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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. If the Sharder's Stalking Guide map is accurate, I may be living about 30 minutes away from someone here. I wonder what the chances are that I've seen a Sharder in RL before...
  2. Are you trying to make us feel the pain of their deaths again?
  3. My family celebrates Christmas in the sense that we all enjoy the holiday, give gifts, and make use of the vacation time, but we don't celebrate the birth of Christ. It's more like a break from school and work for my family.
  4. When you refuse to get an earring because you don't want anybody coming close to you with a metal spike.
  5. Pros and Cons of being an SE Player, compiled by me and Burnt Spaghetti. Pros of SE players: -Analytical -Experienced with RP -Good at catching murderers -Highly skilled at lying/manipulation -Know how to hide/ lay low -Aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty -Very polite and courteous (considering they murder each other) -Good at finding loopholes -Consider death to be not a great unknown, simply a migration to a different place Cons of SE players: -CONSTANT VIGILANCE! -Overzealous when catching murderers -Highly skilled at lying/manipulation -Sneaks/backstabbers -Aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty -Like revenge -High mortality rate -Are constantly trolled by GMs and each other -Will murder each other for the slightest infraction -Can and will exploit friendships -Consider death to be revelation of the great unknown and somewhat acceptable
  6. They say I'll save them. Lies.
  7. Thought I could trust them. Wrong.
  8. Sanderson Elimination: the place where friendships mean nothing, where everybody lies, and backstabbing is the norm.
  9. I'm a native speaker of English, and I know a smattering of Chinese. I can speak it, but having an intelligent conversation with it is difficult for me.
  10. Alright.nI'm1abhacker,bandvthat'siwhylIlthoughtaofgtheewhole scan-unconfirmed-before-using-as-proxy situation. I think what happened is that an eliminator found my role and then tried to get me killed as early as possible, but were already killing Mailliw because they knew he was a medical specialist. That'snthe2onlysreasoncthataIncanlthinkuofnasatovwhyitheylwouldlbeatryinggtoeget me killed in such a risky way. I know that this situation would be a lot easier if I just died, but I'm sick of dying in the first three cycles of my village games. In MR11, I died because I was tied for the lynch, and thought that I, a confirmed villager, would be less valuable to the village than an unconfirmed, probably evil "sori". Guess what? The "sori" was evil. I don't want to make that same mistake again.
  11. So, not responding is suspicious, but responding is also suspicious? Assuming results come at the end of the Night turn: N1: seeker puts in order to scan D2: gets result #1 N2: puts in order D3: gets result #2 Let's assume that the alignment seeker is real and doesn't want to court death by giving their results to an unconfirmed proxy. That's not an issue, because they can simply scan someone and use them as a proxy once they've been scanned. However, this could not have happened. The only time that the alignment seeker could have given results to Stink is N2, because results come at the beginning of the Day turn when there are no PMs. Obviously, they couldn't have given results N1, because they don't get results until the end of the Night turn. This means that they only knew the alignment of one person, me. (We shall assume that the "alignment seeker" has scanned me, not anyone else. Otherwise, they would be completely falsifying an eliminator result on me.) In order for Stink to have gotten the information by D3, the alignment seeker must have PMed Stink on N2 saying that I am an eliminator, and not known the alignment of anybody else. Why would they give information like that to an unconfirmed person? The alignment seeker would have to reveal that one, they are an alignment seeker, and two, they have found an eliminator to the unconfirmed person. If this unconfirmed person is an eliminator, then congratulations, the eliminators have a new target! The alignment seeker will end up dead, and the information the have will die with them. However, an alignment seeker can easily avoid this trap by waiting anther turn and scanning whoever they want to turn into a proxy. This way, they can send the confirmed village proxy any information that they get without fear that they are sending information straight into the hands of an eliminator. This could not have happened here. As shown above, the seeker gets result #2 on D3, and can only communicate it N3. Stink revealed this information D3, so the alignment seeker could not have scanned both me and Stink. Stink, why did your alignment seeker decide to trust you? Why wouldn't they wait until they scanned you before using you as a proxy? Are you sure that your alignment seeker is really an alignment seeker?
  12. How do we know you aren't lying, Stink? You could be trying to take suspicion off of your eliminator buddy Luna, or trying to shut down discussion by having everybody bandwagon on me. After all, poke votes don't have any power if a lynchee is already predetermined, right? After I'm dead, take a closer look at Stink and his "alignment seeker". It's possible that Stink has had no such claim and only says that he was contacted so he can brush off the inevitable fallout when you find I'm innocent.
  13. No, I go quote-hunting in the previous threads. Docs are nicer in some ways, because you can search up keywords, but then you also have to know what keywords to search. *opens eyes* *sees Mallory* *takes tablet* *turns tablet on* No I'm not. People like it when I drink with them. Won't happen again. Promise. Mean it this time. WHAT THE RUSTS? YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT! WHY IN THE SURVIVOR'S NAME DID YOU DO THAT? TAKE IT OUT! TAKE IT OUT! *throws tablet at Mallory* *tablet misses* *Mallory leaves room* EDIT: formatting
  14. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

    1. STINK


      Does it still lose one of its 9 lives?

    2. Arrae


      No, it's a resurrected not-quite zombie cat with nine lives left.

  15. I'm kind of suspicious of Ada. A lot of it is mostly a gut feeling, but some of it was his vote on Anamax, especially his reasoning for it: In QF12, when Anamax was up for the lynch, Ada said this: This seems like a drastic change of behavior, and I'd like to know why.
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