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Everything posted by Wander89

  1. Hi all!! I'll be coming up with a name for a book review site. This will include Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, Tolkien and the usual as I reread their stuff. It will also include movies I watch and games I play but won't be massive reviews What i'm looking for is a site to start out, like Tumblr or Instagram (looking for short and small) and a name for this! The name can be Cosmere related but not too related that no-one outside it understands the reference. That description might not have made sense but hopefully we get our creativeness going and something happens. Thanks for all your help and, as also, other ideas are welcome!! Graham Bonus points if it includes my last name: Blades
  2. So I've read Mistborn Era 1 and Stormlight Archive + Edgedancer. Have currently got Elantris, Warbreaker and Era 2 to read along with the Arcanum. These are my first reads. Are there any particular order to read these in? Should I start from the start and read them all back through? I'll be reading them all at some point so it's really just a matter of which.
  3. Finished God of War, that was such an intense experience. The story was fantastic and the action was just brutal. The intricate details were so carefully thought out that I cannot wait for the sequels. Has anyone played Dragon Quest XI, looking for a new JPRG to play and this seems to be the next step having completed FFXV.
  4. True, I agree that we have no idea and that Sanderson will probably throw us a curveball but the way that Hoid tells his stories, to me, doesn't sound "bad". We will find out in Dragonsteel the true intentions and yeah, won't be anything we expect as Sanderson doesn't do the good and the bad aspects.
  5. Has anyone read Godblind/Nevernight/Kings of the Wyld? What's the verdict?
  6. Putting it simply; Hoid is helping our "heroes" way too much to be an opposing force/"big bad".
  7. God of War, first play through, absolutely breathtaking
  8. In the next planned books Lift will be older, I wonder what happens.
  9. It would be pretty cool if we see Hoid help everyone through their own series then, last ditch attempt, we see our known heroes bundle together to help Hoid. He's like Jacob from Lost in that everything/everyone he touches is for a "higher reason"
  10. I don't think that Kaladin "betrayed" Dalinar. Kaladin has his Bridge Four Brothers and his attempt to turn Moash into a "hero" hurt him. He failed and he has continued to fail Yes, he's with-holding information but I feel like he's confused a on one hand he has Dalinar - his fellow Radiant who has saved him from slavery and on the other he has brothers-in-arms who have been through everything with him [Moash included]. I see this being a big part to future plot-points. Something needs to break the group and this could turn Adolin/Dalinar.
  11. The foreshadowing was insane. It hit me right in the face but didn't know until later on and felt stupid for not realising!
  12. 17th Shard merchandise would be pretty cool.
  13. Yeah I've noticed haha. It's a great read and something I'd like to see on the big screen but noticed it's also in development limbo. The first book is a great introduction to the series but it can be a bit confusing and not appealling due to this. It's a shame though, it's one of my favourite sci-fi series.
  14. Watching Castle Rock, a horror TV series based on characters and settings by Stephen King. I highly recommend it as it a thrilling watch and will have you peeking from behind the couch!
  15. I'm currently reading the Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin and translated by Ken Liu. It's an epic sci-fi novel that really, really gets you thinking about other lifeforms and the universe as a whole.
  16. Brandon has a way of lifting you up with hope and excitement then bringing it all crashing down with such emotional impact. The endings of his books are fantastic yet crushing and that's part of what makes him a truly inspirational writer.
  17. I personally think so. Elhokar was a good candidate and was close to being Radiant. Until he met his demise, ugh. I hope he pulls a Kelsier haha
  18. Hoid IS the story. We are seeing these characters from different worlds interact with him and each time he is helping them. When his story comes out then we will see his true motives.
  19. It was Kelsier's "death" that truly connected me to the Cosmere universe. When that happened, after everything he and Vin went through, I was in a state of sadness for days. This was a character that I connected with and he showed true traits of a Robin Hood-hero. After further reading and realisation that there is more to this, I think it's safe to say that he's pretty obsessive. This one is gonna be a RAFO for what his true plan is and if there is influence somewhere. Personally I don't think that Ruin had left a mark.
  20. So. Many. Moments. Basically the most surreal moments were definitely: Mistborn: The Final Empire The Stormlight Archive: Words of Radiance There are so many aspects to Stormlight Archives alone that I could quote but I simply do not have the time right now haha
  21. Spook! Get Spook involved, don't care what order he is. Just get him some damnation Stormlight!
  22. I'd be happy to help! I'm currently in work so might make a start on this in general, it'd be good to provide some support.
  23. Vin as an Edgedancer. She would have been so graceful moving around as she does in Mistborn.
  24. Now there's a movie I would like to see! a Cosmere Cinematic Universe [CCU]!
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