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Everything posted by Jondesu

  1. I have been picturing in my mind for a long time now (possibly prompted by a post here or on Reddit) an incredibly cool scene where Kaladin speaks another Ideal and windspren whirl around him for a short time before "hardening" into his new living Shardplate. I think your theory isn't too far off, but remember that the helm of the Knight that Dalinar sees in one of his flashbacks seems to disappear and then reappear, indicating it's similarly alive and flexible as the spren Shardblades, though probably in a different way since the Shardplate doesn't get the same reaction from Syl. If it's made from non-sentient spren, that could completely explain that difference. jW
  2. I got the impression Nightblood isn't a "Shardblade" like the Rosharian blades, but a "shard blade", as in it contains a shard of power (not in the sense of the Shards of Adolnasium either of course, but just a significant amount of investiture) that gives it special powers. It can't be summoned and dismissed like Shardblades, and it may not cut the soul in the same way (those cut with it basically vanish if I remember correctly from Warbreaker), but it shares some similarities. When Szeth and Nalan call it a shard blade, they're just using a familiar term that's as close as they can understand to what it is, even though it's not actually a Shardblade exactly. It should be a comparable weapon, however, in many ways; just very different in many other ways of course. I also don't think Nightblood is something inherent to the way Endowment works, but rather the way Endowment's investiture works makes objects like him/it possible. That means other Shards wouldn't necessarily also have shard blades or something similar, though they would all potentially have objects or uses of power (maybe an Aon, for instance) that can affect a person or creature's connection to either the spiritual or cognitive worlds. That actually has terrifying potential, in fact… jW
  3. He's already a lighteyes (as were Shallan and her whole family). Why would his eyes have changed colors? jW
  4. I do happen to know just a bit (chotto), but not enough for even a simple conversation, nice that you picked up that! I'll skip the Hemalurgic cookies, but were I an allomancer I think I'd try to find a way to put my metals in cookie form or maybe pudding instead of alcohol or water. jW
  5. Pretty sure those are all way better than The Pink Pinkness. jW
  6. I knew the Prof was an epic...2/3 of the way through, maybe? Before the fight to save David and Megan, though that cinched it. I thought he must have been behind the illusions, though, so I missed Megan being one too. Just wanted to point out, the bullet hit Steelheart first, then Deathpoint, not the other way around. I thought that was going to be the trick, not intending to hit him, but of course I got that wrong. I miss a lot until I check fan theories online usually. jW
  7. Hello, everyone! It's been a long time since I was actively involved in a forum, but this has been catching my eye. I picked up the Mistborn trilogy late last year I think, and since then I've read the two Stormlight Archives books, Elantris, Warbreaker, Alloy of Law, and Steelheart, and I keep forgetting to finish The Emperor's Soul. I also got my wife and father-in-law hooked so far. I've been reading the Reddit groups for Mistborn and Stormlight Archives a lot, which is where I heard about the 17th Shard, and I'm intrigued so far! I love learning the Cosmere connections, and there were some I'd never have picked up on my own (like Demoux). Looking forward to having fun here! jW
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