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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. Verre I set these words in paper, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted, but steel is far too expensive to use when keeping a journal, Verre wrote. It's also too heavy. Swift died last night during the party. Hole in the chest, where his heart was supposed to be. It's like something out of a penny dreadful, like the one with all the serial killers and things. And they haven't found the murderer yet. That's the scary part. The murderer is still out there. Kae says that if it's a serial killer, he'll strike again. Sometimes I wish my brother wasn't so set on telling things as he sees them, because I'm not any more likely to get murdered if I think it's not a serial killer, right? If I die, I might as well die with ignorant bliss. Kwon has some sort of plan to find the killer. Something to do with a windwhisper, not that I know what that is. Problem is that he's using so much jargon I have no idea what he's saying. Speaking of Kwon, I need to get my vials refilled. I should go see him now. Verre closed her journal and set it on the ground. Then she grabbed a few empty vials, shoved them in her pocket, and walked out the door. Time to pay Kwon a visit. No PMs yet. @Wonko could you explain the abilities of a windwhisper and how that would help find a Spiked? I don't understand your plan. EDIT: formatting
  2. Clarification of how my RPing this game will work: After this post, I (hopefully) won't be making any more OOC posts. Everything after this post I write will be either from Kae's viewpoint (for RPing), his journal (analysis), Verre's viewpoint (for RPing), or her journal (RP and analysis). I will do my best to be sticking to the characters. Anything that Kae says or writes will be true to be best of my knowledge. Any actions that he takes will accurately reflect my actions in this game. For example, if Kae uses a coppermind, that means I as a player have feruchemical copper. The only thing that Kae can lie about is whether or not he or Verre is spiked, and by extension whether I am an eliminator. This is because some players enjoy deducing alignments, and I do not want to deprive them of this joy. Verre does not have to be truthful. If she remarks on Kae using a coppermind, that does not necessarily mean that I as a player have feruchemical copper. This extends to anything that Verre says, writes, or does. Unless where otherwise noted, all PMs are going to Verre. Let the experiment commence.
  3. I think it's unfair to compare Scadrial and Roshar right now. Scadrial has had seven books to showcase its allomantic, feruchemical, hemalurgical, industrial, and economic development. Roshar has had two books, and the main characters are still figuring out their powers. But Scadrial as of BoM would probably stomp Roshar of WoR.
  4. Even if they aren't always mean, this is still a problem. I hope reporting them fixes the issue. Don't worry about bothering us -- after all, this is the thread to go to when you're having a bad day and need a hug.
  5. Verre Kae emerged from the depths tailor’s shop with defeat written across his face. He turned, closed the door, and walked across the street to where Verre was sitting. Verre stood up. She didn’t bother to ask how things had gone with the tailor-- she already knew the answer. “Next place?” Kae nodded. “Five doors down from here.” Verre glanced at the rest of the street. Multiple wooden buildings occupied both sides of the tailor’s shop, and a few had signs hanging from them “Left or right?” Verre asked. “The tailor didn’t specify,” Kae said. “I think it’s to the right, towards the red sign.” Verre looked at the sign on the tailor’s shop again. Looking for worker, it said. Fitter/sewer/alterations. “Kae,” Verre said. “What job did you tell Mr. Beasley you wanted?” “Accountant, of course,” Kae said. “Why?” Verre pointed at the sign. “He’s looking for a tailor. Did you even read the sign?” “Of course,” Kae said. “But I can’t sew.” Verre facepalmed. “Did you ever consider trying to, you know, get the job that was available, and not the one that nobody in this area needs?” “Nope,” Kae said cheerfully. “That would be false advertising.” Verre facepalmed again. “You go check the other place,” Verre said. “I’ll see if I can find a job with Mr. Beasley.”
  6. Kae “I saw that you’re looking for an employee,” Kae said. “I studied mathematics for two years at Elendel University and worked for four years as an accountant for a member of the Senate. I want to get a job here.” The wrinkled, old man stared blankly at Kae. “You wanna get a job here?” He asked. “Yes,” Kae said. “I could do your finances for you. Help you pay your employees, pay your tariffs, that sort of thing.” The old man -- Mr. Beasley, according to Verre -- raised an eyebrow. “Son, this is a shop for tailors. You sure you’re at the right place?” Tailor, just like Verre said. Kae nodded his head. “What’s a fancy university boy like you doing here?” Mr. Beasley asked. “Pay here’s worse than what you get in Elendel.” Kae hesitated. “I… I was too accurate with my accounting,” he said. “The others fudged their numbers. I unfudged them and made the source of Cett’s income clearer.” More accurately, he’d recorded those 5000 extra boxings as bribes. The chief accountant hadn’t been happy about that and had fired Kae on the spot. Mr. Beasley sighed. “Sorry, son, but I don’t need an accountant. My wife does my ledgers just fine.” “I can do other things too,” Kae said. This was the third shop that had said no. He needed a job, so he could afford to rent a place for him and Verre. He needed to get a job. “I can do the heavy lifting and -- and -- I can sew, I have a sister too, she can do things --” Mr. Beasley shook his head. “If you want work there’s a place five doors down. Sorry.” Kae wanted to stay and argue, but that wouldn’t work -- he wasn’t Verre. That was a dismissal, plain and clear. He walked out of the shop and headed five doors down, hopefully to a place where he could get a job.
  7. Kae and Verre are newcomers then. Kae's very surprised that there was someone else with the same name, and miffed that others think that he is an Inquisitor. Verre thinks that it's funny. Anything that comes from Kae will be true to the best of his knowledge (and mine). Anything that comes from Verre isn't that trustworthy. This includes RPs from either one of their viewpoints (ex: in an RP Kae burns gold. This means that one of the powers I have as a player is allomantic gold, and I could not have lied about it.)
  8. Signing up as Kae and Verre, orphaned siblings who grew up with only each other. Kae is the older brother, and Verre is the younger sister. For Verre, Kae is a father figure, brother, and friend all at the same time, and would rather lie to him than disappoint him. This is going to be interesting to RP.
  9. Maybe that's how it caught on in the Reckonerverse.
  10. Iron: Allomancy! For extra security with steel. Smashing into a telephone pole is not a fun experience. Steel: Allomancy! Why walk when you can leap through the air in a mistcloak? Tin: Feruchemy. There are times when I don't want my ears to work (loud party) and there are times when I do want my ears to work (eavesdropping). Pewter: Feruchemy. I can fill my pewterminds whenever I'm sitting for 10 or more minutes. Contains lead, so I'd have to be a bit careful. Zinc: Feruchemy. I don't trust myself with the ability to manipulate emotions. Brass: See above. Copper: Feruchemy. Time to start wearing my copper jewelry to tests (it isn't cheating if I'm using my own memories). Bronze: Free information about investiture use vs ability to regulate my sleep cycle... this one is hard. If on Earth, Feruchemy, if on Scadrial, Allomancy. Cadmium: It's carcinogenic, and hard to get rid of. I refuse to put it in my stomach or have copious amounts of it touching my skin. Pass. Bendalloy: Also carcinogenic, but easier to get rid of. Allomancy. Gold: Feruchemy, of course! Electrum: Chromium: Nicrosil: Aluminum: If on Scadrial, Allomancy. If I figure out how to worldhop, I might need a way to get rid of these pesky Lashings those "Knights Radiant" keep putting on me. Duraluminum: Allomancy. Extra power with steel/iron? Yes please. Atium: Allomancy. I wonder how it would work with computers...
  11. Kaladin's a lighteyes in the cover. It's really nice design-wise with the blue background, but I think someone wasn't specific enough when commissioning that artist...
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