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Everything posted by ParadoxicalZen

  1. That, and my WoB from SoS London signing says the Dor is a mixture of Devotion and Dominion
  2. Yes, the Dor is in the CR now, but it wasn't always (back when Aona and Skai were still alive). I considered that but if I'm right about the expanse of the broken sky being the Selish CR, then I'm trying to figure out what could cause the CR sky to break/crack. I considered Shard death but when Leras died, nothing similar happened (although the Shard wasn't Splintered or left long enough to develop its own mind) so unless a Shard, say Odium for example, can damage the barriers between the realms, (I wouldn't be surprised actually) I'm thinking it's a buildup of Investiture given how dangerous the CR is now with the Dor a tumultuous storm that can rip apart anyone foolish enough to Worldhop. We don't know enough about the other areas' magic systems to say they don't have a focal valve or similar to concentrate the Dor, (but it is unlikely, as Arelon/seems to show the highest amount of Investment at present + given how drastic the physical differences are in terms of Invested individuals are inbook), nor do we know if the surrounding 4 cardinal cities existed in the Aon Rao formation when the Aonic folk first migrated there (per history of aons WoB). And think it only happened in Arelon because of the giant AonRao. Normally it has a stable flow due to a mind to guide and filter it but as the sky broke, the stream became a flood overloading the focus and causing a strain on the land. You forget; Elantris is early in the Cosmere timeline so the amount of people with super in-depth Realmatic knowledge would be severely limited, especially if they know nothing of the Shattering, Adonalsium etc. and if they only have knowledge of their own Shardworld. Granted, we know from TES and WoB that MaiPon and Sel in general were quite aware Realmatically but we'll see
  3. I think its similar to the scenes from SH&BoM. Kelsier still has his mind and soul but his physical ties had been severed. Where Saze talks to Wax, he says when he goes Beyond his mind/soul will return to the cosmere and the other will go elsewhere. I think with Ashraven, his soul was still there...it was just his mind had already gone, effectively making him brain dead. Perhaps his Connections/Spiritweb had been damaged/severed and that had cause his cognitive self to destabilise
  4. Was the chasm and as a by-product, the Reod, the result of the Dor condensing too much/ (and developing some limited sense of a mind) in the Spiritual Realm (as both Aona and Skai are dead), causing the barrier between the Spiritual and Cogntive to crack under the immense pressure, thereby as a domino effect, disrupting the balance between the Physical and Cognitive Realms?
  5. IIRC, there is a Wob that said not all members of an order used plate but it was an option if they wished to do so
  6. IIRC, the only reason the Oathgates go via Urithiru at present is because Shallan states there are some kind of locks in place barring travel to the other Oathgates but I like it!
  7. Yeah I saw; the artwork is purdy. The Swords are noice
  8. Its really strange; the first one I was merely an observer then the next moment I was in the person I was I watching but still aware of being myself. The second one was it a bit blurrier as it was like I was both myself and the other person at the same time and was hard to tell where one started and the other finished
  9. And then there are some times I'm glad I do not attract attention o.O cause that is gross. And @Mistrunner, that's not crazy, that's style! @ShadowLord_Lith I already do that xD its why I have a plethora of female friends but very few of them I would pursue anything further with (that and we share no mutual inclinations toward each other) its a quite amusing scenario actually
  10. All these folks trying to fight off the attention and here's me, eating a family bag of crispy m&ms actually wanting attention. jealous indeedy. What is your secret?!
  11. Has anyone ever dreamed from another person's perspective, as if they were that person? I've had two dreams of late where this has happened
  12. Yeah but that's what I mean by hiding in plain sight. They don't interfere/actively assist in Shardworld shenanigans, especially on Roshar, as it is home to more cognitively aware beings who can recognise when something is different ( a lá Syl and Hoid). Granted this is all must supposition on my part
  13. I I disregard him purely due to what we've seen of him and Khriss; reclusive, subtle (in a sense), non-active/direct roles and he usually let's Khriss do all the main talking. Granted, he is scholarly (after a fashion) but I don't see him as the political type; more the blend in, hide in plain sight kind. He could have simplky asked to draw Bridge 4's glyphs but heyho
  14. Did Sel's moon(s) have anything to do with Sel's processes for magic Initiation?
  15. If we go by the reasoning from TES about either Dev or Dom being related to Sel's (now possibly nonexistent) moon(s), it could have been related to the Lunar cycle but spitballing
  16. Drinking alcohol is always an interesting feeling, especially when you're in the inbetween states of the sober-drunk spectrum
  17. ParadoxicalZen


    We know he doesn't appear physically in the book on Threnody but theory has merit that he has visited before given what we know of his character and his tendency to be involved (I'm thinking the cloudy events to Threnody's beginnings
  18. Effective!y, the moon sceptre is Sel's answer to the Rosetta stone and I wouldn't be surprised if Hoid learned how to hack it to apply it Cosmere wide. (That is, if the sceptre actually plays with connection)
  19. IIRC, book five's prologue/assassination is rumored to be from Gavilar's POV but as for literally seeing him again...i would say no
  20. *cough* Hoid has the Moon Sceptre *cough*
  21. I very much want Rashmi, she would very fun with Momir Vig and/or Jori End in a Temur deck with Animar
  22. Huh, nice catch. It is weird, it definitely isn't something you'd expect to hear
  23. It depends on how you approach the problem: Allomancy is very low powered but also more versatile; they aren't restricted by resource providing they have ready access to their metal, which on most Shardworlds isn't too much of an issue, + they aren't using an external fuel source to power their abilities. Surgebinders/Radiants are much stronger in terms of Investiture potential and force, but they're also bound by Oaths, so their applications of their powers are a little limited + are hindered by a geographically based resource. In terms of realmatic theory, I'd say copper hides/shields the cognitive identity of things and as Shardbladescut on all three realms, it wouldn't be immune...bendalloy and cadmium bubbles could be a different story
  24. Sorry for double post, but can we all just appreciate how beautiful and stunning Kaladesh is? (Not to mention broken)
  25. adults (but are in actual fact children) that make a mess and expect someone else to clean it up. Rawly, and sorely, vexed -.-
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