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Everything posted by Wander89

  1. I agree with @Wandering Investor. The death of Gavilar showed two opposing forces trying to protect Elhokar but doing it in ways that one wanted to over-power the other. Sadeas was sneaky and manipulative but Dalinar was commanding and present amongs his forces. Once he took up the Codes it was like 2 different Dalinar's that Sadeas had now worked with and this one does not work to his advantage.
  2. I'm sure in one of the visions it was mentioned that there were once thousands of Radiants. I forgot the exact quote but when I do my next readthrough I will come back to this.
  3. Ultimate Antagonist screams Endgame to me and, as much as I would HATE to see it happen 237904 books from now, if it's done well then i'd be for it. And I know Brandon always plots well.
  4. Yeah, I didn't really explain myself properly but the slow taking over of the holder is what I meant.
  5. I'm going to have to say Dalinar. When using the Thrill as the Blackthorn he was able to destroy whole towns, sometimes even more,
  6. Yeah I suppose those were the wrong words but I agree that they have only one focus.
  7. I compare the holding of a Shard to when Bilbo gets the Ring in Lord of the Rings. They slowly turn into possessive, evil beings who only wish to hold more power. The personality traits slowly disappear and their reasoning behind holding the shard will diminish until all they wish to do is cause Ruin/Preservation/whichever Shard they hold. It's not an absolutely fool-proof idea for what happens when someone holds a Shard but it's kinda what I think happens.
  8. Appreciate the effort that you've taken to at least work this out.
  9. I'm in the majority that thinks My Hero Academia is one of the best animes of this century. However, the world in Made in Abyss as fantastic.
  10. I've just regained my appetite hahaha
  11. Currently sitting in work NOT eating my lunch
  12. Hahaha let's not go there at all, however it will be all I'm thinking about whilst reading Mistborn now.
  13. I'm both curious and sickened
  14. I don't know if "store" is the right word but you can, like @Scion of the Mists said possibly hover an object and come back at a later date but this would require an infinite amount of Stormlight/Metals to do.
  15. Two Kandra attempted to have a baby is NOT a sight I wanna see.
  16. I remember being absolutely gutted after reading The Final Empire with what happened to Kelsier and then reading Hero Of Ages and thinking the same thing. I always wondered if Spook would be the "new Kelsier" but then I read Secret History and I was quite happy that Kelsier was just Kelsier. I don't think Brandon is finished with his story though.
  17. I know, the whole project is such a big undertaking that they will end up doing TV series as well as movies. But it's exciting! I just wish there were more news about any projects other than DMG acquiring the rights. Maybe they will wait until after GoT ended and more SA books are announced before doing anything.
  18. I guess I just didn't connect as well with Adolin from the start of the book as I do now.
  19. Good dang or bad dang?
  20. It's always funny to see someone's eyes open to the little things that make the bigger picture in the Cosmere.
  21. As of 2017 its DMG that have the rights to the full Cosmere and have confirmed that they are planning a series for everything.
  22. I'm gonna go with Elend and Adolin for the same reasons. Used to think they were stuck up highlords and princes but then they turned into loyal, faithful heroes.
  23. Vin was the first "hero" I was introduced to in the Cosmere. I read Mistborn and was infatuated by Kelsier then obviously that didn't work out and I was distraught! I grew to love Vin and Elend's relationship though and don't think that Kaladin and her would be a good fit. I read Stormlight and Kaladin just drew me in with how down to earth and approachable he is as a character. The two of them have different approaches to life and how they deal with others and although they would make a good team I doubt they would last romantically.
  24. Mine was Earthsea, the first novel. I remember thinking about Ged and magic and my mind was opened to a whole new realm of possibilities. Then I read Belgariad and Name of the Wind and my standards shot straight up. I blew through Mistborn Era 1 in like a week and I've never looked back since!
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