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Everything posted by DeTess

  1. This cycle is closed, stand by for the next one!
  2. You're right, I'd missed that. I'm going to check with Striker Elbereth how best to handle this.
  3. A Sak will protect you for the cycle after you got it (and any cycles after that if the aviary gets sabotaged so you can't return it). So someone getting attacked C1 while also getting a Sak C1 wouldn't be protected by the Sak from that attack.
  4. There aren't any roles with extra lives, and the two ways to avoid getting attacked involve not being there when the attack hits (because your bird warned you or because you are in the brig), so the attack wouldn't be mentioned in that case either. edit: There are no rules specifically against code as far as I'm aware.
  5. Cycle 2 "Well, I think the captain is mightily suspicious." One of the engineers spoke up. They where still a relative unknown to Praza, and try as she might, she couldn't remember their name. "That's ridiculous." the chief engineer responded. "The captain was one of the few survivors of the debacle of the first Northern Wind. He's pretty much the only person that's beyond suspicion." She shook her head. "Yeah, he might be a hardass, but the captain is trustworthy!" Another crew member chimed in. "And didn't I see you loitering around the engines when that saboteur got caught?" he added, pointing at the crewmember whose name Praza still could not remember. "Yes, I saw that too!" one of the scientists chimed in. "And I saw them meet with some shady looking people in a bar near the shipyard a couple of days ago as well!" Other members of the crew now started to chime in with their own suspicions, and it wasn't long before the captain walked voer to see what the commotion was all about. When he heard about the accusation leveled against him, as well as the accusations leveled against hat oen crew member, he didn't waste time calling over the constables, and the unknown crew member was dragged away. *** The mood on the shipyard was pretty good the next morning, the various members of the crew feeling more relaxed now that a likely saboteur had been caught. That good mood lasted until the captain called a meeting at his office. The smell of sewage emerging from the room clued everyone in that not all was as it should be. "As I'm sure you can all smell, some joker rerouted the waste water plumbing into my quarters..." The captains voice was quiet and intense, a look of cold fury in his eyes. "The next shift won't end until you've found the culprit. Get out of here, and get to work!" *** The unknown order has been arrested, they were a Village engineer The captain's quarters have been sabotaged! Until it is repaired, a tied vote results in all people in the tie being dismissed. The ship's search-lights spotted Quintessential following gears around. A new message has been posted in the crew's mess: improved part count: 0 players: Illwei Matrim's Dice as Philico Gears as Roko the Basilisk in the aspect of Fourth of the Dark Random Bystander Tani as Tevris Azmine_king Devotary of Spontaneity as 36th of the Tundra, who hopes to bring the secrets of airship travel back to their nomadic community so she can help them with future moves. The Unknown Order Village engineer Experience as Zara Sart as Fourth of Legend Szeth_Pancakes |TJ| as Sixth of Shade Archer as First of the Red Dawn, whose defining character trait is that he is ridiculously unlucky. Biplet Jondesu as Second of the Passing Wind Quintessential Vote tally: Tani (2): Exp, Matrim Illwei (3): Azmine, Szeth, Sart Exp (2): TUO, Quinn TUO (4): TJ, Biplet, Illwei, Tani Gears (3): Jondesu, Tani, Devo
  6. The cycle is closed, next one will be up shortly!
  7. There's an hour left, everyone! Get your votes and actions in! Vote tally: Tani (1): Exp Illwei (4): Azmine, Quinn, Szeth, Sart Exp (1): TUO TUO (4): TJ, Matrim, Biplet, Illwei Gears (2): Jondesu, Tani
  8. yeah, the elim kill can take place in the hospital if they wish to. the parts that you can go to do something requires you to take an action (and so you can't do that and use a role action). So if you want to go to the bunks for the PM, that's an action you can submit, same for going to tthe aviary to get a bird and the like. The agents win-con does not end the game, but if the game ends for some other reason (such as all villager or elims being taken out) while there are five improved parts, the agent wins instead of whoever would normally win. The number of parts improved is public, which parts are improved is not. And because we had some discussion on whether to include them because of the number of players, I can confirm that the agent is in the game.
