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Everything posted by Stormgate

  1. I am interested in Lightweaver. PM me when everything gets figured out.
  2. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 I recited that from memory.
  3. For this post, pick two or more characters from any of Sanderson's books, and imagine what would happen if they were put in a room together. You can combine characters from the Cosmere, Reckoners, short stories, interludes, even his most iconic and legendary work, I Hate Dragons, and more. A timeline of events is optional. To start: Put Pattern and M-bot in a room together. Minute 0-5: Both defining themselves to the other Minute 5-10: Realizing human speech is grossly inefficient, they collaborate to create a super-efficient language that only the two of them know. Minute 10-15: After exchanging notes on the nature of humans and what makes them tick, they have planned how to most effectively learn the most about humanity as efficiently as possible. Minute 15-20: They have breached any number of topics, communicating at a speed that rivals that of fiber optics, and have determined 537421 different ways their respective worlds could be destroyed, and 5 different ways each one could be prevented. After that, use your imagination. I don't know what those two would talk about once they have that out of the way.
  4. People I want to meet to help them work through their problems: Kaladin, Shallan, Wayne People I want to meet to interrogate them on stuff: Hoid, Khriss People I want to meet to try to explain humanity to them: M-bot, Pattern (those would be some interesting conversations) People I want to meet for laughs: Wayne People I want to meet to punch in the face: Amaram, the Entire Traitorous Second Generation of Kandra, Elend's Father (who is not worthy of a name), Moash, Ironsides, and Kelsier (Yeah, he's technically a good guy, but he probably deserves it for one reason or another.)
  5. YKYASFW your alias wherever you go is based off an Epic you created from scratch. #Stormgate
  6. I'm taking college biology, and I've noticed some interesting things, specifically relating to kandra. First of all, bones are not stagnant. They're constantly being repaired and broken down. When the body dies, eventually the bones will dry out and be utterly useless. Bones are just cells like everything else. SO, why can't kandra make bones? Then there's hair. Kandra can't make hair, they have to get it from humans. Hair is made of the same substance as nails, but no mention is made of kandra having nail problems. I'm just confused about why this is. On the other hand, since kandra can make cartilage (ears and nose), they could theoretically turn into a shark with nothing but more material, as sharks have no bones. Maybe a toothless shark, but a shark. Thoughts? Other interesting applications and implications of kandra biology?
  7. Stormgate


    That's the thing about Sanderson. He literally does all of them at once.
  8. ...He does. Have you not read Hoid's thoughts on humanity at the end of the SA books? If he wrote history books, they would be from the point of view of Atilla the Hun and the like, portraying them as tragic heroes. Everyone is the hero of their own story, after all.
  9. Granted. It's Doomslug. However, everyone in a position to harm you believes you have a genetic defect that will inevitably lead to the destruction of society as we know it. I wish I was an Epic with a powerset and weakness of my choosing.
  10. Congratulations. From Ancient Egyptian papyri and Mesopotamian stone tablets, to Pride and Prejudice and The Way of Kings. Every book ever written is yours. However, they are in a similar state to the Free Kingdom's book repository (not a library). Good luck not getting lost! I wish that my theme song played whenever I entered a room.
  11. Granted. You are caught in a time loop that lasts until 12:00 pm on a perfect spring morning. You will never age, never die (permanently), and will eventually learn how to get whatever outcome you want out of the morning. However, you can never escape the loop, unless you do one thing that nobody, including you, really knows what it is. If you never do this thing, time will progress normally for everyone else, but without you in it. I wish to have the ability to learn anything to expert level in a day, being able to learn something else to expert level the next day. (I mean things like spherical geometry, quantum physics, as well as telepathy, flight, etc.)
  12. If you're still doing this, maybe a miniature Shardblade.
  13. Methinks bad things would happen if Alcatraz broke a Shardblade. Shardblades are very heavily Invested, and, being a dead spren, are literally dead ideas. If anything, if Alcatraz tried to break a spren like Syl while she was in Shardspear form, it might kill her/sever her bond/both. I'm just of the opinion that Shardblades are indestructible. If one were to somehow break, it might have a similar reaction to a nuclear blast.
  14. The talent of not knowing/remembering what I have with me. Like, a microsecond of panic that you forgot your phone before you realize you're watching Netflix on it. Smedry application, if I think I don't have something, I have it. Basically the opposite of Alcatraz's father's power.
  15. Granted. However, you spend most of your time trying to catch up to your Radiant to get your powers, as without them you are just a lonely guy with a lot of glowing gemstones. I wish to be able to use the Surge of Illumination, powered by resources that I can easily obtain in my vicinity.
  16. For an English class I'm taking, I am doing a paper on the definition of the word "wit", which includes uses for the term. To this end, I want to include a description of the King's Wit in the Way of Kings as one of my sources. However, I do not have my own personal copy of the book. Could someone please post the description of the role (not of Wit, the job description), as well as the page number, chapter, and anything else I might need to appropriately cite the source? I would be very grateful for this assistance.
  17. I believe it's canon that the Investiture of any planet can theoretically be used to fuel any magic system. Perhaps your character could AonDor some gold, buy a bunch of Breaths, and use that? Perhaps store Stormlight in nicrosilminds? Hey, maybe repurposing some of the potions briefly mentioned, the ones that made people temporary Elantrians. I got to say, though, to be believable, your character would need to have met and talked with at some length, with an experienced worldhopper with practice converting Investiture. Maybe deus ex Hoid, but hey, it makes sense.
  18. I'm surprised nobody's talking about how a Mistborn would world-hop using only the magic systems. The only times it has happened are when they've burned so much metal that they Ascend. Not every magic system inherently has methods of worldhopping. Illusions and teleportation seem to be some of the rarest in the Cosmere, with only 2 or 3 magic systems that have been explored in depth manifesting either.
  19. I'm just looking over the post, and it's clear that our 17th Shard would be very OP in the cosmere. As far as the Aon shields, I see no reason for Aon body armor to be a thing, with enough modifiers. In fact, in-book evidence supports the possibility, what with the healing Aon able to grow hair back. It's far from the craziest thing ever. I saw some comments about these Aons being anti-Shardblade, I think it would function similar to the half-shards. By nature, the Shardblades are Invested, they're not just super-sharp blades. And anything that is Invested will provide some resistance to it, to varying extents. With a lot of Aons, it could be Shard-blade proof, but it would take some doing.
  20. Going back to the original question of whether Cultivation's Investiture could power Surgebinding, I have every reason to believe that it could. I remember reading a WoB years ago that any type of Investiture, with a little work, could power any magic system. This is how Zahel/Vasher is able to survive on Roshar, instead of weekly Breaths, he just uses Stormlight. Taking it a step further, one could presumably use Mistborn metal-burning to fuel Surgebinding, a concept i find fascinating.
  21. Granted. However, your nose is now 150% it's current size, and has a strange mole that may or may not be cancerous. I wish to be able to go to and from alternate planets and universes at will, basically worldhopping into and out of any fictional TV show, movie, or book I desire.
  22. So, it operates on similar principles, but if we're getting nitty-gritty, it is not the same. Your theory on a specialized fabrial has some merit, especially as fabrials are a "magic system" that anyone can use, unlike Surgebinding which requires an Oathblade or a Nahel Bond, just as Hemalurgy on Scadrial can be used by anyone, as opposed to Feruchemy and Allomancy, which seems to require a combination of the right ancestors with sheer genetic luck.
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