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Everything posted by Turos

  1. Oh, wasn't there a riot outside? OH! I see. I worded that poorly. I meant it to mean someone entered the inn at just the wrong time and a stray bullet passed by, thanks to the door being open, and almost hit my character. I can reword it or change it completely.
  2. The bad guys would be the Red Team. Ha ha! Just throwing out punny ideas. What do you have in mind? We could be the AAA, Anti-Arcus Associates. Or the Mist-ssassins. Or maybe the Chasmfiends.
  3. I'm currently Carson, a Luck Ferring. We'll see how long he survives. Starting in the inn common area.
  4. Carson sat at a table, lost in his game. The two other gamblers were dealing better hands, by far. It wasn't that their cards were great, it was just that Carson had the worst possible draws for the past ten games. He played with his sleeves rolled up. One elbow rested on the head of a nail that had been driven into thee table. Carson saw the greed in his opponent's eyes as he put the rest of his funds into the middle of the table. It was possible that the next card he drew would be exactly what he needed to complete a very rare hand. The hand wasn't worth a lot of points compared to other possibilities, but there was a one-in-six chance that if he got the card, he would win. The chance of getting the exact card he needed was closer to one-in-twenty-five. Carson didn't pay attention to the gunshots outside. He was too focused on the next draw. When it came to his turn, Carson stopped storing Luck into the chromium nail and drew as much of it he could manage for the next few seconds. He had stored enough Luck that he was guaranteed victory, a ninety-nine-to-one chance, and it would be the most amazing win possible. The next few seconds would burn up all of his Luck by manifesting into his immediate need. He wouldn't be able to store up enough in time for the next game, but he wouldn't need to. There was enough money in the pot to pay his way into a fancy suite in uptown Elendel for a month. Carson reached his hand for the deck and started to slip the top card off. The door to the bar swung open as someone entered. There was a loud bang from a gunshot *The sound of distant gunfire from across the street came through the open door just as Carson gave in to a sudden urge to tilt his head to the right to pop his neck. A bullet *A stray bullet whizzed by his head, grazing the hair on his left temple. Carson froze, card in hand. His Luck had disappeared. He glanced at both men who watched him patiently. Apparently both of them were too engrossed in the game to care about the near-death experience, either. Carson looked back down at the card in his fingers and slowly turned it over. His felt his heart jump nearly into his throat. He couldn't decide if he was elated at his Luck being used to save his life, or if he would have rather taken that bullet. Well, there's always tomorrow. Carson sighed and slumped back in his chair, watching the winnings find their way into one of the other men's wallet. The men stood up and walked off. Carson eyed the newcomer who had opened that door at just the right moment. EDIT: See strike-through text --->like this<--- for where I clarified things. --------------- This section has been redacted.
  5. I see you are still accepting members. Is this true for members who gave up catching up on events after a few pages? Members who might be fine having characters who are oblivious to past events? Members who are fine playing non-magical people and one-shot, fit-for-an-action-sequence powered individuals who die VERY often (OK, they only die once, each, but there would be A LOT of them 0.0'), fitting into the fodder category, even? Members whose characters may survive for a fraction of a post? EDIT: Did I mention such members wouldn't care if their filler characters were godmodded like nobody's business and would actually look forward to it happening?
  6. My characters all have the genetic trait of laser vision, but each was born with another gene which prevents its use. Just keep that in mind. It's probably really important. I mean, seriously. LASER VISION!!! Imagine if at some point I really needed it, but forgot that I couldn't use it. I might step out of line and actually use LASER VISION! Things would just be OP after that point and I know there's no way I could be held responsible for the death and destruction to follow. Other than that, nah. I'm good with what you have planned.
  7. Do Shards design the powers on the worlds in their areas of influence or does their influence simply manifest in forms of power naturally? Or perhaps both at once or sometimes one and sometimes the other? Is it instead a natural manifestation that the Shards later tweak, or the reverse?
