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Everything posted by Kered

  1. Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm fully committed to the idea either. Just a feeling I have. And with the man being referred to as Taln could turn out not be the Herald Taln. Maybe being in Damnation for so long by himself changed him some how. But that's obviously a whole other theory by itself.
  2. Mmm, I didn't even the think of the implications of Elhokar dying. It makes more sense than any of the deaths I've considered.
  3. I've always had the feeling that by the end of the second arc all of the Heralds will be dead, with the characters becoming the new Heralds. I don't think the new Heralds will form a new Oathpact, I think there duty will just to defend Roshar. I also see one of Dalinar's children dying. Seems like that would be a really good story arc with a lot of emotion behind it. Maybe the death of one of his children will send Dalinar down a "dark" path. I also think either Shallan or Kaladin will die, but I lean more towards Shallan. I don't have any particular reasoning for this last one, just one comes to mind when I think of character deaths. I could see Kaladin falling for Shallan, but Shallan doesn't return the favor. Her death will leave Kaladin with a lot of confusing emotions that will make him distraught before what ever the final battle with Odium and his servants is.
  4. Recently, I've tried to start really focusing on creating very impactful sentences, influenced by Rothfuss. I feel that if you train for a little it in the mindset that every sentence, every word, has to be perfect, it can lead to elevating your craft. This is my first attempt that this, and it was actually quite fun trying to put the sentences together and think of description combinations that have a solid visual and mental impact. Got a long way to go, but it felt good in more ways than one putting this together.
  5. My minds pretty jumbled on this topic, so I was looking to see if I could get some help from you fine fellows. So, Hoid gives the coin to Wax. Wax sees the "Sovereign" by burning the metalmind. From Secret History and the description of the Sovereign is Kelsier. So my confusion is why Hoid is, in a way, helping Kelsier? When it's known Hoid and Kelsier don't get along. I've tried thinking of different reasonings as to why Hoid would pass the coin to Wax. Being one of the most intelligent characters in the cosmere, I can see Hoid knowing that Harmony has taken a special interest in Wax. Thus Hoid knowing that in giving the coin to Wax, he would trigger something that would have far reaching implications in the cosmere. I just can't see what they might be. Maybe Hoid wants Wax and Kelsier to have a showdown? Maybe Hoid thinks that Wax could inadvertently manipulate Kelsier into going along with his schemes? I honestly don't know. Anyone got any good theories on the subject?
  6. Yeah, I could see him mistaking the whole "Unite them" in a big way. That has potential to have major backlash if Dalinar doesn't interpret it correctly.
  7. I agree with the first part. Dalinar thought the Almighty wanted him to trust Sadeas. We saw how that turned out. Wouldn't the betrayal at the Tower be considered the backlash of trusting in the visions to literally?
  8. Solid work man. I find that charcoal is one of the more difficult tools to use, but you killed it.
  9. Kered

    Douglas Venture

    So finally got the time to finish SoS, and I noticed Douglas Venture, then my jaw dropped. I did a check on Coppermind and Theoryland, and I haven't found anything significant. Which leads me to think I'm going crazy. Because, as Elend was the "last" Venture, the line should not have continued. Unless, Vin and Elend secretly had a kid. I feel that if that were the case, the heir of Vin and Elend would not introduced as a drunk. The only other conclusion I could think of is that, in honor of Elend and his deeds, one of the Originators decided to take on the name "Venture" to keep the house alive. Is there a WoB somewhere, or something big I'm missing? Has Douglas ever been talked about, other than in SoS?
  10. Rayse vessel becomes useless, Odium moves to Kell. I just pictured that in my head, and it would make for an epic story arc.
  11. This isn't a theory so much as a question to discuss. One of the definitions of Odium I found was "general or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions". That got me thinking. What if the purpose behind Odium's hatred and mission to shatter shards is because he regrets the Shattering? As you would like this would have been the first act he witnessed as the "Odium" shard. He saw it as a mistake, and was "disgusted" towards the other vessels and their actions? The theory kind of loses momentum once you realize he would have to group himself in with the other vessels/shards. But he would also try to reconcile that by thinking he was manipulated by the other vessels. Obviously not much is known about the Shattering, but it could be possible that the vessels knew beforehand they were going to get the shards of power, and decided to pawn of the Hatred shard onto Rayse. Like I said this is more a discussion question, as theres not enough information and to many holes to make a full fledged theory. Would like to hear your guys thoughts on it.
  12. I always thought, and this is just how i see it in my head, that once a person joins the 17th Shard, they kinda shed their beliefs of personal religion. Then they just commit themselves to whatever the main goal is for the shard, such as keeping the cosmere safe or gathering as much info they can. Because being in the Shard, I would assume they would gain the knowledge of the existence of the shards throughout the cosmere, thus confirming the existence of their personal "God".
  13. Welcome to the forums. And under no circumstances should you take any cookies offered to you here. That goes doubly so for cookies offered by @Secrets
  14. Yeah, I was trying to focus on Banderson's advice about locking the editor away until the end. But hind sight, probably shouldn't have went back and looked through it before I posted it haha.
  15. Thanks! I didn't have a grip on how the structure of the paragraphs should be, and I honestly thought some of em were running a tad long. So your advice helps a lot.
  16. So, yeah. Below is the first ever chapter I've written, just finished it up last night. Was hoping to get some feedback, of all kinds, from you guys. As it's my first time actually putting something together, please don't hold back haha. I want to try and soak up as much as I can. It's 2600 words.
  17. Yeah I was thinking that after I posted it. It could be possible the spren are corrupted as well. Because so far the bonds we've seen are directly correlated with type of person that the bonded individual is.
  18. Yeah, but that's also because he's insane, and becoming worse. So it depends if we're talking about the Skybreakers of old, or the thing that Nale is trying to put together now.
  19. That, and the personality of a spren that would bond Hoid in the first place would be awesome. Haha, imagine the banter.
  20. Hoid bonding a spren would lead to amazing dialogue lol.
  21. Also, one order did not participate in the Recreance. I always took this to mean that one of the Heralds guides that group, and as the Heralds are going insane, the group might be close to loosing their spren.
  22. Yeah, I think the notes with for sure resurface. They're a perfect way to introduce Jasnah's path in becoming bonded with Ivory, as well as creates an opening for Nazh and Khriss to make appearances in the back half.
  23. Tis how I feel. Also another downside to Rothfuss, the main reason why I like Brandon more, is that he seems to alienate his fans. Where as brandon deeply cares about his fan base, and has been them an integral part of his career, more so than any other author I know of. Yeah the University scenes are cool, especially the admission scenes and when Kvothe goes on the horns. To pass the time waiting for book three to come out from both Brandon and Rothfuss, I've gotten into Weeks, Anthony Ryan, and Brian Stavely. I throughly enjoyed Brian Stavely's Unhewn Throne trilogy. Suuuuper Grimdark, but I think that what makes the story work. Its no holds bar the entire time. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it along with Anthony Ryans Raven trilogy.
  24. Yeah, if I would have known Rothfuss is another RR Martin, I would have waited for Doors of Stone as well haha. But on the other had, the language of the books are soo good, that every time I read it, I pick up new things or things start to fit together and things become more obvious. Overall, I'm glad I read em. My favorite part in the Audiobooks is tie between his entire experience in the fae, and also when Master of the Sword Tree(not Vashet, the other one) tells Kvothe the tail of the Chandrian.
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