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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. But you are defense of him was not very good? Sorry, just had to point that out. I'm actually slightly suspicious of you because of all of these no-explanation votes. You said that you would be playing more seriously in D1, but you're still slapping these no-explanation votes around. Your words don't match your actions, and that makes me suspicious.
  2. That sounds awful, but remember that you're stronger than them. *hug*
  3. Barteender, gimne nuther TCollims. Aint drunk. Swear on Cervivors bones. *fumbles with tablet* *hits send* *sees new text* Niter, this is your brother Mallory. Are you drunk? No sersly. Just happi lol. *send* *takes another swig* Where do you live then? n a overstuffed dorm with losta spikies + wires. Niter, I'm going to pick you up. You're at that bar, right? Stay where you are. *drops tablet* *can't reach* *gives up* Oh dear. Niter's drunk and about to have his head bitten off by his brother. I would not want to be him.
  4. Klyn, are you sure you aren't drunkenly accusing innocents? The mission was successful -- this is a time for celebration, not accusation! I'd like to point out that this is normal behavior for Anamax. In both the AG and QF12, he voted on someone D1 with little explanation, and was lynched for it. In both the AG and QF12, he was found innocent. Anamax's behavior might not be ideal, but at least it is consistent. Clanky, I don't think your reason for voting has been thought out very thoroughly.
  5. I put a vote in BB last cycle, but it's not showing. EDIT: This is what I'm getting so far. Pros+ of volunteering: -people who want to use roles/PMs can use them -people with important roles who don’t volunteer won’t die from mission failure -generates discussion Cons of volunteering: -eliminators can get information by finding who volunteers and who doesn’t Pros of shifts: -people have an equal amount of role/PM time -eliminators don’t get information from people volunteering or backing out Cons of shifts: -village can’t change shifts to pursue suspicions from mission successes/failures -has been commented as a bad strategy when playing Resistance, which this game is based off of.
  6. Nice to know I got the electrum burning function working. Only problem with electrum is that the rusting tablet can only show what's going to happen to it. Atium would be more useful, but it's so rusting rare that there'd be no point. I should get a celebratory drink. You could find me some atium. That would be fun. EDIT: We didn't lynch anybody D1. That's kind of weird. Should we be discussing that?
  7. Sam Flynn, I've heard that you don't drink. You another undercover cop? *checks tablet* *splutters of outrage* Stop burning copper, peeps! Rusting tablet can't detect anything while you're burning it! I'm voting for Bridge Boy because he said that Kynedath was suspicious because he posted a lot of RP and not much else. That doesn't seem like a good reason, especially because the RP in question occurred early in the first half of D1.
  8. I wanted to encourage you to speak up. It's much nicer when people are talking. As Lopen said, sometimes people will sign up and never post at all. *opens Scanner app* *sets Bronze burning mode to on* *takes another swig of rum* Yolen, you got deep pockets. You oughtta pay more attention to your bars.
  9. I feel like Kyn is being pretty consistent with what he's said about D1 lynches. It might not be what other people think, but it's consistent with what he normally does. ​So much discussion of alcohol in here. Luna, if you see this, can you please post your thoughts in here? That would be very helpful. EDIT: something keeps on going wrong with my purple text.
  10. As I said, I don't trust anyone who comes to a bar and doesn't drink. You're fine though. That vote was purely RP based, because I needed to do something to establish Niter's personality. So, he has an unfounded suspicion of both Ripple and Dragonsight because they don't drink. Hopefully what Niter thinks won't influence me too much.
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