  9. Everyone should have received their role PM's by now. If you haven't, please ping me or Striker and we'll fix it as soon as possible
  10. Role PM's are still going out, so don't worry if you haven't received yours yet.
  11. Cycle 1 "You worry too much, captain." Chief engineer Praza said as she and the captain finished their tour of the ship. "Sure, we had the one guy trying to get at the engines, but we caught him in time. And in a couple more days, we'll be ready to leave." "I'm certain that the crew working on the first Northern Wind thought the same thing." the captain growled. "And we know how it ended up that time." "Yes, yes, I understand." Praza responded. But I've had my people check over the entire ship, and everything was fine. "I mean, at this stage, what's the worst that could..." Praza was interrupted by a loud crashing nice and the squeal of twisting metal as the gantry that was being used to finish installing the searchlights suddenly collapsed. "You of all people should know better than to use those words." The captain growled before hurrying off to see what the damage was. *** The damage to the airship ended up being minimal. However, two engineers that had been working on the gantry had gotten badly hurt, and here send off to the hospital. It quickly became clear too that the gantry hadn't collapsed on it's own. A blowtorch had been found nearby, and the lower supports showed clear signs of sabotage. Rumours and accusations started to fly, and before long the ship's crew where more concerned with finding the one responsible for the sabotage than finishing their work... Player list Illwei Matrim's Dice as Philico Gears as Roko the Basilisk in the aspect of Fourth of the Dark Random Bystander Tani as Tevris Azmine_king Devotary of Spontaneity as 36th of the Tundra, who hopes to bring the secrets of airship travel back to their nomadic community so she can help them with future moves. The Unknown Order Experience as Zara Sart as Fourth of Legend Szeth_Pancakes |TJ| as Sixth of Shade Archer as First of the Red Dawn, whose defining character trait is that he is ridiculously unlucky. Biplet Jondesu as Second of the Passing Wind Quintessential Welcome, everyone, to MR50! This first cycle will end Saturday, at 17:30 CET
  12. Signups are closed! the first cycle will be up soonish!
  13. I don't know what happened there I've fixed it now though!
  14. The list of players should be up-to date now. @Flyingbooks, just in case I missed a recent in-joke, you wanted to be put in the spectator doc once we have it, rather than signing up to play with the character known as 'a spectator', right?
  15. MR 50: The Northern Wind II On the construction site for the Northern Wind II The wind seemed to be blowing much more fiercely today. The construction for the NITC’s latest attempt at an airship after their previous ship’s failure was going much faster than it had last time and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Or, at least, they had before they found out someone had tried to sabotage one of the engines. “Who are you working for?” The captain yelled, holding the man they’d found sneaking around the engine room just that morning. There was a group of people forming around the captain and the wannabe saboteur, though the man seemed unfazed by all the attention. “I swear to the Father, Patji,” the captain said, tossing the man to one of the guards near him, “if you, or anyone else, is here because of that damned Southern company, I’m gonna have you locked in jail. You hear me?” The crowd seemed stunned by the outburst coming from the normally calm and collected captain, but there were some murmured assents and the crowd began to disperse as the saboteur was led away to be locked up. Perhaps this ship would suffer the same fate as its predecessor... In a cheap hotel near the Northern wind's construction site "They caught Itmes." The burly man proclaimed once the door to the small room had closed. The room was crowded with the members of the sabotage team. "We're off to a good start then..." Another saboteur, a woman said while using a knife to clean her nails. "We should have known they'd be on the lookout for trouble, seeing how things went last time." The burly man nodded. "I've also got word from headquarters. One of their spies has confirmed that this time those NITC bastards managed to get a lot more funding for the project this time. Just breaking their toys won't stop this." "So what do we do then?" Another saboteur, a thin bespectacled man that would look more at home in an accountants office than among a group of hardened operatives asked. "They might be able to replace any part of the airship we break, but the same can't be said for the crew." The burly man looked around. "The accidents we arrange this time will just have to be of a slightly different nature." The room fell quiet. Then the woman slipped the dagger back into its sheath with an audible rasp. "Well we should egt to work then, shouldn't we?" She said, a predatory grin on her face. Somewhere in orbit “Any questions?” The chief of special operations asked of the one in front of him. “What if there’s another attempt to sabotage the airship?” The agent asked. They’d been hand-picked for this operation due to their skill at infiltration and subterfuge, as well as their knowledge of a variety of disciplines of engineering. “We’ve ensured enough resources are available for the project that the SICS won’t be able to shut it down.” The chief responded. “Just keep yourself out of the line of fire if there’s trouble. Your job is to advance their level of technology, not settle a local dispute.” The agent shrugged. “They might not give me a choice in the matter. Ah, well, I