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Everything posted by Solant

  1. Not to mention the underlying theme of OB concerning overcoming addiction/compulsion, with Dalinar and the Thrill serving as an analogue to Teft and firemoss. It is very much a story of redemption.
  2. I noticed nobody mentioned that any singers recruited and bonded to radiant spren would likely be protected.
  3. @Minimanmax1 Welcome to the boards! Have a upvote for joining in the conversation! I think all the major points have pretty much been covered, except for one thing. In OB in chapter 48, in his internal monologue as he is working, he thinks to himself that "what happened isn't my fault" and "I can't be blamed", and he's happy just to have someone tell him what to do. This echoes almost verbatim what Amaram tells Kaladin during their fight in ch 120 regarding Kaladin's squad being killed, and Odium tries to convince Dalinar of these things about himself in ch 118. I think that when a character says or thinks these kinds of thoughts, it's indicative of Odium's influence, or at the very least it is an effect of an Unmade that we have yet to identify. You could say they "gave him their pain", relinquishing their responsibility for their actions and accepting relief for them in return, all the while doing Odiums bidding. It's a classic deal with the devil situation. What this means for Moash, though, is that by the time we see him in the Elhokar scene, he wasn't completely in control of his own actions. Yes, he wanted to kill him, but Odium wanted him to kill him, too, and that was the only reason he was allowed to do so. I think that was his point of no return, where he fully committed himself to working for Odium. Other people have mentioned it before, but Moash has always been presented as a parallel to Kaladin, where Kal ends up doing the right thing eventually, despite being given plenty of chances to take the easy road. Moash makes the opposite decisions. It reminds me vaguely of the same equal but opposite relationship of Neo and Agent Smith in the matrix movies. I suspect we will continue to see balanced gains in power between the the two before an eventual showdown when they are both max power. It will be awesome. I don't hate Moash, because he's not a real person, but I see why people feel as strongly as they do. He betrayed Kal and bridge 4, then Team Radiant, then all of mankind, so it feels personal to the reader. The Elhokar chapter had built tension with the expectation of him saying the words, and we were denied that release, and that creates frustration. It's just evidence of Brandon's skill as a writer to be able to evoke those kinds of strong emotions.
  4. That's the one (there may be more, I'm not sure)
  5. I think the assumption that each of the bondsmith spren would give unique powers is probably linked to the idea that each one is some kind of godspren with each one associated with a separate shard, but since OB I'm not sure that is the case. I think Dalinars visions are unique to the storm father due to Tanavasts CS, and I wouldn't be surprised if the other two didn't grant an otherwise identical power set to the other bondsmiths.
  6. To answer the question as to why we like him so much, I think it lies in the way it was revealed. Dalinar was already a well regarded character with honorable intentions (no pun intended ). The way the info was revealed to him by way of his returned memories allowed us to share the same questions he had about events, and fleshed out his character and gave context to a lot of different things even as he was learning them about his own history. It's a rare treat to be able to share that with a character by way of flashback, and allowed us as readers to share the same emotions he would have felt as events progressed. I think it gives us more sympathy toward him than we probably would have had otherwise, especially in the way Odium intended to use it against him and he resisted despite the horror of it. I was really rooting for him by the end of the book because of it. It was so well done.
  7. I'm leaning toward this, and just not feeling the need to show every oath of every minor Radiant we meet. I suspect when we see them again, several will have sworn oaths off screen in the time gap.
  8. Mandras are just luck spren on the CR side. My assumption there was that it is similar to the reason there's no land mass in the CR to correspond to the open space between planets. The greater the consideration and awareness of a place by people on the PR, the stronger it's presence will be in the CR. Consider the scene with the ardent who was studying spren. Once she recorded a size for a flame spren, it would lock into that size. When she recorded it as being true, it became true because she believed it. When she erased it, the spren's size would fluctuate again. Perhaps the same is true for the spren themselves, or maybe just lesser spren. If you take them away from greater concentrations of people and their awareness, they lose the ability to thrive because no one is there to witness or experience whatever forces or emotions the spren represent. It also explains why river spren are only in the river, flame spren are only in the flames etc. That's just off the top of my head, though. I could be totally wrong.