  8. I think as we continue building this story, we'll get a better feel for what everyone is hoping to get out of it. I haven't been very good at this, so far. I should have made propositions here before committing my decisions to the RP thread. In a sense, I have been godmodding the plot. I apologize. I'm still new to this and would be grateful for any pointers and patience with me while I learn to participate. I'll try to remember that I didn't design this game. Venture might have a different direction in mind than me. Something I have noticed from most if not all players here is a desire to find out the mystery behind it all. @Venture Mistborn: How much of an overarching plot do you have prepared? Is this more of a linear plot with a specific destination in mind? Or have you created this more as a seed story with an initial concept and the intention to let the players to determine an appropriate destination through roleplay? I believe either has benefits, and leaves plenty of room for fun interpretation and sideplots. From my perspective, I think there's something everyone is looking for: confirmation of our role in the plot. If I know that the plot is linear, you have given me a bit of time to stretch and get a feel for my own and others' characters to what purpose my characters will serve in the story. Now that we've created a little bit of strife in the world, I think we're ready to move toward plot points in your story outline. It makes sense that Ven and Charden are pointing us to the Gala and Lerasium. If the plot is more of the seed type, where players discover and create it together, then Ven and Charden's actions should be considered as an equal player's efforts to help create an endpoint in this episode of Cosmere City. Should we assume that your characters are leading us specifically toward a goal, or is our mission to mix things up completely? If the former, then I wonder what the purpose of the Lerasium is. ------------------------ What we know, either way: Arcus is the villain. We have had little exposure to him, a single post. RP and writing a novel are obviously very different, but both share the basic elements of a story. In a novel, the main villain is almost always introduced in the first fifth of a book, and then the results of his plans, behind the scenes usually, come to the forefront. Since Ven is against Arcus, your character has a clear goal in mind. May I suggest a bit of conflict? You, Venture Mistborn, knowing the real mastermind plot behind Arcus, probably know exactly what he would do to shake things up and create a real bit of danger for everyone. This would be a great wakeup call and would create a beacon for us to focus our efforts on. Whatever it is, it needs to make everyone worried. If you've read Mistborn: The Final Empire(spoiler): If you've read Elantris(spoiler): If you've read Warbreaker(spoiler): All of this examples are unforeseen conflicts where the main heroes recognize danger or know something bad could happen. It could be introducing a new criminal organization or army who is taking over a city, or a rogue figure doing things that will make everyone threatened. Ven seems to be fulfilling the purpose, almost. If you don't mind him potentially dying, then I would suggest him doing something big that would change him from a distant concern (a criminal attacking businessmen) to an immediate concern (a criminal threatening the entire city, or something the heroes all need. Not necessarily attacking the heroes, just yet, but, for example, food supplies once the city becomes locked down, or making us look like criminals somehow. something like that to push us into a tight spot where we have to act.) If you want Ven to become a hero, maybe he knows something about Arcus that he could reveal soon that would make us want to fight as well, for similar reasons, but where Arcus is the one creating the problems. Some doomsday scenario, even. Again, if you are looking for a more player-driven plot, I'm sure a lot of us would be willing to create some chaos. I just don't want to mess up your plans if you have something in the works. I don't mean to complain. The adventure so far excites me! I really want to find out what is happening in Cosmere City and get my heroes working on the problem to kick Arcus' back end. Point me in the right direction and let the fun begin! I also want to apologize for coming across as accusatory to any of you for godmodding. That wasn't my intent at all. I think we all have a lot of creative potential and hope to help set the playing field where we all can have plenty of room to play. Please let me know if I ever offend you. I want to help make this fun, but I only have my own perspective to base my decisions upon. More eyes are better than one... er... two.
  9. You are indeed a majestic fox. Cunning advice. Those are excellent points. It makes sense and I agree. Real still is found in subtlety.I need to remember this. Well, I'm going to give this one a redo and submit it again. I hope you all don't mind. I'll include new content, as well.
  10. Alright, the sorry is progressing again. One thing I think needs mentioned for those who are new to roleplaying. I haven't found a thread explaining how to RP, but roleplayers have created a sort of code of Do's and Dont's. I am new to roleplaying as well, but have picked up on a few of these. Probably the biggest rule is to never 'godmod'. People will call you out on godmodding, but the problem is new people are unfamiliar with the term, so the warning often goes misunderstood. Godmodding is when one person posts the actions, reactions, words or thoughts of a character they don't own. You could even say describing the clothes a character is wearing or mentioning anything about their background is godmodding where those details haven't been confirmed by the character's owner. The etiquette is to abstain from any godmodding. The nature of RPs is that players want to act, but must wait for other players to react, especially in dialogue. Remember that patience is a very large part of roleplaying. Avoid the temptation to take control of others' characters. My opinion is that in certain circumstances godmodding is acceptable, but this is only in small degrees and only including non-vital, non-important actions, and only ever done with the understanding that you may need to retract what you have said. As you play and read others' posts, you may discover little tricks to avoid godmodding while still keeping things moving faster, especially with dialogue. Nobody is perfect, so don't feel afraid to point out your concerns when you see others godmodding. Be aware that not everyone minds their characters being controlled and sometimes players will coordinate actions ahead of time in personal messages. Personally, I like a little bit of godmodding on my characters, as long as it is not too extreme. It creates a fun challenge and I can always say that my character actually didn't do what was said. In the end, just remember the golden rule. If you are willing to godmod, you must be willing to be godmodded. It's only fair.
  11. I bet people would buy a shot glass with their favorite allomantic symbol visible through the bottom.
  12. Ah, right. I forgot about that. Hmm. That bead of Lerasium is pretty tempting. Hmm.
  13. 'Spiritweb' is more accommodating for the giant predatory spiders in the spirit realm.
  14. Hmm. Shadesmar = internet. Shadesmar just became a very scary place. I wonder why it's call 'Shadesmar.' I assume Spanish isn't a language in Roshar, but 'mar' means ocean. Ocean of shades. Shadows. Hmm.
  15. Wow. Posting from my smartphone isn't so great. Auto-'correct' failed me again. Translation: I had Hugh collect Charden's wallet, which he will inspect soon and discover something that reveals what Ven stole. That's my plan anyway. Do you guys like this approach? If it sounds good, what should I discover in the wallet? How can we figure out what Ven is after? Also, why should we care to follow after the Mistkiller? Hugh is interested because he is trying to find an angle to make a profit, through more detective-style means so far. @Venture Mistborn Isn't Ven already a mistborn? I wonder why he wants Lerasium.
  16. [OK, so Ven attacked Charden instead, using the hat argument as a distraction. So Resool was probably very close to Charden, but didn't get knifed. This definitely would distract Hugh, since he was facing that way and close as well.] Hugh:
  17. So basically, Arcus is the big crime lord we need to take down. Even is the chaotic element who gets in everyone's way and everyone on his way. He will stay as an opponent, but perhaps become an ally later, or merely the big obstacle to overcome before figuring out Arcus' weakness.
  18. Doesn't Lerasium rewrite the spirit web? Wouldn't this erase surge binding?
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