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Everything posted by Djarskublar

  1. The Alethi alphabet is written to look like an EEG. It is spiky 'waves' of varying width and height, if I recall correctly. I know we cracked the code, but it wasn't something I was personally interested in.
  2. I haven't played the ps4 game. I don't remember anything getting cut from the Tower story arc. They skipped over some stuff from where the previous anime left off, but I didn't particularly mind. The Black Swordsman arc was the wrong size to include, really. It is too short for its own thing, but too long to put before what they did and retain quality. The older anime cut out a lot too. I don't blame it either.
  3. A simple question on what the conditions are for one forming would do nicely. Maybe something like 'what are the conditions for a perpendicularity forming, and how close are Highstorms to qualifying?'
  4. Incomplete might be a better word, especially for the early Mistborn Ars. You could ask about perpendicularities. A question about the possibility of making one, or about whether a Highstorm is at least partially one, would both be good short questions. Yata and I would both appreciate more info on those.
  5. Actually, that is Yata's theory. Mine is about how to make perpendicularities. And that last bit was something I wondered about right after I posted too. What does a random Joe see while someone is partially in the CR? I don't think we get a POV on that. What Lift would see is an interesting question as well.
  6. Now that is an answer I can generally accept. I would still say that being directly charged by a Highstorm would allow you to Soulcast whatever you want, but we can call that a notable exception. This would of course mean it is almost always preferable to partially enter the CR to perform Soulcasting. As with other non-Allomantic metals, I wonder what effect gems outside the ten essence gems we know would have.
  7. Fair enough, but the issue with that is what happens when you are in the middle of a Highstorm and get recharged like Kaladin did during his fight with Szeth? Can you not Soulcast because it didn't come from a specific gem? Does the Storm qualify as some specific type of gem, and only allow one kind of Soulcasting? Those are both frankly ridiculous conclusions. The only reasonable conclusion there is that there would be no restriction, so there should be other cases where the restriction wouldn't apply either. On the other hand, I can see Light you get from gems still Identifying as being from that gem, at least for a time, so you can only perform certain castings, but if you hold the Light long enough, it should lose that and be usable for anything. Whether or not it will have dissipated by then is something we would just have to ask about. Edit: also, the WoB doesn't say anything about when it applies, so we can't draw very good conclusions from it. We only know that Soulcasting has this restriction on it, but not when. It seems to be to be a lot like the metal of Allomancy. It filters the power in specific ways. On the other hand, if you are powered by the mists, it doesn't matter at all. I still hold to the idea that if you push the Light straight from the gems as a fabrial does, you have the limitation. Surgebinders are more flexible than fabrials by their very nature.
  8. I would guess Concentrationspren for Elsecallers. What spren have we seen Jasnah attract?
  9. Not really, for two reasons. One, a spiked ball wouldn't pass through people as well. The flats of Shardblades are just regular old godmetal XD. Second, if it is thrown at an angle a catapult/trebuchet could achieve, it would go far, but not hit a large number of things. The ballista would be like shooting a magic unstoppable scythe through a block of infantry. Or a wall. Basically it would straight up be better. Windrunners or Skybreakers would be the preferred users of these. They can reduce the gravity of the ballista for transportation and just use general Stormlight strength enhancement to load the things.
  10. I actually liked the anime. I was not expecting to, but the dark color palette and atmosphere just worked for me. And once again, it stuck pretty close to the manga.
  11. Yes, and in both instances they didn't breathe in the Light first. Jasnah was deliberately pushing it through the gem to conceal her Radianthood, and Shallan didn't have the knowledge to do anything else. Shallan could have accidentally consumed Light, but not in that particular instance.
  12. Maybe It wasn't a metal knife in the first place. It could just be an exceptionally hard, metallic looking wood. Then it wouldn't need to glow regardless of if it is awakened or not. If it was awakened, then perhaps it was just to make it so the wielder is more skilled. 'it's a plus one dagger'
  13. I don't think the spren would collectively suggest assisted suicide, and then all of their Knight go along with it. That's pretty ridiculous. Especially since the dead spren seem a lot like the Hoed. I wouldn't wish that on my lifelong partner and friend. I wouldn't even wish that on the vast majority of the people I hate... The Knights were the ones who decided to do this. They had to see an outcome if they didn't participate in the Recreance that was worse than if they did.
  14. I think it has to do with the process you use. Fabrials definitely need specific gems, but Surgebinders do not... usually. I think it is a matter of if you push the Light from a specific gem, you need the right gem type. If you suck in Light from a few gems, they are no longer keyed to the gem type, and you can use the Light for any kind of Soulcasting.
  15. Ahh, but my WoB that you can make spren didn't say you could make certain types of spren with Regrowth, so presumably you can make spren that are Honorspren, Cultivationspren, or something that is mixed. That suggests to me that Honor is involved in the Storm, which makes sense since his Cognitive Shadow merged with the Rider of the Storm. I really do like this theory, though. Hopefully the two of us with our respective recent perpendicularity threads can get people to really think about them and get us some more ideas. It is one of the less understood, but highly important fields of inquiry. I feel like we need to get more information on perpendicularities in particular if we want to have a better understanding of Realmatics. It is also something I feel like if we use careful wording, we can actually get answers, so there is that. I just really want to know more about how to mix the magics, and transportation is key to that. I also hope this post doesn't come off rudely, so sorry if it bothers anyone.
  16. Well in this context, I would take Cosmere aware to be aware of the Shards. So they could be Worldhoppers, but not know why things are the way they are.
