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Everything posted by Djarskublar

  1. I basically asked this question recently by asking what would happen if Preservation kept splitting off as much Lerasium as they could and passing it to some particular person. Eventually they become a Lerasium savant, and WoB you would Ascend from that. I guessed at the time that the two potential Vessels would basically end up in a cagefight of the mind, if they both wanted the Shard. The current Vessel would probably win, and then the Lerasium candidate would end up as a shadow, since their physical form would dissolve. I don't recall what everyone else said in the thread, though. I'll link it later if I remember.
  2. Well, I have some similar thoughts. Number one is that the main theory is likely correct, up to the point where there may not actually be a perpendicularity created, but the boundary between Realms is certainly weakened, so Elsecalling and Soulcasting are probably easier then. The other main point is that I think the Highstorms are the equivalent of the mists, and R+P both have a mist. It matters because I agree that the Highstorm was Mr A's design, but I think H+C Invested and corrupted the storm. Odium came later and caused a new occasional storm. The storm may have been much less Invested when Mr A was still around, but it is able to travel partially because of the Investiture it holds, so it had to have had at least some in the past. Your point about spren growing from the Highstorm was novel to me, and very interesting. Splinters growing from ambient uncontrolled Investiture? Cool! Whether that works... no idea. It probably does, but I don't think we can confirm it. PS your grammar is far from perfect, but you make pretty consistent mistakes so I have gotten used to reading it and hardly notice any more. It has improved over time, too.
  3. Yeah makes me wonder if his agents all over have Connection Feruchemy. Or maybe they are Kandra and there is a blessing of Connection. That would be handy, like basically pretty close to a gift of tongues, but not quite.
  4. Fantastic work. It just needs Adolin to start running sooner Also trying to stop the Chasmfiend. And seeing Dalinar do that pulls him up short. Also at the end, as the Chasmfiend is collapsing, Adolin looks like he is sliding on the ground rather than moving.
  5. Actually, I revise my statement, It couldn't be Scadrial because Warbreaker takes place a while after Mistborn 1, but the scholars were active before that. If I had to guess based on my limited remembrance of the timeline, Nightblood was likely created around the same time as Vin was born.
  6. Hey hey! The five scholars had been to planets other than Roshar confirmed! Possibly Scadrial, more likely somewhere else that had been through an industrial revolution.
  7. Well, we also know this map is incomplete, so it doesn't preclude it being a map of the CR.
  8. I'm not sure what your point is, since I said the two powers are the two surges they have access to... They don't have a surge for each of the Realms, they have 2 surges that can presumably be used in all the realms, but we don't even know how most of them function in the PR, let alone the other two.
  9. Actually, Shallan's mnemonic ability and Kaladin's squires are something currently called a Resonance. It is caused by an interaction of having more than one power i.e. 2 surges. Surges manipulate basic forces, like gravity, but we have no idea how they function when present in other Realms.
  10. One, apparently XD I have discussed this a bit over on the Edgedancer spoiler board, but my bet is that it is because he didn't want to grant more evidence or confirmation that you can bond two spren at once. He was tight lipped because if someone asks what order he was in, he could say 'lol 2 suckers,' but that's a pretty big spoiler imo, so he just RAFOed it repeatedly.
  11. Or I could be right, and since it is a map of the CR, a standard rectangular map shows everything just fine.
  12. Well, since Silverlight is a CR city, my theory is that the star chart is actually a map of the CR. It is of course heavily artistically interpreted, but it makes sense lore wise. It also explains why it is a rectangle instead of a circle.
  13. You don't want to just dump them in a hole. How inelegant, galactic serfs! Like I said, imbue them in a block of iron that's like 10 ft cubed. Fill it with feruchemical mass first by using medallions or Hemalurgy so you can get several people filling it without any identity. Even if they have to sit there for a month compounding it, it would fill eventually. Nicrobursting could also accelerate the process greatly. Once it is full, attempt awakening or etch Aons into it beforehand that you then activate. The Aon activation will overfill the iron and do something. My bet is that it will cause a perpendicularity to form, if there is enough Investiture involved. Besides that method, I bet you could create small ones with more hackery, but less Investiture. You would make something crazy, like an Elsecalling fabrial with nicrosil compounding to fuel it that is managed by either a spren or a sentient awakened object. Basically, something super wierd, but that utilizes the Elsecalling surge to transport you in and out of the CR.
  14. Actually, you may have said something highly profound there. I always assumed that they just saw an opportunity to truly change themselves when she told them how she perceived they could be. If the magic was actually forging their souls, I would be interested, but in retrospect not surprised.
  15. The best weaponization of live spren I can think of would require a siege engine XD. It would basically be a ballista that shoots the spren. You would have the spren form into sorta a spatula shape. It would look like a capital T with a curved top. The curved part would be bladed. Shoot that sucker into an infantry column... If their formation is dense, you could easily cause around 100 casualties per shot. You could also shoot it at battlements to destroy parapets and anyone hiding behind them... Or heck, just chop up the wall with this a little at a time until it collapses. For bullets, spren bullets would be sweet but difficult to get. They would be even better if you can cast Abrasion on them.
