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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. Ripple, everybody on this planet drinks, including Yolen. You telling me that you don't trust your employer? *shakes head* Dragonsight, you got a high opinion of yourself, saying that we can't do this without you. You're not the only mistrunner around here, you know. Dragonsight seems handy in a fight. I'd like to know why he's so reluctant to join. We can probably get some information about who the eliminators are by seeing which missions succeed and which missions fail. I think we should avoid choosing people who are inactive/say they are busy, so if a mission fails, we know that an eliminator was in it, because a villager has no reason to make a mission fail. This way, we might be able to use missions as ways to pursue suspicions. If a mission fails, we know to take a closer look at the people in it.
  2. Teetotaler. ...Sometimes I hate having to use this tablet. Other people get to say whatever they want as quickly as they want, but I gotta write fast AND make it readable. And look, I've just been ninja'd. I don't drink, but Niter does, and for the sake of this RP thing Niter's views will be expressed as my own. OOC thoughts will be in purple.
  3. Yolen, just quit it with the theatrics already. You know we just want your money. *deletes message* Will start with the poke votes when I remember how to put color on this tablet. EDIT: Finally got this thing to work. *points at Ripple* I don't trust people who don't drink. EDIT #2: greened out name.
  4. Twin stabbing pains. Awareness. Confusion. A jump in time. Less mass than before. Loss of sight. What had happened here? Memory. Leaving Scadrial. Landing in an ocean of a planet. And... something. You would not have been revealed if you had been less aggressive, I think, Harmony said. Revealed? NeLaar wondered. Why would I have been revealed? Images and thoughts from Harmony. Taking the body of an Eelakin. Learning about the culture. Finding Aviar. Masquerading as a trapper. Then, death on Amaji. Suspicion. Knives. People wielding torches and machetes, advancing forwards. Shouts of surprise when the knives didn't kill. Screams. Fire. Destruction. Pain, similar to the feeling of acid, but not as strong. Your spikes were removed, Harmony said. They're back now, but there may be some lingering effects. Unfortunately, it seems that the fire damaged most of your mass, so I think you might not be able to use human bones right now. Oh. I just royally Ruined everything, didn't I? NeLaar asked. Perhaps, Harmony replied. I can take you back to Scadrial if you wish. Nah. I'll be fine, NeLaar thought. I have a set of bird bones and feathers hidden away. I want to stay, for now. I want to observe the traders for a while. Very well, Harmony said. He sighed. Just don't get discovered this time. EDIT: Added some lines.
  5. I wonder who wrote that blurb. Hopefully they won't be hired again.
  6. Signing up as Niter, a kid with a whiteboard tablet and stylus. Going to try to copy what Elbereth's doing and play the game in-character this time. Niter's mute, and can only "talk" by writing on the whiteboard tablet, so I'm going to be more concise than usual, RP less, and overuse emoticons. *deletes message* No idea why Niter's the representative for his crew, but his brother probably has good reasons for it. EDIT: updated character to reflect the level of technology
  7. Cesarlii's a mind shielder. And a shrieker. And he's very unhappy that he got muffled. Uh... that's it for now, so have fun with him. I don't want to assume that what Stink says must be true. He's probably the type of person to truthfully blurt out everything he knows just to troll people (SoH runner reveal in MR10), but I don't want to take that for granted, because an eliminator team with him on it could choose to capitalize on that. I have bad experiences with taking what people say at face value, and my gut reaction is mostly feelings of mistrust. My thoughts might be barely coherent, and they might not be what everybody thinks, but they're the best that I can come up with right now. Two Sori having the same mentor just seems so odd to me. (Then again, the GMs might be trolls.) Also, retracting vote on Adavantos because he restated the black text OOG stuff in blue text. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day for me, so I'm not going to be on for most of it.
