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Everything posted by Jondesu

  1. Still going, with Red Team in sudden death mode.
  2. Well, my hint was for 5 spaces, so you do get to continue with that a bit, but then yes, essentially.
  3. Thanks, Hero and Scion. Red Team, see if you can find the rest!
  4. Since I'm running my own game, I'll sit this one out, but I'll take a spec doc link.
  5. Those all came in before the timer ended, though I was out. Ham is a Red Agent! Lifeless… is the Assassin in White. Sorry, ya'll. Honestly, I forget, but that's the end of the game, right? Shortest game yet for us if so.
  6. No one will know that someone has been poisoned, until the person dies, unless they are only given a half dose, in which case they will be informed via PM of their condition.
  7. Hmm. In that case, I would rule them having received a full dose, I believe, and the same thing would happen as if they'd been given a full dose by a single player. They can…but no promises as to whether it would have any effect, positive or negative.
  8. I’ll add you both to the spec doc list for whenever I create one.
  9. Correct. Players who have been poisoned will not be informed. Half doses take effect in the same timeframe as a full dose, and will not kill the player they are administered to under any circumstances. A half or full antidote will cure a half dose of poison, but only if administered prior to showing symptoms.
  10. "Thranduil, you must listen to me! The danger is dire, and the shadow will soon spread through all the world, reaching even here in Eryn Galen! Our response to the threat must be swift!" "Mithrandir, your warnings are grim news to the Southrons, but what care we for them? Greenwood is safe from all, and the kingdoms of men are of no concern to us." Thranduil waved a dismissive hand. "Begone with your babbling, old wizard. We have no need of your ilk here." Gandalf drew up, becoming… deeper, yet brighter. His voice lowered. "King Thranduil, if you do not respond, the threat within your own woods will only grow stronger. You know of the shadow within Dol Gulder. It feeds off the despair of all races, and men and elves alike will suffer if we do not swiftly respond. I have not thus ventured into Dol Gulder, as whatever resides there may be beyond my skill to handle, yet we must travel to the south now to defeat the evil arising." He paused. "I believe it may be a demon of power, a Valarauko. A Balrog of Angband, so long hidden among the caverns of Ennor." Thranduil snorted, a hilariously derisive sound from one who should have been regal and kingly. "I will not say it again, Gandalf the Grey. Begone from my kingdom, and take these lesser beings away with you. I have spared their lives only because of your presence, but my patience with them will not last." Gandalf sagged slightly. "I would not wish upon the most base man the suffering I fear will come unto your people, King of Greenwood. I will take my leave, but I pray you will yet heed my warnings." He turned to leave, the dwarves and men who traveled with him being led by the guards of the Elven kingdom. —— "Uncle.." "How dare you speak to me so familiarly with such treasonous words, young one!" Thranduil scowled at Legolas, Prince of Greenwood. "You seek to leave our protection for the likes of these?" "My King, the warnings of Mithrandir should not be dismissed lightly. He is right to insist on our aid." King Thranduil scowled deeper still. "If you are to leave, flee quickly, 'fore I give the order to have you bound so as to keep you from this foolishness." Legolas bowed and slipped away on silent feet. As he did, a handmaiden approached, pulling him up short just out of sight of the mad king. "Prince Greenleaf, a word. My mistress also feels your compassion and haste. She would aid in your undertaking, but she also sends a word of warning. There may be those amongst the companions of the Maiar who would wish you harm, and a journey such as this leaves you unguarded. Seek protection in anonymity, and hide yourself among them. Perhaps we may even route those who sympathize with the enemy and save the companions from harm. I myself will accompany you, similar unknown to the rest of the travelers." Legolas nodded at the wisdom, and they began their preparations. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Welcome, all, to The Shadow In The South, Long Game 47, set in the Third Age of Middle-Earth, approximately 50 years prior to the events of The Hobbit. Mirkwood still stands strong, though Thranduil and his people have been driven ever further from Dol Gulder and into the northern heart of the forest. Gandalf has presented his warning, and travelers may choose to join him. This game is relatively simple, yet deceptively tricky. The rules are below, and it should also be noticed that I am strongly encouraging role-play, and will attempt to provide extensive story and prompts for role-playing opportunities, though not nearly to the extent of Amanuensis's games. I have not, however, specifically included any incentives in the rules, in order to remain welcoming to those who do not wish to role-play or are unable to commit the time. The Game: General Rules: PMs will be open during all cycles. There are no restrictions on PMs, except that I and any other GMs must be included in all PMs. Group PMs are permitted. All actions must be submitted via your role PM during the appropriate cycles. If you will be unavailable during a cycle and wish to submit your action early, let me know, and that will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The alignment and role of players who are lynched or killed will be revealed at the beginning of the following cycle. Every player must post in the thread at least once per full cycle (combined Night and Day cycles), starting from Day 3. Anyone who does not will he left behind when breaking camp the following day cycle. Players who have been left behind may be replaced by pinch hitters if available, or will be considered dead otherwise. Sending in actions or participating in PMs will not protect you. Roles: Items: Actions and restrictions: [Reserved for rule clarifications] Player List: Sign-ups begin now, and will last for 2 weeks unless we need to shorten or extend it for any reason. Timer is below. Quick Links:
  11. We determined red goes first, so Red Team: @luckat @xinoehp512 @Rebecca Your clue is Fighters: 5. Countdown is from the original post time unless I'm told otherwise.