  16. Our MC's have a tendency to lose important objects given them by Worldhoppers... Knives, flutes, you name it! I revise my opinion. Ookla brings up excellent points. There still must be something special about it, but it likely isn't awakened.
  17. You're welcome. It does make a lot of sense, but it also means the map is incomplete. We knew it was incomplete either way, maybe the 'stars' that are marked are actually perpendicularities. Or maybe they are markers for places with a lot of sapient cognition ie people, not just a world inhabited by microbes.
  18. We now have direct WoB that Ym was not an Edgedancer. That leaves only Truthwatcher. I actually have no idea what you are trying to say with this post. It looks like a bunch of disconnected points to me. Ym was a Truthwatcher, and he was considered for Edgedancer. Does this mean he could potentially have bonded both of them simultaneously?
  19. That actually makes a ton of sense. I will have to check, but did the other metal that was physically present, such as anything the Ire had, glow? The only potential issue I can see is why? Why would an awakened object not glow, or better yet, why did other metal glow, but not that piece? It also could have just been made of some metal that doesn't glow in the CR, which is highly interesting. Please edit the title for SH spoilers. I think that's the correct procedure here.
  20. I just had a thought. The star chart is done from the perspective of Silverlight. I think Brandon is trolling us a bit here. I put two and two together on this. A star chart really should be circular. I think Isaac was saying the chart is kinda strange perspective wise, like it is imagined or something. The Cognitive Realm is '2 dimensional' in that planets just flow into each other. Maybe the star chart is actually a map of the Cognitive Realm! So it being from the perspective of Silverlight just means that it is the Cognitive map. That is pretty clever of Brandon if it is the case.
  21. Yeah she's no airsick lowlander! She's a ROCK star
  22. Yeah. Brandon has RAFOed questions about whether that pool is a perpendicularlity. It is pretty much guaranteed based on some stuff in one of the AU essays, though. We know there is one on the planet, we just don't know if that is the location for absolute certain. And it doesn't matter if there are other powers granted by that pool. It's not about the powers. It's about the sheer level of Investiture that is present. Preservation wouldn't have any less Investiture, and it's pool would be entirely unaffected if the only Allomancers were coinshots. Also, Brandon has directly stated that he doesn't want to pin down how much Investiture a Breath is relative to other things just yet. In the end, I don't think it really matters if it is practical to create perpendicularities, the important thing is if it's Realmatically possible.
  23. So, does this mean my idea in the OP is confirmed, and Brandon was tight lipped about Ym's Order because he was a candidate for two Orders? If so, can we call this an in text confirmation that you can have multiple Nahel bonds at once, it is just extremely unlikely?
  24. *bows deeply* thank you for saving me. I think you are overestimating how much Breath would be required. To the point, I think that, even though Brandon hasn't specifically told us how much a Breath is compared to other Investitures, we can make at least one relevant point. Lets assume for a moment that if you gathered up a large portion of the spren, you would have enough Investiture to be the equivalent of that required to create a perpendicularlity. That is a highly reasonable assumption, but I don't particularly want to fully explain it. I can if needed but it is implied by other things I am saying. Honor was Splintered after the Recreance. Before the Recreance, there were maybe a couple thousand sentient spren, give or take, based on Dalinar's visions. Sentient spren are now more common than they were before according to one of the spren (Syl?), so say there are more like 5-10 thousand now. There should also be a lot more non-sentient spren, but they should be less Invested because they aren't sapient. To make this easy for myself math-wise, I will assume 10k spren, and that if I gathered them all together, it is enough Investiture. Nightblood is the most Invested object in the cosmere. It is powerful enough to be dangerous even to Shardblades. This suggests, but doesn't ascertain, that Nightblood is probably at least as Invested, and probably closer to twice as Invested so that it can get past the Investiture interference that would occur. So, again for easy math, assume a Shardblade is worth around 500 Breaths, or half Nightblood. That multiplies out to around 5,000,000 Breaths. It is a lot, certainly, but with the agelessness you get with the fifth Heightening, you can spend time aquring all that Breath. You just need Silverlight Inc. to do well on Nalthis and funnel all the excess profits into slowly accumulating Breaths. Silverlight Inc. would of course be a restaurant chain XD. It's only 100 times what Susebron has, and if you aren't giving all these Breaths to a Returned so they aren't being consumed, you can get a lot of Breaths pretty quickly. It would take a few hundred years, max. I agree with your point on Silverlight still being like any other place with people with conflicting ideas, needs, and goals, but this should be feasible even if you only have a few dedicated individuals with agelessness. And all that assumes you are using Breath. If you use compounding like my second post suggested, it's practically free! Also, you can use nicrobursting on people burning metalminds for compounding, so it can go really quickly.
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