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Everything posted by Kered

  1. i've read both King Killer chronicle books at least 4 times now. Rothfuss and Brandon are tied for me. Today I started the audiobook for Name of the Wind. Woah. Nick Pohdel absolutely killed it, every character as a unique voice and he's wonderful at expressing the powerful sentences Rothfuss creates. I got a whole new perspective on the books by listening to it. I highly recommend listening to the series AFTER you've read it. As for actually reading, I just finished Broken-Eye in Brent Weeks Lightbringer series. I'm about to start on Blood Mirror when I got pick it up From B&N tomorrow. The series at number three for me right now next to SA and KKC. Kip is hilarious and one of my favorite characters in any series, his character development is awesome.
  2. Don't listen to @Hemalurgic_Headshot, always eat the cookies. Welcome to the forums, look forward to seeing you around.
  3. Yes, my line of thinking would be that it would be a part of Adolins arc. I thought of it as Adolins way to possibly attract a nahel bond. But it doesn't look like that's going to happen anymore, so now it's going to be Kaladin's "struggle".
  4. This is what I thought. And even with dead shardblades, they're still technically spren, just without a conscious. So I don't feel that the moisture thing would change with a live one. Update: Just did a quick check of when Kaladin summoned Syl as a shardblade for the first time, and these were the words used. "Wind blew in the opening in the wall, and Syl's ribbon of light became mist, a form she often took. Sliver mist, which grew larger, coalesced before Kaladin, extending into his hand. Glowing, brilliant, a Shardblade emerged from the mist, vivid blue light shinning from swirling patterns along its length"
  5. Kered

    Higher Ones

    See I whenever I think about this, I think of 17th shard. It's slightly more heavy handed then they usually are, but it's the first thing that pops in my head when I think about it. And since the story is placed so far in the future, the motives of 17th shard could have changed.
  6. Kered


    So much wow, and so much depth.
  7. I didn't even think about the Shardblade, I think that pretty much sums it up.
  8. I remember seeing an interview on Youtube with Brandon saying Sadeas is dead dead. I'll try to find it on there or on Theoryland. But I'm 99.9% sure that there is a WoB for it. The only possibility I see with Sadeas being "alive" is him sticking around in the Cognitive Realm, but that's a stretch. As said above, a knife to brain is pretty dead. And Brandon has been suuuuper careful with crossing over magics, as see in Shallans flashback with Hoid. I don't think he would be like "Bam, just kidding Sadeas isn't dead, Adolin randomly got a hemalurgic spike".
  9. Awesome, I'm glad that now were getting closer the November deadline is still the date. I was worried with him going through the third draft he would have to push the date.
  10. Yeah, I don't think in Szeths current mindset he would be able to go through with the method for obtaining Breaths.
  11. @Spoolofwhool summed it up pretty well. How I learned more about it was visiting Coppermind(http://coppermind.net/wiki/Coppermind:Welcome). When ever I'm ready a cosmere novel, I make sure I have a tab to Coppermind open just so that I can understand concepts that I don't fully grasp at first.
  12. Yeah, I think the only reason he would need to use breaths is if he were to use his honorblade. But since he has Nightblood now, that doesn't even apply.
  13. Same. As an aside, after I finished BoM the first thought to pop in my head is that Era 1 was just more epic in every aspect. Bigger stakes, more invested emotions, more discoveries, better character development, everything really. That's just my view. Era 2 are great books, and I've throughly enjoyed reading them, but I enjoyed reading Era 1 better.
  14. Kered


    I vote Chaos, Master of Webs, Admin that is also a Head, Mixer of Chex Mix, Master Typer on a Forum Dedicated to Baking Spiked Cookies. Rolls right of the tongue, amiright?
  15. A conscience that is.... harmonic ......with what you really want to do. Totally normal if your actions utterly differ from what your thoughts say, common side affect.
  16. Yes....this "new perspective" will give you a headache. It will almost feel like a spike is sticking out of your head. Don't be alarmed, this is normal. Manukos's cookies are famous.
  17. Kered


    Yeah, I thought Chaos was a tad extreme haha.
  18. Kered


    I don't know if this was answered somewhere, I've been looking, but this a WoB from about a year ago. QUESTION Request for info on Harmony as personalization. BRANDON SANDERSON He wrote: “Harmony could go by another name, if he was not as good at controlling both of the Shards.” Brandon: And some of you might already be able to figure out what that would be. If he couldn't control them, could his name be Chaos?
  19. Kered

    WoK Prologue

    Thanks for the solid read and information, appreciate the time it took to type that!
  20. Kered

    WoK Prologue

    So I know that the WoK prologue, the Heralds ditching the Oathpact, happens 4,500 years prior to chapter 1. But my question is, has it ever been explained, either in-book or by a WoB, what was going on in the other cosmere worlds? Like, was era 1 of Misborn happening at the same time as the Heralds on Roshar?
  21. Kered

    3rd Bondsmith

    Thanks for the insight, appreciate it!
  22. Kered

    3rd Bondsmith

    I'm heading out the door, so I couldn't find the question, but it's down aways in this ama. http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=979#88
  23. Kered

    3rd Bondsmith

    i was just reading a Q&A and the question was "Does the Shard Ambition have anything to do with Bondsmith?" And Brandon's answer was "Ahh, I see what you're getting at, the 3rd Bondsmith. RAFO." Could someone enlighten me on what the 3rd Bondsmith is? And what a Shard that isn't even on Roshar has to do with a KR order? I know Dalinar is a Bondsmith, but I'm not aware of a 2nd one, let alone a 3rd one. Thanks in advance.
  24. I'm assuming the asterisk is going to be the explanation on why he went back for it, after they agreed leaving them behind would end the Oathpact? Or was that already discussed somewhere I might have missed?
  25. Thanks guys! Appreciate the advice and help, I'll give it whirl and try a few different sample chapters.
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