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thejopen27 last won the day on July 6 2020

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About thejopen27

  • Birthday November 27

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  1. I think that’s just Ishar getting caught in a lie. I think it’s Ishar using bond smith stuff to connect with Gavilar
  2. We don't know what the One refers to and Virtuosity splintered herself long before the Father machine and the events of Yumi
  3. If Kaladin dies and then Syl bonds Oroden im still going to be mad, but Brandon would get me with that.
  4. Y’all seriously think the Spren of Honor, the closest thing the world has to the shard Honor is a liar? We know from Syl that honor Spren dislike lying and the Stormfather is even more a stickler than Syl. I think it’s just Ishtar using the same power that Dalinar used to try to kick start his project to get the heralds a way out of the system.
  5. The theory I've heard about the "3rd Hion" line is that the Iriali come from Komashi originally and that when Virtuosity splintered herself, she left two pieces there and took the third part and imbued her investiture in a ground of people. "The One" became many. That explains the yellow-gold skin and eyes of the Iriali and maybe helps explain why they travel.
  6. My longtime theory is that the Siah Aimians are just 5th Ideal Honorspren persisting on beyond their radiants in the physical realm...
  7. You guys… they’re producing musical notes, it’s literally just harmony also, is the problem with Sazed him continuing to view them as two powers? He doesn’t consider himself Zen, but a harmony between Ruin and Preservation? If Honor and Odium combine, they become War, not a balance between Honor and Odium. Sazed and everyone else still views him as one person holding two powers instead of someone holding one, new power.
  8. I think Ruin is a heavily "CHANGE" shard while Preservation is the exact opposite (I don't know what the category would be). The issue is the one person with two shards has two shards that are exact opposites. I think the final conflict in the Cosmere will be three main factions A. The forces of the Shard of War (Odium plus Honor) from Roshar B. The forces of the Shard of Discord from Scadrial C. The heroes in some third faction Plus whatever Hoid is doing
  9. Fun to see you all do this. As someone who likes both, I'm glad you're not perpetuating the weird one sided rivalry/animosity some Brandon Sanderson fans have any time anyone mentions anything to do with George RR Martin.
  10. I think Book 4 is "Liar of Partinel". I think he finally decided to write Hoid's backstory. Everything he said about book 4 could apply to Hoid. "Dragonsteel" is the story of the shattering, but "Liar of Partinel" is Hoid's story
  11. You guys shouldn't think of Atium as alloyed with every other metal, you should think of it as Atium modifying other metals when burned together in Allomancy. Just like how Atium in Hemalurgy can steal anything, in Allomancy it modifies every ability. Atium turns gold and electrum from internal to external metals, or maybe we say it applies the effect of the metal from yourself to other people. Maybe it does the same to every other metal. Maybe combining Atium and Brass allows you to sooth your own emotions. Maybe combining Atium and Tin allows you to change another person's senses or maybe it does something like combining atium and pewter to make another extremely weak The reason Leras combined Atium and Electrum was not to hide the effect of Atium, it was to give Elend the ability to see the future of everything at that one moment, or maybe it was specifically to give the force the end there the capacity to resist long enough so that some people could survive and to give them a reason to burn off all the Atium.
  12. I imagine most of her eventual flashback book will be about her growing up as a street urchin in Iri though.
  13. I'd argue they could use their righteous anger at a corrupt and broken system to change it, instead of having Jasnah swoop in and change a millennia old system of slavery and and a caste system with one stroke of the pen. Kaladin is right to be angry about how he was treated by the Lighteyes. Kelsier was right to be angry at the nobles and how they treated Ska. Even Vivenna was right to be angry at the Hallendren and their constant threat to destroy her home country. it's how you use that anger that makes the difference.
  14. My eternal beef: Amaram was done dirty in Oathbringer and in general Brandon has a habit of taking complicated, conflicted, morally gray villains and turning them into mustache twirling villains so he can have his heroes guiltlessly kill them and move on to other villains. Amaram’s conversion to Odium should not have happened entirely off-screen and having him turn into a blob monster who could be killed without guilt was a bad decision by the author. Also, Brandon has had too many arranged marriages work-out and killed too many wives and mothers in people’s backstories. Also, I agree with Ella, Brandon dropped the ball on the class struggles and Kaladin should have stayed angry at the Lighteyes.
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