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Everything posted by Clockwork

  1. God gave people some shiny green stones, and there was much rejoicing. Now that that's done, I'm hoping this post will get other people to post. About the Gaulder being OP... Because of certain adaptations, Mikill Einn cannot journey to the surface at all (they would implode), and normal Gaulder can only journey to the surface if they are "bound" to a human... And so it was said, and so it will be.
  2. Why are 12 year-olds screwed? Though, if they are, I'm glad I'm 13... Wait a moment... Your 13? Such equality between possible Skyrim RP GMs.
  3. "He has the same number of spikes as me..." Don't feel bad. At least your the same power level as him. Yeah, we could beat him! Your smarter! I think...
  4. Never read Sky Raiders... His Beyonders books are good as well, though.
  5. Thanks, Voidus. I guess the decision is up to Silverblade.
  6. So, I recently visited the dark alley, and a thought came to me: what if you spiked someone who only had powers through hemalurgy through the heart and took their powers. Would they lose their powers, or would the hemalurgy simply fail?
  7. I AM LORD RULER! BOW DOWN TO ME! No, I just have his power... Through spiking myself 32 times. The voice in my head told me to come here, and my body responded before my mind did...
  8. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, I am giving everyone who posted today a little green arrow. Oops. First time I've ever hit my quota. I'll get you tommorow, Blackhoof.
  9. I'm thinking of joining. I'll be a Chistori.
  10. One or two appeared at Slughorn's Christmas Party. I think I'll go by the assumption they do burn in direct sunlight. The site I looked at simply said they couldn't do out during the day. Otherwise, here's his profile; Name: Chas End Age: 11, first-year House: Hufflepuff Blood Status: (Mostly) Pureblood Appearance: Very pale, with pure white straight hair, and black eyes. Other: He tends to sleep through classes he doesn’t care about. He even struggles to stay awake during the ones he does like. He is irritable and grumpy all times except for dinner and right before bed, when the sun goes down. His most preferred class is Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy is a close second. He does well in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions. He’s a vampire, so he wears gloves, a cowl and a mask that covers the lower portion of his face during the day.
  11. Am I allowed to make my (first) character a vampire?
  12. I have... 32various spikes I put in myself. Also, where is the Dark Alley thread?
  13. I may be able to, but I've never GMed anything before. If noone else volunteers, I'll do, if someone tells me what a GM does.(they keep track of everyone's characters, and set limits and such, right?)
  14. I'll join! Werewolf khajiit. Probably.
  15. Hmmm... This happens to me a lot on these threads.
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