  8. Noon stared at the hole in the cages, utterly flabbergasted. How could someone have stolen her Aviar without her noticing? Where were they now? Who could have stolen them? Noon took a deep breath and forced herself to think. The thief had timed everything just right, because it was almost dark now, so Noon couldn’t follow them without risking death. That demonstrated intelligence. If the thief had set off the crashing sound that had sent Noon here, they couldn’t be too stealthy. Noon smiled. That meant that the thief could slip up. Noon whistled a short melody to the rest of the jungle. It sounded like birdsong, but carried much further and sounded different enough for her Aviar to recognize it. Then she closed her eyes and listened. Leaves rustled. Insects buzzed. Water flowed. A bird shrieked and Noon jumped. Cesarlii! The sound came from towards the coast. Cesarlii shrieked again, and again, until the sound suddenly stopped. Good bird, Noon thought. Now, if Sanaru or Steak responded, she’d have all the information she needed to hunt down the thief. And if they had somehow escaped, they’d fly back and be able to show Noon the way to where the thief had taken them. This was going to take a while. Somewhere in the distance, a bird cried out, but it was so faint that Noon couldn’t tell if it was one of her Aviar or not. The sun set. Noon sat in the tree and waited for her Aviar. And waited. And waited. ----- Something nudged Noon’s shoulder. She sleepily protested and used her hand to brush it off, but her hand just met feathery resistance. Noon’s eyes flew open. Steak perched on the tree, feathers unruffled and a glossy black, looking like nothing had happened. He fluffed his feathers out and started preening. Noon lunged for her Aviar and hugged him in a tight embrace. Steak croaked, but didn’t try to move out of the hug. “I thought you were lost forever,” Noon said. “After everything we’ve been through, I thought you were gone.” Her eyes felt watery, and she blinked to keep the tears in. Author's note: Steak actually isn't an Aviar. Something poked Noon’s belly and she looked down to see Steak, who was tugging a bag of treats out of Noon’s pocket. As Noon watched, he opened the bag and stuck his head inside to grab a treat. Then, he looked up at Noon. He didn’t even look ashamed. He's a (mostly) normal worldhopping Scadrialan bird Noon laughed. “After all you’ve been through, you deserve all the treats you can get.” She handed the bag to Steak, who promptly began devouring its contents. One Aviar recovered, two more to go. that NeLaar brought to see if all birds in First of the Sun have get Talents, even non-native ones. As far as the whole Stink -- Kyn -- PK situation goes, I think Kyn is most likely to be suspicious. A Sori with a messenger Aviar? I don't think that would be included, because it causes too many chances to set up a mayor. However, since Aviar can be transferred, Kyn might not have started off with a messenger Aviar, and he stole one last cycle. What if Stink, Kyn, and PK are all eliminators? They might be banking on the fact that Stink normally does stuff like this to make it plausible, and us thinking that no eliminator in their right mind would try doing a three-member fake Sori claim. The situation is similar to two Seekers claiming that the same person is innocent, so maybe the situation should be handled the way that would normally be handled.
  9. There's no precedence of me doing what I just did as a villager because I've only completed two games as a villager (this game will be my third). Out of these two games, LG15b was my first game, where I was still struggling with the idea of lynches, and I was more focused on being a trigger-happy Mistborn than anything else. In the second game, MR10, I died C1, and spent most of my time socializing in the dead doc and being harassed by Stink and Kipper. That time when I was an eliminator, I misremebered something you said and doubted that you were a kill role. This time, I've quoted three pieces of text out of the MR10 eliminator doc. This time, I am casting doubt on your trustworthiness because I genuinely doubt your trustworthiness. I'd rather not lynch either STINK or Kyn for the sole sake of confirming PK. On the other hand, the situation feels very odd to me.
  10. I figured that out D1... > On a completely unrelated note, I finally completed my LG15b banner! Took me two and a half months, but now I'm done!