wouldn’t want this to be boring. I’ll head planetside. I’ll inform you once I’m set up, but I doubt I’ll have time for detailed reports until I’m done.” “Best of luck down there.” The chief watched the agent leave, then made sure to delete the records of the meeting. This was a more hands-on operation than was technically allowed. That would only be an issue if they were caught, however. If this worked though… The chief grinned. Things would be about to get very profitable. *** Welcome to MR50: The Northern Wind Redux! I will be your GM, along with @StrikerEZ, and @Elbereth will be the IM. This game is a rerun of MR36 (you can link to it here if you want). This game is based on the short story Sixth of the Dusk. Here is a link to the rules doc, though the rules are also down below. Rules: Basics: factions: dismissal vote: The hospital: Roles: The airship: Players: Illwei Matrim's Dice as Philico Gears as Roko the Basilisk in the aspect of Fourth of the Dark Random Bystander Tani as Tevris Azmine_king Devotary of Spontaneity as 36th of the Tundra, who hopes to bring the secrets of airship travel back to their nomadic community so she can help them with future moves. The Unknown Order Experience as Zara Sart as Fourth of Legend Szeth_Pancakes |TJ| as Sixth of Shade Archer as First of the Red Dawn, whose defining character trait is that he is ridiculously unlucky. Biplet Jondesu as Second of the Passing Wind Quintessential Pinch-hitters: Xinoehp512 as Rich Hipnett Ashbringer as Faleast Liranil Spectators Flyingbooks Quicklinks
  16. There's really only one thing that really struck me as a bit of a mistake. Everything else comes down to differences in playstyle. I already mentioned it in the dead-doc, but if you're in the end-game and going through everyone, anyone that looks Neutral-ish to you (like you mentioned about mist) should immediately be put in the 'potential elim' stack and never in the 'village' stack, irrespective of how much analysis they do. Basically, the best elims can look very village, right up until you're near the end of the game, look at what they've done and realize that they haven't really done all that much (maybe even nothing) to actually catch an elim.
  17. Also, I just discovered something great! Apparently it was HH that had bugsy attack himself, rather than the elim extortionist, which is actually pretty hilarious, because it means that the elims only got bleeder confirmed the same cycle bleeder claimed publicly, rather than three cycles earlier XD
  18. Alright, let's do some thoughts. First of all, I'd like to thank @A Joe in the Bush for running this great game. I'd also like to give shoutouts to @TJ Shade and @The Young Pyromancer for playing a great game. TJ got thrown into this game halfway through as a new player, and made some really great contributions. Pyro, meanwhile, got underestimated by a couple of people including myself, but he did a really good job at getting the village distracted and off track. Likewise, @Mist did a pretty solid job at flying under the radar while not being so quiet that it raised suspicion. @Experience also came out of left field for me as I already had discounted him as an elim based on his voting, so that was some solid distancing right there. On the village side, @Orlok Tsubodai of course did an absolutely great job, but I think @Matrim's_Dice also deserves a shout-out. Being one of the few actively analyzing villagers at Lylo is a tough position to be in, especially if you're fairly new, and so i think you did really well, all things considered. Lastly, a quick thought balance-wise. I think the way the game played out, it ended up being really close, which indicates a good balance. That having been said, I don't see how the village could have won in any less than about 10 cycles, so I do wonder if things would have gone more the elims way if everyone had been as bloodthirsty as joe expected them to be (I can't see how this game could have ended in a village win before C8, for example). edit: also, @Furamirionind, I don't think I tend to die early a lot? The village tends to avoid lynching me early because I'm a good asset to have around if I'm not evil, and the elims tend to not night-kill me early because of...reasons (being a likely protection target is one of them, I suppose)?
  19. Nope, it's Bugsy (2): Sart, Matrim Megasif (3): Bugsy, DeTess, Experience matrim(1): emi
  20. Right, sorry, my bad. To get the same effect, you need to move it to anyone but megasif or bugsy
  21. You could move your vote elsewhere for the same effect, if you were so inclined. Though I'm not certain @Matrim's_Dice has actually decided to use vote manip yet.
  22. I mean, we could lynch you instead, if you prefer I'm not entirely unserious here, btw. I don't think we've got any reason to assume you're village here, and you've been active enough that we can't dismiss you as an active threat as we can with some of the inactives. If you could do some analysis, or otherwise get your voice in the game, that would be very much appreciated. Suspicion of Megasif mostly comes from their pushback against the Silber lynch (or any double-lynch involving bugsy) last cycle.
  23. Any particular arguments you want to make beyond that? Last cycle made me pretty suspicious of you, but in all honesty, I'm having trouble fitting you into a standard-size elim team. An 8 person elim team would have zillah, the extortionist and one more member, and you're not the extortionist. And that one more could be a lot of people, including BR (who has been a major inactive suspect).
  24. Yes, but long story. I can get into details in a PM if you want, as its really not game related.
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