  9. Haha, I'm not sure I thought I hit the back button and went to the other one by mistake
  10. Slightly off topic but still relevant... I had a shower thought the other day.. imagine the craziness you could come up with if you put a handful of top notch artifabrians in a room with a few skilled awakeners of a decent heightening. Build a ship with wings, command it to fly, combine it with fabrial tech to control height and steering. It might even prove to be storm light efficient, since the breaths would be doing most of the heavy work..
  11. That's true, but I still think he would have mentioned it to Kal once he announced it to everyone that he was a windrunner
  12. I will protect those I hate, even airsick lowlanders
  13. This description is interesting. It reminds me vaguely of what happens when a limb is struck with a shardblade, only the realms are reversed
  14. I don't think Lirin would have reacted the way he did when he found out Kal was a KR if he himself was also one.
  15. I'm still convinced Tarah is going to show back up, sooner than later. From an older thread.
  16. I always understood it that spren aren't find there naturally. My best best guess is that it must be due to whatever shinovar looks like on the cognitive realm side. Maybe spren can't reach it for some reason? Could it be possible that shinovar CR is where it connects to Ashyn's CR, and something regarding the way Ashyn was destroyed makes spren not want to or makes them unable to approach it? That wouldn't prevent someone from taking a gem-bound spren there in the physical. No evidence for any of this, just throwing ideas around.
  17. I think it ties into the other part of that chapter where adolin is trying to sacrifice his self to save the others, and Kaladin was conflicted over it. On a separate note, I want to point out in WoK where Lirin is trying to tell Kaladin you can't protect people by killing others, since it relates to what you guys are discussing.
  18. Ok, so I'm going to spitball an idea regarding this before I forget it. I just came up with it while reading this thread, so forgive any obvious flaws I might be missing. It's very late and I am tired. So, what if the honor blades were the dawnshards before they had their spren corrupted and turned into the unmade? We know that the nahel bond mimics the honor blades. This could actually be more literal than we think. The armor and blades left behind by the previous KR are called shards, which feels like an odd name for them. If "dawn" in this context is simply referring to the beginning, then the dawn shards would be the original shards. The line about the DS being able to "bind any creature, voidish or mortal", could mean the blades used by the heralds were the tools used to craft the oath pact itself. It sure sounds like something that weapons given by Honor would be capable of doing. Paraphrased "one dawn shard is not like the rest", because that one would be Taln's. If the corruption of the honor blades spren happened after the corresponding Herald was broken on Braize, then it's entirely possible that this process hasn't happened to his, yet. "Have we seen dawn shards on screen? Yes/no". This could be referring to the first chapter in way of kings , or just the fact that we have seen honor blades, but after they were depowered. This theory also explains why we have 9 unmade, many of which who seem like they may correspond to a specific KR order. The coppermind article says that this isn't true, based on a line from Shallan in WoK, but it's entirely possible that she's just ill informed I'm sure there's more, but I'm tired and this is too many words. If I'm wrong, shoot me down.
  19. I want to see the Vorin church's reaction to events in greater detail (the reveal of humans regarding Rosharan history etc). I want to see them lose their crem. I want to see Rysn become a Willshaper squire and be healed! Various Bridge Four plots... Rock and his family.. More Rlain.. a Lopen and Lift scene. Sibling and Urithiru. Most of all, I want to see Kaladin and Tarah reunited!
  20. Having already bonded Maya as a dead blade, I want to see her revived on the current course. She revives, bonded to Adolin, yet he has spoken no oaths. Since the process was done in reverse with no oaths, it will be a whole new thing entirely. Bonded spren, but not a KR. A new kind of bond.
  21. Plot twist: Roshone is the new Sadeas highprince.
  22. Dang it, Hufflepuff for me. I wanted to be Gryffindor, like my dad. I even tried saying "not Hufflepuff". Didn't work.
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