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Everything posted by Solant

  1. Thanks for this, it was so much fun to read! We could add a small business administration class by Dockson, and don't forget Clubs in woodworking 101! Intro to criminal justice with Marasi
  2. Another thing to consider, Ashyn disease magic could just be pure Cultivation without the presence of Honor in the equation. No honor means no oaths to consider, and I feel like it's been hinted that the lack of oaths are why early surgebinders were able to devastate Ashyn to begin with. The use of the immune system feels very Cultivation-y to me in a natural, get stronger or die trying sort of way.
  3. I'm pretty sure this isn't meant that literally she couldn't speak. She's saying that to reveal her secrets would mean risking the enemy discovering them (think death rattles). Also, we believe Autonomy somehow aided Odium, and the sleepless were stated to have fought on the side of the KR during the desolations. (I feel like that came from the one in Edgedancer). It's a good theory though.
  4. Jasnah. Jk. Probably Eshonai or Tindwyl. I would have loved to see Sazed and Tindwyl form some sort of sympathetic relationship as the new Preservation and Ruin.
  5. Connecting you with Destiny, one spike at a time. -Hemalurgic Chromium
  6. I'd stick with Solant. It's was good enough for Everquest in '99, good enough now. Who am I kidding? I never actually stopped using it.
  7. I still like the "Doomslug is the hyperdrive" theory. It's weird, but I feel like maybe this is part of the reason Mbot is obsessed with mushrooms.
  8. You know, this is basically describing the Scadrial version of Groundhogs Day.
  9. That's how I understood it too. While I do feel like there was an echo of Evi there, my head canon is that in actuality it was Dalinar finally allowing his self to be forgiven, projected onto that echo, if that makes sense.
  10. I do agree on that point. The first time she appeared human sized in the PR I couldn't help but wonder where it was going, but as of now I'm convinced it's not going to happen. She's more like the angel on his shoulder whispering in his ear, making sure he does honorable things. Having a bond on the spiritual level, they are almost too close to be lovers, even if they could. It's the ultimate friend-zone. Sorry, Kal!
  11. I agree with this. Their banter is almost reminiscent of close siblings to me.
  12. Whoa.... could it be that the pain/sorrow given is or is somehow converted into voidlight? Part of me wonders if the disgraced Truthwatchers are the predecessors for what eventually became the stormwardens.
  13. I feel like there was a line from her to the effect of "the guy that taught you that kata, tell him I'm looking for him". I'll see if I can find it later
  14. Yeah, that's what I was getting at. I should have been more specific
  15. I know it was a one shot deal, but I really loved the Aimia expedition. From our main characters I enjoy Kaladin the most (I relate to him and his depression issues the most), but if I was given the opportunity to silently follow Jasnah and carry her books for her wherever she went, I would happily do so. I might need help explaining my new job to my wife, however.
  16. Regarding Viv worldhopping Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] For the worldhopping that happens with Vasher and Vivenna. Are they the humans that came over...? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] No, they're not. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] They're just completely independent people who hopped...? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] They're moving with the hidden cosmere economy that has grown up moving between planets. Between Nalthis and Roshar, you can actually catch a caravan. There's actual movement and travel between them. That's been in place on Roshar for quite a while at this point. source
  17. I'm pretty convinced the sibling isn't of Odium.
  18. I'm indifferent really, but I am guessing he will end up back with Tarah, I'm guessing between the last third of book 5 and the beginning of book 6. It won't be a central plot in the story, but more of a reward for the character to find happiness after the ordeals of the first arc. I have no evidence to back this up aside from her slow introduction and some slight mentioning of her so far, and the fact that she is Urithiru but hasn't reconnected with him yet. It's a slow slow buildup.
  19. Bind an unmade? That makes you a Dawnshard
  20. No love for Spook. Can't say I'm surprised, really.
  21. I feel the same way, and I loved all the Ham/Breeze interactions as well
  22. Arsteel would be a good Future, too.
  23. Since we are on the topic, I've had an idea in my head with no good place to bring it up for a little while. I wonder if the conflict with Sazed is that he is one vessel holding 2 opposing shard, as opposed to one vessel holding a doubly powerful combined shard with a single intent of Harmony. It seems like, if possible, that would be the best way to reconcile the differences between the two. A cosmic level compromise, if you will.
  24. I just imagined hordes of dirty skaa children playing and throwing balls of compressed ash at each other and sledding down ash covered hills. Don't steelpush coins at each other; you'll shoot your eye out, kid.
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