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Everything posted by frozndevl

  1. Good point, we know that windspren look like honorspren, but we don't really know how similar the greater- and lesser- spren of the other orders look compared to one another.
  2. She's conflating two different types of spren in her statement. Pattern, who is a greater spren? (I forget the in-world term), and windspren who are the lesser spren. My thought is that the murals depict the lesser spren associated with each of the orders. I think creationspren tend to have very flexible shapes, that it's easier to depict the Cryptics than the lesser form as they would be recognizable as that Order's spren.
  3. To me, this suggest that there are 9 Unmade, one for each order except Bondsmith since they are bonding the super spren and so far, we have no suggestions that there are any Odious super spren.
  4. It might be that because of the required oaths, the full breadth of eye lightening doesn't happen till #5; however, with the dead blades there aren't any requirements to speak oaths, so the eye lightening happens immediately. This could speak to the spiritual aspect (I think it's spiritual, not cognitive) aspect being slowly modified via oaths, but immediately once a dead spren is bonded.
  5. I'm going to be on vacation from the 12th through the 22nd, so I won't be around to receive a version, and knowing the way I read books, it'd get in the way of vacation, so I'll probably have to wait for my return. I'll probably order the book and schedule it to arrive on Black Friday.
  6. Thank you so much for posting this. I feel the exact same way about these flashbacks.
  7. Actually, with his Shardblade, there wouldn't be much blood or Gore.
  8. To Adolin, it was something that happened in the course of battle, so he doesn't see that it should have any impact on people. This is his naivete shining through. I like him more and more.
  9. I believe Honor's cognitive shadow merged with the Stormfather, or some such.
  10. I believe we have a WoB that both him and Adolin are his natural born sons.
  11. I think the contrast between the Shin features, and the Spren walking on "pillars of stone" that rise out of the ground is very interesting. This could arise out of the Shin beliefs that touching stone is holy and only reserved for splinters.
  12. I forget, what did Ym do as a younger man to warrant Nale killing him?
  13. I don't think we have direct evidence of that, and I also think that a WoB says that once a light eyes, you won't get the eye color change. I emphasize think, as I have no clue about searching for WoB.
  14. Yeah, that's the theory I'm talking about. So far, we've only seen Kaladin's eyes go blue to support this theory directly, I believe. Extending this to why Dustbringers are considered similar to Voidbringers could be that their eyes go redish.
  15. I had a similar thought, put it over in the Boon / Curse thread.
  16. My statement was unclear, what I was inferring is that wouldn't a darkeyes, who bonded a Dustbringer spren, have his/her eyes turn reddish. Why would a Lightweaver darkeye's eyes turn red? Right, it only effects those that weren't already light eyes as the light eyes already have something that makes their eyes light. Shallan was already light eyes and her eyes didn't change.
  17. Why would you have a darkeyed lightweaver if the bond makes them a Lighteyes?
  18. I am drawn back to the color of light eyes that each of the orders get. I know that from a recent WoB, that it's not going to make someone a light eyes that was already light, but it would do something to a dark eyes. Didn't the Dustbringers get red eyes, or at least a reddish tint to them or something, and that's what made them similar to Voidbringers?
  19. One item I noticed when reading through, but forgot until reading comments on the Tor.com thread were the apparently missing pillars / circles in the room. What could those be, they were too conspicuously called out to be just shapes. My first thought went to a temporary Cognitive realm bridge to allow Elsecallers and whomever else gets to transport the ability to move in / out into Urithiru. This does seem to be a special place with all of the symbols of the Orders.
  20. I'd say that Syl would tell him if it was the same spren delivering each of the groups. Or, true, the "told him" line could be by the Parsh-people.
  21. Maybe it's not the pain component of the Fabrial, maybe it's the watch. Without going back and looking at all of the passages, it seems to me that there are more mentions of it as a watch than a bandaid (bad comparison I know). Maybe instead of the watch just being a timer, it is somehow tapping into Time and thereby breaking something the Nightwatcher d.
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