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Everything posted by Wander89

  1. Now there's a throwback (and an image )
  2. I didn't catch that on my first read through but got it on my... third? Good catch!!
  3. Chilled out maxing, relaxing all cool, shooting some b'ball outside of the school.
  4. I did! You should have got a notification telling you! There was a list earlier, i'll try and quote it when I find it, I think Argent or something was the top.
  5. The more you post and the more upvotes you get, the higher the "level". If you frequent the boards a lot and contribute then you'll rise pretty quickly and it's awesome to see whats next
  6. Nah, he would have probably chosen someone to do it for him and played it off as a joke, being the King's Wit.
  7. Reminds me of an old cartridge game that we used to get
  8. Not done this myself but people are drawing parallels to the Good Vs. Evil because these are the two opposing forces in the story. I think people forget that there are other things than direct opposites to "good" or "evil" and are trying to draw comparison to a simplistic hero story when the Cosmere is anything but that.
  9. I guess that it would be obvious however I feel like the execution and turning points along the way would be brilliant. Journey before Destination I think we have always expected a greater story with sub-stories involved, I'm sure Brandon even said himself that his plan was to have it all come together but I guess plans can change so time will tell.
  10. I'm still going through My Hero Academia, I've finished Made in Abyss but the English Dub is out today so that's another reason to rewatch. I've started watching Promised Neverland and if it's as good as the manga then this will be one fun ride!!
  11. I think my surname, Blades, would make a damnation good callsign!
  12. Re-reads are fickle things, I ended up re-reading everything a LOT slower due to wanting to pick out the fine details. Turns out I just happen to LOVE Kelsier a lot more than I did the first time (and after reading Secret History, too). Currently doing a re-read myself but I'm going off on other books at the moment too.
  13. I'm 29, born 1989, and also discovered Brandon through Wheel of Time (my current favourite Fantasy series). Imagine my sheer enjoyment to find that he had written my (now joint)-favourite series!
  14. Jasnah strikes me as the secretive type that has probably swore/managed a lot more than she's putting on. I wouldn't be surprised to see that she has surpassed many other Radiants so far.
  15. It's a common thing to think, what with Rothfuss and Martin doing what they are doing, but I feel that Sanderson has this all planned out to an extent. He always talks about basic planning and iterations and I'm sure that he has plans in place should the inevitable happen. I'm also sure that he might not want to do this for the remainder of his career but at the current rate he is pushing out both Cosmere and Non-Cosmere stories, I'm more afraid of a burn out than not finishing. In Brandon We Trust.
  16. Seems to be that like most, I read Mistborn Era 1 first. I remember reading The Final Empire and being blown away (and being absolutely ruined by the ending). I immediately picked up Well of Ascension and whilst it didn't blow me away like TFE I ended up buying Hero of Ages straight away and that just floored me. It was a slow burner but in true BranSan fashion, the avalanche crumbled me. I then read Stormlight Archive, beginning with Way of Kings and then I just fell in love. I immediately bought the rest of the series and have been nitpicking every little details since!
  17. I'm curious to how it works now that some of the Shards are "united", see: Ruin & Preservation. I think the main goal is obviously to reunite the shards but how this is done and by what means; that's the story.
  18. If that's the case it then really becomes a question of "How much to become how big"? Is there a limit to the size or does it depend on the hemalurgic spikes themselves that would offer the control of the form they are in? Theoretically, it should be possible but I also imagine it would take a damnation long time since they took a while to become humans, at least.
  19. My computer had a fault and I lost the items in my HDD. Some files were of Brandon's unpublished works such as Aether of Night and old beta versions of Way of Kings. I've managed to reclaim the prose version of White Sand through his newsletter but is there anyone who can share the rest with me or show me what I need to do? I was really looking forward to reading through them all but the only way to fix my hard drive was to format it.
  20. After finishing Oathbringer, I can't help but think of the Krell as Space-Parshendi.
  21. I initially read Mistborn Era 1 before moving onto Stormlight. In Mistborn, it was Kelsier's "death" scene that has stuck with me since then. I remember absolutely loving this revolutionary character that was the driving force behind the Skaa and then he just died in the fight with the Lord Ruler. I was actually looking to read the next 2 in the hopes that he came back but was disappointed in that sense. I read Stormlight thereafter. Got through Way of Kings chapters 1-10 and could not get into it. Tried again a few years later and was hooked, must have been my taste at the time. Got to the Kaladin and Adolin fight in the battle arena and there were just so many moments there that cemented the Cosmere as my greatest fantasy series.
  22. Yeah I realised after writing this that I could have made this easier. Thanks for the tip! Thanks!!
  23. Good Afternoon My apologies, I started a topic earlier which was in the wrong Forum Area. I created one in the correct space but now have no way of deleting the initial topic. Is it possible to delete a topic or can a mod do this? This is the one I was wish to delete : www.17th shard.com/forum/topic/78523-name-needed-for-review-site/ My apologies Graham
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