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Everything posted by Arrae

  1. "Oh! Crecent street. Hmmm... If only I could remember." The man stood up and seemed to be in no hurry to speak. Pam mentally begged him to hurry up. "Go down the street, take the fifth left. You'll land up at a dead end. You don't want to go there. Instead, take the fourth right. Perhaps that'll lead you to Crossings square. From there, head due North North-East. That might take you to Crescent Street," the man said. Pam nodded. Hopefully what he'd said was trustworthy. She turned to follow his directions, then stopped. If he knew how to get to Crescent Road, did he also know how to get to a source of clean water and food? He probably wasn't trustworthy. Pam should just go home. But... Even if she went home now, she'd die of thirst or hunger in just a few days. "Um... Do you know a source of food or water?" Pam asked.
  2. I think the key word here is "let". He might not directly kill, but if it benefits him for someone to die he won't save them.
  3. When Pam woke up, she wasn't sure where she was. Why was she lying on someone's lawn? Where were Mother and Father? Then she remembered the government building and the body. Her stomach grumbled, but Pam was starting to get used to feeling hungry. Still, she needed food and water. She'd last eaten... Yesterday morning? Yesterday afternoon? She might be able to find food on the streets, but if there were ganvs roaming around and killing people like the one in the government building... She needed to go home. Pam stood up. Maybe she could ask for directions? There was someone across the street from her, dressed all in black. Pam gathered up her courage and shouted across the broken road. "Excuse me, Mister, do you know how to go to Crescent Street?" RPing on mobile is hard. Open for anyone to answer.
  4. For that plan to work, everybody would have to be donating, because scanning people takes 10 points. I don't know about most people, but I can maximize at 2.75 a day cycle with a vote, location, and two RPs. I'm guessing that most people don't want to RP two or more times a cycle, but voting and giving your location should be fairly easy.
  5. Pam ran through the streets of Portland, trying to get away from the government building and the body and all the people there. Her feet pounded against the sidewalk and she took heavy, shuddering breaths. Fight or flight instinct, a distant corner of her mind mused. First described by Walter Bradford Cannon, where the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal-cortical system. She took a backwards glance. Was one of the figures following her? Pam spotted a nearby intersection in the road and turned left. She kept running for another three blocks, then turned right. The road was a dead end. Pam stopped and sat down, panting heavily. Where was she? She didn’t recognize this neighborhood at all. Was she lost? Pam swore under her breath. She might be able to retrace her path to the government building and walk home from there, but… someone had been murdered there. What if the gang that did it was still in the area? I <3 my free RP points. Pam didn’t want to risk meeting them again. She was just so tired from the events of the day, so she curled up into a ball and slept on what used to be someone’s lawn.
  6. The world's end bought me freedom.
  7. Pam shouldn’t have worried about getting lost. The government building was easily identifiable, the only building in the entire street with lights on. A group of people milled around the doors to the building, which was closed. Some people argued, some people paced around, some stood in one spot, and one even looked like he was sleeping. Pam walked closer. Was the building closed? She hoped not; the people around the building looked dangerous, almost like a gang. Wait. That man, the one who that was sleeping -- he wasn’t sleeping. He was dead, and was lying in a pool of blood. Some of the others were waving knives and guns in the air, and one of them gestured violently at the body. Pam froze. This -- this couldn’t be happening! That man over there wasn’t dead, the people hadn’t killed him, this was NOT HAPPENING IN FRONT OF A GOVERNMENT BUILDING! One of the figures turned and pointed towards Pam. She watched in horrified fascination as the others also turned towards her and started arguing even more loudly. Some of them waved the knives -- at her! Pam's frozen muscles unlocked, and she ran. I'm very suspicious of the Phatt lynch, especially considering that it started just an hour before turnover. I think it's also interesting that Wonko's reasoning for letting Lopen live is that "he's been one of the strongest discussion leaders in this game". Not because Wonko thinks that Lopen is innocent, or that he disagrees with the reasoning (or lack of it) behind the votes on Lopen. This feels like a last-minute attempt to save a teammate.
  8. Maybe it's a history textbook that was written by a British professor that has never been to Magical America?
  9. The streets of Portland were dark without the familiar glow of the streetlights, reducing everything to menacing silhouettes and shadows. Pam shivered as she walked down the sidewalks. Maybe she should have worn a heavier jacket. Footsteps echoed behind her and she jumped. What -- what was that? Was someone following her? Pam looked behind her, but didn’t see anything lurking in the shadows. That didn’t mean anything. In this pitch-black night, somebody could be right behind her and she wouldn’t know until it was too late. Pam started jogging. Hopefully the government building wasn’t too far away. As SilverBlade says, I am in the government building with Master_Elodin, SilverDragon, Elbereth, Lopen, Meta, SilverBlade, Danosaur, and Kipper. I probably will be staying there to get my free two points a cycle. EDIT: put in the list of people in my location.