  17. Well, Cosmere aware and worldhopping are used pretty synonymously but they are different things, technically. Come to think of it, there are some highly aware people that aren't Worldhoppers, I.e. Frost. I would bet that since it is paraphrased and he was likely tired, we shouldn't take it to mean they knew more than Frost, but it is still an interesting line of thought. We know for certain that Vasher Hopped to Roshar because he modeled Nightblood after Shardblades. This was before they stopped being the five scholars, so them hopping to other more industrial planets wouldn't be the least bit surprising.
  18. I always assumed Galladon was using a glamour. Raoden could manifest one even while Elantris was broken when he used the Chasm line. I don't think we can base much on their appearances when they can cast illusion magic really easily. There is no way the drink is just pure 'Connection.' That doesn't make sense. It would be Investiture that increases Connection temporarily, and that is essentially the same as just drinking Investiture to fuel yourself. The mechanic is irrelevant for my point, the idea was that they are maintaining their power as Elantrians via the drink. Which is apparently something everyone can agree on. The Dor was trying to push itself through Raoden while he was under the Reod. The point is, I bet the Dor would be able to Connect to an Elantrian if they were in the CR. It would either do that, or just blast them with pure Investiture and destroy them body, mind, and soul instantly. I guess the old man could have been trying to completely end his existence to remove the pain, but if he is at that point, I would assume he would just fall into insanity (a deeper version of being Hoed, I guess). If he is still sane enough to point the way to the pool, I don't think he would attempt something that could destroy his Cognitive aspect and his chance at going on to the Beyond when he dies. If it does just Connect, it would still be dangerous for all the same reasons the CR is dangerous on Sel in the first place, plus the danger of the energy overfilling him to the point of death since he was an Elantrian. The Ire have that glowy cable thing that is probably some sort of Investiture pump so they can perform magic away from Elantris. That is highly interesting. This makes me think of a potential way to use Selish magic off-world. If you have something like the D&D astral cord connecting the Dor to your Cognitive aspect, maybe you can get a power flow going. It would probably be limited like an electric current though. You would only be able to run on '20 Watts instead of however many you need' type of thing, so massive Aons would be out of the question. Being able to cast some basic offensive and defensive Aons, along with some food/water production ones, would be extremely useful.
  19. As most of us are, I am highly interested in the Ire for many reasons. They are the first worldhopping community we have seen on screen. I have some thoughts about them, and their connection to events in Elantris, which is why I put this over in Cosmere rather than SH board. First some basic speculation. The drink they are drinking is basically pure Investiture to maintain their form as complete Elantrians. I don't really have a ton to say about this, that's just my guess. I have all these ideas swirling around, and taken together they make a lot of sense so bear with me please. First is that the old Elantrians from before the Chasm appeared were Worldhoppers. How could they not be at least moving in that direction when they live next to a Shardpool and have murals of them entering said pool? Even if they hadn't made it to other worlds just yet because of the Dor, they were working on it. Second is that the Ire are a community at least as old as Galladon. They either include members of his generation of Elantrians, or they are even older, since we know Galladon is a Worldhopper. I think this is a solid assumption. Considering both of those points, it is likely that the older Elantrians were highly Cosmere aware, or at least Realmatically aware. This brings me to exhibit A: the old man they dumped in the pool during Elantris. I always assumed the pool just killed him, like the book suggested, but now I am doubting that. Even though he only had strength enough to point a general direction, he still had people take him to the local Shardpool. I want to examine this event from his POV. He was an Elantrian. The Elantrians were likely more aware of the Dor and Cosmere in general. They probably understood Connection's impact on their magic to a fair extent. This man was going about his day, when suddenly his Connection to the Dor is shut off. He doesn't know why, but before he can work through his exhaustion and walk to the leaders of the community, a scared peasantry comes in and kills most of his people. He himself joins the Hoed. With the shattered remnants of his mind, he is probably at least passively trying to find a way to remove the pain. In a moment of relative lucidity, he takes one last gamble, since he can't do anything about the Dor, to his knowledge. He attempts the most dangerous thing. He has people put him in the Shardpool so he can move to the Cognitive Realm and be restored by the Dor. Now, whether or not he survived this endeavor is up for debate, but the fact remains. This probably knowledgeable man deliberately had himself put into a perpendicularity and disappeared. Now, why he did this, my guess is that he was trying to restore himself. By jumping into the CR, he may have attempted to Connect with the Dor at the source. This would be very risky, obviously. After likely being restored by all the Investiture going through him, the Dor probably ripped him to shreds. If he survived, however, that is a cool story. Elantris was restored days later, so maybe he went and joined the Ire if they existed at that point. Maybe he went off to Silverlight. Maybe he went back through the perpendicularity and joined Raoden in rebuilding after all that had happened. If this has been discussed before, I'd like to see the thread. A cursory look didn't turn up anything.
  20. Fair enough, but a Lerasium savant would be permanently in a state of partial Ascention, so who knows. The current Vessel would probably just have to kill them in the end...
  21. Plus without direct conflict with another shard, he may be able to communicate better. In the other hand, the forces working to limit his knowledge may make it so he cant communicate effectively outside the system.
  22. I would argue that iron feruchemy and abrasion are better. Iron Feruchemy allows for ridiculous acceleration by changing your tap/store rate. Abrasion allows you to maintain your speed better even while super light.
  23. Well, I was speaking specifically of their ability to communicate with the native people.
  24. Your point about their resonances being powerful/kinda obvious made me think that it is because you have 2 Surgebinding abilities. Maybe because they are similar, their resonance is more powerful. Twinborn come from two completely different manifestations, though, that work in very different ways, so maybe the resonance between powers is weaker. It may be stronger for compounders since they at least use the same metal, but that sounds like a moderate connection at best.
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