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Everything posted by Odium's_Shard

  1. That. Is. Cool? So from and outside POV, you would just watch a person be thrown into the bubble and then into pieces? It'd probably be best if you just entered flat, ie arms to your side, back straight, etc. Would want to throw you back into pieces and have to pay for an expensive chiropractor.
  2. I'd side with Life, though. It just.. fits. Life Metals.
  3. Problem with the above: Every time he recalled it, say for a simple procedure that had to be performed often, the memory would decay. In case he just re-stored it every now and again. My suggestion: Cadmium Ferring (Gasper) and Iron/Steel Misting, means the best underwater diver/swimmer ever. Take as long as they want, and Push themselves from the boat/starting platform to get a headstart! Completely useless in a world without swimming pools/need for any ship wreck divers.
  4. I can't really see someone separating from the awesome power that is a Shard without a fight. Unless they were stupid/too kind to be Holding a Shard. We also haven't any mention of a Shard being released without either being killed (and only then by another Shard, see Ati and Vin) and then Shattered (see Aona and Skai) or the Holder's energy reserves being completely emptied (see Leras). EDIT: Eliminated confusion about Shattering.
  5. That would imply that ALL spren are Splinters, and I thought Brandon said that this wasn't true. Maybe that, or Cusicesh isn't even a spren? This is probably important, else it wouldn't be included in an interlude (either that or the Aimian is important, or maybe both).
  6. I do remember a quote from somewhere where one of the potential Soulcasters mentions that they can be seen from the corners of the eye. This, randomly, makes me suspicious of Gaz, and so I will now go read that thread discussing wherever he went. The mirrors also seems well-played on BS' behalf. But what Realm would this mean that the spren reside on? Or are they just transparent/lucent?
  7. Your seem to have forgotten to mention that there will be more Jasnah Cosmere clues now that the second book will focus on Jasnah Shallan.
  8. I'm not convinced that Odium hasn't already arrived. After all, the people on Roshar have already experienced Voidbinding, and the Desolations still occurred, along with the Midnight Essence, etc. And that would mean that 4 Shards have at any one time been on Roshar. Unless this 3rd Shard came, made the Nightwatcher, and then left before Odium came and then left. I can't remember if Brandon's quote was 'have been at any one time on Roshar' or 'have ever been on Roshar'. If it was the latter, then the 3rd Shard couldn't have happened.
  9. About your recent edit. I like this disparity between the Nightwatcher's gender, but this could simply be explained by the fact that it is genderless, as a spren (if that's what it is), or that people don't really know much about it, like how Brandon made us think there were only Ten Metals in The Final Empire. About the Valley being Shinovar, I don't think so. I think it is where the Stone Shamans live. He seems to have lived there, or perhaps 'studied' there? He seems to have been given a "cursed" Blade, which makes me think this is some boon/curse mix from the Nightwatcher, meaning that she/he/it would probably live in this Valley too. EDIT: Noticed the gender association as 'her' in my post and so changed it to her/him/it because of the gender hiatus issue. EDIT 2: Made 'those people Szeth said would retrieve his Blade' into 'the Stone Shamans' for clarity.
  10. Maybe because it has been suggested that there will most likely be Emotional altering Surges, due to being able to create fabrial using the spren whose bond this would require, then perhaps all Surges are similar to the abilities granted during Allomancy? Like this: Gravity: Pushing/Pulling with Steel/Iron Pressure: I could not think of one, so I will give Gravity Steel, and Pressure Iron (Pull together?) Transformation: Perhaps like Duralumin, Pushes an Essence into another with sheer force of will. Ok, these are weak links. But you get the idea? Especially about the Emotional Allomancy being similar to the emotion fabrials.
  11. Since I only have you once as a friend, then you'll have to delete the one that you dislike the most. Will it be Odium's_Shard, or Odium's_Shard? Stay tuned to find out.

  12. Try this *With a hint of patronizing (don't take this seriously)
  13. Her dad is a Ghostblood, who have an unknown affiliation for the Seventeenth Shard. It could be possible, especially because he could Soulcast (by obtaining a fabrial).
  14. Then the Oathpact consists of: Give humanity badass weapons (Honorblades) and slightly less badass (Shardblades) swords to stand a fighting chance against your desolation. Penalty: Those Herald people can be tortured whenever you like as long as they are home in time for dinner every Desolation.
  15. Or he gives the Plate and Blade to Dalinar, because he is currently Shardless. Then they fall into some weird fantasy bro-mance and Dalinar becomes an undoubtedly powerful ally, if he isn't already.
  16. damnation! Sorry bout that, but I think Feather deserves one just for beating me to the post. Just saw the closest '+' above my post and clicked it. Upvotes galore!
  17. Preservation wasn't Shattered to make a part of himself deviate, ie Well of Ascension and the mists and lerasium and the bits of him in well everyone on Scadrial.. So it could be a 'construct' of a Shard.
  18. It doesn't matter. What I said was pretty un-important anyway, in terms of the discussion.
  19. Personally, I am also in this boat. Let's assume that Shallan is in #6 (Shash) and Jasnah is #7 (Betab). The Surge they obviously share is Transformation. So, it is feasible that the unique Surge for Shash is related to these Memories, and Betab's unique Surge is related to Jasnah's bolts. However, these bolts commit Soulcasting, so this is unlikely. This would mean that: Shash's Surges: Transformation, Memory Betab's Surges: Transformation, Lightning?
  20. Who isn't looking forward to that book? What I'm not looking forward to is the wait. My taste doesn't really allow WoT, and so this year heralds nothing Sanderson-wise, as far as I am concerned. Which is a shame. Because I love Sanderson-esque things.
  21. One up for audacity. I like it. Need more proof and quotes however, before I'd be willing to espouse anything. Plus, is this about Cultivation's magic or the Nightwatcher? Partially confusing.
  22. We've theorized this before.. but perhaps not in its own thread. 1up for the audacity. However, I'd need more proof before espousing.
  23. That would be interesting.. But Brandon wouldn't have the time for something like that. More like Ruin and Preservation will be taken away from Sazed at some point in the trilogy of Mistborn trilogies, and that 'world-hopped' to Roshar, or Sel, or wherever.
  24. By 'hidden affiliation' I simply meant political interests, ie alliances with other Highprinces, kingdoms, etc. And I will look into the signature.
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