  12. I'm in. I'll be a spymaster, haven't tried that yet.
  13. I'll join in the vote on Rath. I'm not sold on Sart, though it's possible, but I do agree that there's a chance of Rath being an Elim, as I said in my instinct-based list (I never clarified, but there isn't specific reasoning, or at least not references to posts, because I'm not willing to go to those lengths anymore). I also somewhat trust Fifth, who I believe is clear, but of course that doesn't mean they're right. I'll happily go along this time though.
  14. That's a pretty cool concept. Less time involvement for both players and mods, and should be fun. It'd have to be run somewhat separately from the current schedule I'd guess, since it wouldn't be even as long as a QF.
  15. You misunderstood. I don't want to get lynched. I want to get someone else lynched even though I haven't done much, because my lynch would be a waste.
  16. Bussing: Throwing a teammate under the bus. Usually refers to an Elim voting on another Elim in order to help clear themselves, often because their teammate was already going to be lynched anyway. WGG: Wounded Gazelle Gambit. An Elim team will attack one of their own members, or sometimes arrange an attack another way, but also have them protected. Anyone attacked by the Elims is usually presumed good, but by having them protected, they become a trusted living player. There's more, but those are the first two that come to mind. You could edit these into your first post, btw, and start developing a nice list for others without them having to scroll through the thread as it builds up.
  17. And there's the suspicion I knew I'd be unable to avoid. I know, I know, I haven't done much to dispel it, or to really show myself to be innocent. I'd say just lynch me, but then I'd be offering up a known villager (to myself, being me) instead of possibly finding another one of those darn guards. I was wondering about Randuir, but had decided he was likely being set up. Then again, it's Rand, so I should have been even more wary I guess. Of the remaining players, here's my general feelings: 1. Walin (Bill Ted): Probably ok 3. Manukos: Not sure, neutral 8. Hemalurgic Headshot (Leonard Wilkins): Definitely evil. Actually, just leaning somewhat possibly evil. 9. Snipexe (Exetes the Wandering Artist): Not sure, leaning town. 10. Fifth Scholar (Plaristocrates): Pretty confirmed good. 11. Jondesu (Q): Totally evil. 14. Doc12 (D. Senfalo): Maybe evil. 15. Dalinar Kholin (Reginald Canuk): Probably ok. 18. Straw (Straw): Probably evil. 19. Mr. Doctor (Dead Private Hobbert): Not sure. 20. Val (Val): Neutral 22. Sart (Grandpa Lace): Probably good. 23. Elandera: Not sure 24. Burnt Spaghetti: Probably good. 25. Elbereth (Elenta): Probably good. 27. Rathmaskal (Rath): Maybe evil. That's too many evil or maybe evil players, I think. HH, Doc, Straw, and Rath are almost certainly not all evil, but I'm thinking at least one or two of them are. I'd vote on Straw again, or Doc (who's up for the Lynch this time), and would probably be willing to vote on HH as well. All of this is assuming I haven't made any glaring mistakes owing to misjudging the elaborate clues simply not paying enough attention.
  18. Mysterious mystery indeed. Hmm. Oh, and Steel, I love that your "mostly dead" mechanism is lessening the problems with missing votes (and as someone who's seen the GM side, I don't blame you at all, so easy to miss things when it gets crazy). Easier to fix the mistakes before it affects the game!
  19. No one wants to opine on my LoTR game plan? I guess it's either already good enough it doesn't need to be improved, or it's so boring no one feels like commenting. @Wyrmhero @randuir @_Stick_ @TheMightyLopen & @Fifth Scholar, your passes are still up for grabs. Any of you want to approve my crazy poisoning delayed kill game of death?
  20. Eh, I can understand that, Rand. I simply stated it more assuredly than was perhaps warranted, thinking I'd possibly caught a plot and hoping to draw out a reaction. I'm not bandwagoning here exactly, but I'm going to tack on a vote to Straw. Of him and Rand, I think he's more likely to be Elim, which is me mostly just agreeing with assessments that have already been stated. I'm open to switching my vote later, though, but I've abstained from voting too many times already this game and I don't want to miss it while I have a chance to jump on now.
  21. Not easily available to actually link to. You don’t recall all the times I was saying I was paranoid of people even after they were almost certainly cleared and providing reasons? I did it as Amethyst Scorpion in the AG, too.
  22. You should know by now that I tend to come up with wild theories, and this one was fairly reasonable by my standards.
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