but they don't tend to leak much until they are at least 150 years off of where they belong. Objects will only leak into things directly touching them. There are certain materials that are resistant to the effects of Time, what that means is that they work as insulators so that even an object that was 2000 years older than it should be could not leak into them. Them main insulator materials are gemstones. P.S. This means that you could build a sword with a diamond insulated handle that had 15000 years into it so that when you hit anyone with it they would get so much Time shoved into them they would essentially disintegrate. When multiple objects are isolated, the Difference (how far off they are from present form) will equalize. This is loosely based on the "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" law. Essentially it means that if you had a rock with a Difference of 100 years and a rock that was in present form and you put them into a diamond-lined bag so that they could not leak into anything but each other, they would equalize so that they both had a Difference of 50 years. At that point, they would stop because they would both be pushing on each other with the same amount of force. It is WAY easier to tap into the TimeWells if you have a Focus. Focuses can take the form of a variety of different things but the most common is a pocket watch. Whatever the focus, it must contain a gemstone, Quartz works the best. They are most commonly used by placing one hand on the object one wishes to change, and holding the watch in the other hand. The one affecting Time then focuses on the face of the watch, visualizing the time running backward or forward for the object. Gemstones do not function under the same rules as everything else. This is the reason that they work as insulators. Time does not naturally flow through gemstones. This does mean that Gems can be used as storage for Time, but pushing Time through the Time barrier that they possess can be difficult. Also, because Time effects Gems differently they can be used for a variety of purposes. I hope I explained this clearly if you have any questions or ideas I'd love to hear them. After all, feedback is the reason I posted this. I am currently writing a book based on this magic system, a feedback topic for that is located here: Killing Time Edit - Typos and updated information.
  13. Wouldn't it be cool if... You could change the viscosity of objects just by touch?
  14. Wow, that is a really interesting idea. When you think about it though, Lightweaving is about creating lies. Forgery is also about lies in a way, when you forge something you are rewriting it's history, but it is still just a lie. It seems that there could be some sort of connection between Lightweaving and forgery. I wonder what the greater Cosmere implications that could have?
  15. Given the recent appearance of the Hemalurgy Free Bakery and the conflict between them and the Dark Alley, I feel that a middle ground is needed. Here at the Food Experimentation Foundation or FEF we believe in the furthering of what's possible with food, be it via Hemalurgy, any other kind of investiture, or even classic culinary techniques. There are no limits, our only goal is to discover what possible with food. This is a place for those who do not care for the furthering of the DA's reach, nor for the protection of those newcomers, but simply discovery! Those that wish to join must simply say the oath: I will not spike for the sake of power, I will not defend for the sake of respect. Our current slogan is: FEF: Food For Thought.
  16. Hi and Welcome to the shard, have an up-vote! I would recommend checking out the Oathbringer spoiler board if you haven't already. It'll be your number one place for Oathbringer info. Also just FYI but there is a lot of controversy surrounding cookies here on the shard, so have a doughnut instead.
  17. I actually hadn't noticed until reading this. I'm going to have to pay more attention from here on out.
  18. I agree, Dark Alley members are weird. Instead have one of my delicious meat pies! Certified by the Board of Anti-invested Foods to be free from any hemalurgic spikes. Though I can not guarantee against any of the following: Lerasium Beads, Avair meat, hair from a Returned, authentic sweat from a shard-bearer, carapace from a Whitespine, and/or dirt from any/all of the Cosmere worlds.
  19. Not everyone here is a spike crazed maniac... just me! On a completely unrelated topic, have a cookie newcomer!
  20. Here you all go again. Hating on the cookies. What did they ever do to you?
  21. Think of me as kinda like Hoid, only instead of being where I need to be, I'm generally where I don't need to be... and probably causing a ruckus. Or just being a nuisance, you know all good things.
  22. WHAT? NO, how could you? I slaved over that cookie for eons, do you know how hard it is to hemalurgicly invest a pastry!?!... I mean uh... bake a cookie so uniquely delicious?.
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