  10. Pam searched the pantry again. This couldn’t be it, there had to be more! Pam couldn’t be running out of food after just a week! Even if the weekly delivery of locally sourced organic food hadn’t come this Friday, there had to be more food left in the house than a few boxes of expired cereal. Rats in the cellar The pantry refused to yield anything. Pam searched it again. Still empty. I'm looking forwards to Pi day Her stomach growled, and Pam held in the temptation to curse. Mother would smack her if she ever heard Pam say that out loud. Paddling is harder than it looks So the pantry was empty. The refrigerator might as well be useless -- it hadn’t had power for, what, three or four days now? The rest of the house was also useless, unless Pam wanted to start boiling books. All she had was a few boxes of cereal and maybe the stuff left in the fridge, if Pam wanted to risk food poisoning. Shshshsh, whoops, forgot her name Ugh. Pam’s stomach felt horribly empty, and the food she had left wasn’t enough. If, no, when she ran out… Earl grey tea, my, oh my! What if...what if there was food outside of the house? The third day after an Epic burned down her school, someone had delivered a flier to her house, something about supplies being handed out. Pam had ignored it at the time, but now… Rulers should include both the metric and the imperial system Pam stood up and walked towards the mail rack. Where was it again? She rifled through tax statements, copies of Barron’s, the Wall Street Journal, and Bloomburg Business magazines before finding a sheet of paper detailing locations where the government would be handing out supplies like food and water. Ekko sends you his love The nearest location was at least a mile away. Ugh. Nervous? You should be Pam remembered the man who’d knocked on the door. Who knew how many people like him would be roaming the streets? What about Epics, like the one that had destroyed her school? Pam had never walked that far by herself before -- what if she got lost? Or mugged? Or killed? Pam’s stomach grumbled. Even if it was dangerous out there, she couldn’t just stay and starve. If Mother and Father came back and she wasn’t home, they’d understand, right? Pam ran upstairs to find her backpack and a jacket. Then she walked out the door, hoping that nothing bad would happen. I feel we would benefit a lot from knowing Lopen's alignment now what happened last turn. Wonko's reasoning for not lynching Lopen seems off -- just because someone drives discussion doesn't mean they're a villager.
  11. The doorbell rang. Pam froze. Mother and Father must be back! She rushed out of her room and towards the stairs, legs moving as fast as possible. Someone knocked on the door. Probably Father, as he was always impatient with Pam. Pam ran down the stairs and into the hallway, which had a slick, hardwood floor. She stumbled on the floor, picked herself up, and kept running. Her parents were back! Father rang the doorbell again and Pam winced. She could already hear the lecture for being so slow. Pam reached the door, unlocked it, and opened it. The smell hit her first. It was horrible, like the stink of sweat and dirt left alone for a year in a petri dish of agar. Then Pam noticed the man standing in the doorway. He wore a black and white hoodie, with the hood obscuring his face. What the heck...? This wasn't Father, or even Mother. Pam slammed the door in the man's face and locked it as quickly as she could. Stink, shame on you for making Pam think her parents were alive. I like Lopen's idea a lot, but people might not follow the organization exactly. This could lead to issues -- are they a villager doing something unplanned or an eliminator?
  12. Pam peered down from the second story balcony of her house. Her parents still hadn't come back yet., but... there was still hope, right? They had to come back. Mother and Father couldn't be gone. In the street below, a man waved his arms and wildly gestured towards the sky. "What's that, Rae?" he shouted. "You want Kipper to do some Drunk posts? That's not how it works, silly!" The man paused for a moment, then continued screaming towards the sky. Pam shrank back from the balcony. He must be one of the crazies that Mother had talked about. Someone who not only ignored the opportunities handed to them on a silver platter, but also spat in the faces of people who only wanted to help. Pam turned and walked back into her (temporarily) deserted house. Mother and Father would be back soon. They had to.
  13. Pamela sat in an ash tree, high above the ground, with a book clutched in her hands. The leaves hung around her, forming a protective shield of green from the distractions of the nearby parking lot. The leaves rustled around Pam, but she ignored the noise and continued with her math homework. Another three problems left, and then she’d start on her AP Chem homework. Pam still had ten minutes of lunch left. That should be enough time to get started on Chem. A siren blared and Pam flinched. Was lunch over already? The loudspeaker crackled to life. “Attention, please begin lockout procedure. This is not a drill. Please begin lockdown procedure. This is not a drill.” Wha…? Lockout. What was that again? “Students, please secure yourselves in the nearest classroom. Teachers, please secure the perimeter.” Oh, that’s what it was. Pam climbed down the tree and shoved her homework into her backpack. Then she started jogging towards the E building. Other nearby students also walked towards the E building, with a few almost sprinting. Something boomed in the distance. Pam looked up and saw someone in red floating in the sky. Were they one of these superepic-or-whatever people? Halfway there to the E building. “Students, please secure yourselves in the nearest classroom. Teachers, please secure the perimeter.” Pam was only a small distance away from the E building, just a few steps from walking into E109. Almost there… The sky flashed and lightning struck the E building. The E building rippled and cracks appeared in the concrete walls. Windows shattered. Lightning struck the E building again and fire flared up from the roof. Pam stood outside the E building, dazed. Her ears rang and the world seemed to move in slow-motion, like a soundless movie. Then she turned and ran. Sign me up as Pam, a former student of Trinity Private School with a 4.0 GPA. Not that it matters in this new Epic-infested world.
  14. What's the premise of your QF?
  15. These look pretty interesting. I just don't want one getting anywhere near me.
  16. If the Sharder's Stalking Guide is accurate...Anamaximder.
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