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Everything posted by ParadoxicalZen

  1. I just like the openness and order of it; comparing it back home to London just makes me realise how clustered, claustrophobic and ugly it is (which makes sense when we've a large population for such a small group of isles. I'm not saying that it should abide by strict measurements and such; just to be a little tidier, neater and less grubbier, maybe introduce a little more greenery here and there (I think Adelaide has worn off on me :o)
  2. On a the discussion of distance duration, I now have a healthy new lease on this, travelling in Oz and all. I will no longer complain about something being a few hours away (unless I'm driving). English/London roads are hilarious after seeing Bangkok/Manila's discombobulational farce of a traffic (despite the fact the system actually works in its own way) The M25 can go suck a cremling as I laugh hysterically/maniacally at a mere traffic jam. In all serious though, Europe and the UK needs to adopt the grid system stat; Adelaide and Melbourne are so organised and easy to navigate I find it hard to believe that we never did before
  3. I'm with Blight on this; each of the Silver Cities has a cymatic frequency and a pattern and I think a group of someone's (my bet's Dawnsingers) tuned this frequency/exceeded it (akin to tuning an object's natural frequency and breaking it, a lá a wineglass). The resulting effect and energy caused the chasms to form along the cymatic pattern lines
  4. I've not kept up with the comics post secret wars, so Inhumans and their shenanigans is a mystery to me atm
  5. You sir/ma'am, have an upvote! One of the very few Ice pokemon I'm looking forward to having
  6. Fun potter headcanon funnies darnedest things pop up on my facebook feed; @TwiLyghtSansSparkles Don't know if you've seen these Harry Potter tumblr posts but their headcanon is pretty funny
  7. @Delightful yeah, i mean i wouldn't get offended/hurt or anything if she didn't wanna but hey ho; learning curve :S
  8. I will never understand humans. I started talking to a girl cause she was wearing a squirtle shirt so we had a discussion about pokemon. She already had a beau so i just thought hey another friend; she gave me her contact deets to find her online but my tablet didn't save it when i tried contacting her a couple of days after. However her friend was still here (who just happened to be me near at the time i tried) at the hostel so she let me message her through her phone. Her friend then tells me that she messaged back, only not with the response i was hoping. Turne out she was surprised to hear from me and said why i even bothered to message, and then i got called weird, which i can see how it would look. Trying to human = exasperating, either try too hard or not enough and i still do the wrong thing :S
  9. I'm so hungry...being a backpacking pescetarian is so hard :/
  10. I have thought similar things, especially with the perpendicularity having the Intent is does
  11. @Quiver the one at present on Aussie Netflix, Unlimited Blade Works, 2 seasons
  12. Personally, I'm in agreement with the direct option as there are many ways you can word it to the same effect, and for most cases (in my view anyway), it is usually the most surefire way, but that relies of various factors..so debatable. I just find nipping something in the bud before it becomes uncomfortable or before something gets misconstrued the easiest option but my experience with these matters is very limited so just do what's right for you ^^
  13. How does the Seon telecommunication link work exactly? Can the Skaze do the same or similar? Are there multiple Seons that have the same aon? What effect does the Aon have on a Seon? Are there any other parts to Seons? Could an Elantrian create a Seon?
  14. @Sunbird it just looks like they included it for fun, as it seems they are also the ones from the '92 cartoon
  15. On my to do list of useless skills to learn; To speak the language of the Dragons from Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  16. Me and a best friend, who's a metalhead, went to a Halloween party last year as Anna and Elsa
  17. IIRC, all of the images were in Tor hardback editions of WoK and WoR, and to my knowledge there are nother other related images
  18. Not entirely off topic, but does anyone find it hard to make friends/connect with people, even if you make an effort to try and do so? Cause I find it really hard to build friend relationships
  19. I'm trying to decide if the rumored all female film is gonna bomb, even with Margot Robbie producing it :\
  20. Still waiting on green and orange, I think time and soul correct? I think Strange may focused on the latter and perhaps panther the former?
  21. I like parodies and lampooning tropes, just when it's actually funny. I tried Kill la Kill but I couldn't make it past the first ep, which is odd as it seemed like it would interest me a lot. I'm watching Fate Stay Night (just finished Fate Zero) not my usual series but it is kinda interesting
  22. The Shard of Apathy - the foolproof way to mitigate any other Shard's motivation
  23. Sitting in brisbane airport waiting till the first train starts as due to circumstances beyond my control, my flight arrived 20 mins after the last one finished. 5am seems so far away At least I'm right next to a pokestop
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