  11. I'm placing a vote on Adavantos for a very dramatic change of behavior. On D1, very close to turnover, he posted this: I've underlined parts of the post that normally would be in blue text, but for some reason this game is in black text. In any other person, I wouldn't think this is suspicious. However, Ada has very strong views of what color text OOG things should be in. In the MR10 eliminator doc, he wrote this: An example of Ada using blue text is here, from QF12: Clearly, Ada believes that anything pertaining to real life should be in blue and anything not should be in black. However, in his original post, he said that "life's been a bit hectic lately" preventing him from being able to play normally, and he puts this all in blue text, not black text. The original post was justified, so the issue is not that he had no time to format.Again, this is a drastic change of behavior on Ada's part, and I would like an explanation. Edit: color
  12. NeLaar sat in her shelter, 20 feet above the ground, and mentally listed out everything she knew about First of the Sun as she snacked on a handful of tree nuts. She wasn’t sure if Harmony was listening -- she only knew he was paying attention when he responded -- but it was a good way to make sure that she didn’t forget anything. First of the Sun was a planet with a lot of islands. The island NeLaar was on was called Amaji, the Mother. The Eelakin separated these islands into two categories: the Homeisles and the Pantheon. The Homeisles had been modernized, and some of the Eelakin wanted to bring that modernization to the Pantheon. The traditional naming convention was to put the order of birth, then the time of birth, such as the names First of the Morn or Last of the Equinox. However, there was also a more modern trend, which was similar to the North Scadrialan naming convention. Some examples of these names were Avis, Gylfie, and Saludan. That last name had a hint of a Rosharan accent to it, but NeLaar wasn’t sure. If it did, the implications would be enormous. The typical method the trappers used to deal with situations seemed to be death. When Axis had said that he discussing Sun’s death was pointless, the other trappers had grown increasingly suspicious of him before one of them took a knife to his neck. Aviar were extremely important. All the trappers -- Something crashed in the distance and NeLaar jumped. Was that another trader? She blinked and slid into Noon’s perspective. My Aviar! she thought. Her hand fell on the handle of her machete and she ran towards the cages she’d constructed for her Aviar. Cesarlii -- Sanaru -- Steak -- if another trapper was trying to steal them -- or worse, a traitor from the Northern Interests -- Noon climbed up the tree her shelter was on. Up, up, up another few branches… The cages were intact. Noon relaxed and stopped climbing the tree. Then she frowned. Where had Cesarlii gone? Sanaru and Steak were mostly dull colored, perfectly suited to camouflaging in a jungle. But Cesarlii was bright blue, so he ought to be visible. Noon climbed up to the cages and gasped in shock. Here initial assessment had been correct: the cages were intact. Mostly. But the doors of them had been unlatched, so there was a gaping hole in the fronds and wires. Only a human could have opened the doors. Someone had stolen Noon’s Aviar. Yes, Noon/NeLaar has an Aviar named Steak. She was very hungry when she acquired him. No, I did not start off with three Aviar, but RPing with zero didn't seem quite right either. EDIT: formatting
  13. Stink, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much of that reveal was silly!Stink? Stink, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much of that reveal was silly!Stink? I'd vote for you for being suspicious, but that's what you want. That reveal was a terrible idea.
  14. ? As I said, I wasn't sure why I was suspicions of you, since it was a gut suspicion. Sometimes my gut is accurate, sometimes it isn't, but it never gives me reasons, just general feelings of mistrust. (Sometimes I think it's just paranoia.) That's why I put a poke vote on you, to see your reaction. Now that you've responded, I think you probably aren't an eliminator, so Water.
  15. I voted for Phatt because I agreed with your reasoning that D1 lynches are for discussion, not because we actually think that a certain person is an eliminator. Also, it seemed out of character for Phatt from what I've seen of his playstyle. Water, I'm not sure why, but I have some gut suspicion of you. I feel like you know a lot about how the eliminators feel about their Aviar -- is this because you are one?
  16. Some thoughts about the situation here: We have a discussion here about D1 lynches (again). This has probably been discussed at least every other game, and the majority consensus is that it is very helpful. With that said, I feel like experienced players like Phatt should know that D1 lynches give us a lot of information, which makes me suspicious when they argue against it. Also, we should also focus on discussing things first, then stealing Aviar. (It should be noted that the more posts you have and the longer these posts are, the easier it will be to hide your code words. So discuss away!) But if we talk only to disguise our code words, we won't be able to catch the eliminators. @ Hellscythe: why are you publicly posting your guesses of people's code words? It seems like an easy way to drag the conversation away from finding eliminators and towards Aviar-stealing, and it also increases your competition.
  17. The situation wasn’t nearly as bad as Noon had thought. From what she’d overheard, she’d imagined that the trappers had witnessed Sal and Pepe attack Sun, wearing the uniform of the Northern Interests Trading Company, with an army of traders behind them and ready to colonize Amaji. But that wasn’t what the trappers had actually been talking about. According to them, what had actually happened was that Sun had died. Noon didn’t understand why they sounded so worried. A trapper was dead. So what? The islands of the Pantheon were dangerous places, even to those who called them home. Whoever had discovered Sun’s body must have overreacted. Noon gradually drifted away from the gathering and climbed a tree overlooking the gathering. Once she was high enough not to be seen, she sat down on a limb to listen to the conversation below. Noon blinked and her cover personality dispersed. This was a prime opportunity for NeLaar to gather some information about trappers and how they interacted with each other, which was something that NeLaar needed to learn, fast. She closed her eyes and listened, thankful for her Blessing of Awareness that allowed her to have such keen hearing. “I bet I could make your Aviar loyal to me,” a male voice boasted. His voice had overtones of covetous greed in it, mixed in with longing. “As if you could, Avis,” a female voice scoffed. Unlike Avis, her voice bordered along the lines of wariness. “If you tried, you’d find all your Aviar missing.” “I could make your Avair loyal,” Avis repeated. “But I wouldn’t waste my time on your Aviar, Gylfie. No, I want Sal’s bird. The one that lets him fly.” The trappers let out appreciative sighs and NeLaar took a mental note that the trappers coveted each other’s Aviar. “Do you know where he got it?” another voice asked. “No,” Gylfie said. “But I’d certainly like to know where he got an Aviar like that. None of the birds here are have Talents remotely near what his has.” So Sal’s Aviar wasn’t common, and all the trappers wanted an Aviar that let them fly. That was another thing to add to NeLaar’s pitifully small knowledge of Aviar: they were birds, they had powers, and they were only found on the Pantheon. Another voice started talking and NeLaar continued eavesdropping. This was going to be a very helpful meeting for both her and her knowledge of First of the Sun. You hating on my home planet? How many eyes do you have? Phatt, there's a big hole in your logic. In LG15b, you voted for Shallan D1. In LG16, you voted for Stink D1. Now in MR11, you're abstaining. Care to explain this sudden change of behavior?
  18. Mailliw's said before that he'll deliberately do things that no eliminator in their right mind would try to do, so I don't think that should be a reason to clear him. On the other hand, I think Stink was just being silly, and it was something that he would do as either an eliminator or as a villager.
  19. The jungle was quiet, as always. Quiet, not silent. It was an important distinction to make, for in that space between quiet and silence lay the path to survival. Second of the Noon sat on a tree branch high above the ground, with one hand on the tree trunk for support. From here, she saw a flashes of bright colors juxtaposed against a vista of verdant greens, rivers winding their way through the understory of the forest, blue skies punctuated with soft, pastel clouds of white. Noon ignored it. As her mentor had said, looks were deceiving. Instead, she closed her eyes and listened. Aviar cooed in the distance. Water splashed in a creek. Ferns below her rustled in the wind. Wait. There was no wind, so how could the ferns be rustling? Noon frowned and listened harder. "Sal must have done it," a voice said. It was so loud and discordant against the soft music of the jungle that Noon winced. "Pepe is guilty," another voice said. Again, to Noon's ears, trained to pick up the slightest of sounds, the volume was deafening. She winced again. The voices were familiar to her -- the people speaking must be trappers. So why were they talking so loudly? Didn't they know the dangers of predators? A third person sighed. "Look, we all need to speak up if we want to find the traders. Sun was obviously murdered by them, and we can't let them get away with it. Remember what happened in Patji?" Noon froze. Patji -- the traders had colonized the Father. Killed him. And it sounded like the traders had set their sights on colonizing the Mother. Oh, no... Noon blinked, and her trapper persona faded away. Harmony had given a mission: to observe this shardworld and its native inhabitants. From what she'd heard, First of the Sun was now in a revolution, the scale of which hadn't been seen since mechanical allomancy reached the northern continent of Scadrial. But in Scadrial, people were already used to allomancy and had been quick to fill the holes not taken by machines. In First of the Sun... NeLaar climbed down out of the tree she was on. Noon had every right to be worried about the traders, so naturally she'd want to help get rid of them. And while Noon met with her fellow trappers, NeLaar could gather some more information about the planet she was living on. ----- Elkanah, do you have any thoughts on what's going on? Traitor and trader sound very similar. Would anybody mind if Noon refers to the traders as traitors? It has such a nice thematic ring to it... EDIT: Greened out Elk's name.
  20. The cure for curiosity is answers. Unfortunately, most of these answers just spawn more questions.

    1. STINK


      So it's not the cure?

    2. Arrae


      It's a temporary cure. Lasts a few seconds.

  21. Apparently I am a liberal leftist. It would be much more helpful if I actually knew what that meant.
  22. Rithmatist isn't Cosmere, unfortunately. There's no way to get Hemalurgy working in the Rithmatist world.
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