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Everything posted by DreamEternal

  1. Well, there is a popular theory that the spren of Honor know as the Stormfather was originally a spren of Adonalsium know as the Rider Of Storms, but was converted/corrupted by Honor, and after his splintering merged with Tanavast's Cognitive Shadow, forming the Stormfather we see today.
  2. Maybe the dawnshards are able to control the placement of bonds, and were used to create the Dawnsingers.
  3. I posted about this specific Rattle before. In fact, there is a link to it in my signature. I personally believe it is actually a prediction of Szeth's downfall: "Death is my life": after becoming a Truthless, his life was one of killing and waiting to be killed in turn. "Strength becomes my weakness": his loyalty to his principles and his people's laws was one of his greatest virtues, and was turned against him. "The journey has ended." He dies. Sort of. Rogue semi-divine immortals have an habit of messing with prophecies.
  4. That would mean he lived throught multiple desolations, since in his time as a king right after a desolation Radiants were not bound to any rules other than their own, something possible depending on the limits of Stormlight, but very unlikely. He writing the book and making laws for his newly unified land, not exactly in that order, and Ishar taking them as inspiration seems more likely, IMO.
  5. Later than what? I meant he wrote the book after uniting his land, and while or after he imposed special laws upon the surgebinders, so I guess we agree but I wrote it in a unclear way.
  6. Adding to this, I believe there was a step 2.5: Nohadon, dissilusioned with the actions of rogue surgebinders, forces all surgebinders in the lands he conquered to follow strict rules, and use his book as philosophical guidance. Ishar took those surgebinders as a model of what the Knights should be.
  7. Ohhhh. Now everything still makes almost no sense after all. That is why I am going to be a biologist. EDIT:Just joking. It makes sense, and I am going to become a biologist for other reasons.
  8. Ohhhh. Now everything makes sense. Well, some sense at least.
  9. Which doesn't make much sense, since from what I've read most mass in a body doesn't come from the Higgs field, but from the energy of the subatomic bonds in said body. IMO, It makes more sense to just say Iron Feruchemy creates energy from nothing and destroys it as well.
  10. Or methods. If he was not killing surgebinders, he wouldn't have to find crimes punishable by death sentence to hunt them down. Hell, many would probably be willing, if convinced their powers were dangerous to Roshar.
  11. Why not? Writing has a much lesser chance of breaking ideals than killing, and spren are still content with being used as weapons.
  12. We know the Diagram and the Ghostbloods are, if not outright opposed, at least different and non-cooperative groups. As for when the Diagram was written, some believe it was before Szeth was made truthless, due to the mention of "creating a weapon" when talking about the Shin and the honorblades, while others like me believe it was after Gavilar's death, due to how Taravangian believes he is continuing his friend's work.
  13. I generally prefer really traditional necromancy: offerings of blood and wine to the dead to receive visions, invocations by the name of your ancestors to curse those who wronged you, weapons that are still bound to the ghost of their original wielders, ancient mausoleums where dead kings dream... not dancing skeletons and grey zombies that are so common nowadays, but eldrith, ancient and spiritual stuff.Everyone has seem works about vampires and zombies, but IMO ghosts have much more potential, if you play their immateriality right. For exemple, I have a character that transcribed their mind and soul to a book, and who reads it is slowly warped and possessed. Another is the shadow of a saint bound to the chants of a group of monks, who take turns chanting so he doens't die.
  14. It is more of a stock phrase than a proverb. And, if it is used like the equivalent phrase in portuguese, it is a quite annoying way to taunt or provoke someone, so I can easily imagine why she has a colourful response for it.
  15. Ohmygod, it is an even better ship than my Jasnalan idea! ps: think long enough and assume Nalan has a logical point but got some details wrong and Jasnalan starts to make sense, I swear.
  16. I am kinda curious why people think Wax is an INxP. I mean, I can see some reasons he is an Introvert, or a Perceiver, or even a Thinker, but the iNtuitive part I don't quite get.As for Marasi: INTP, IMO. She is clearly an introvert, and the way she pursues her interests and goals in a spontaneous fashion instead of planning ahead makes me think she is a P. Her interest and talent for seeking patterns marks her as a N quite clearly. The T part is a bit less clear cut, but she does seem to try to rein and control her emotions when they are getting in the way of her normaly rational thinking, even if she does not go as far as suppressing them. But she is probably the Sanderson character who is the most like me, and I am a INTP, so I am far from impartial.
  17. pro tip: horneaters don't seem to have the 'it' pronoun, or it is gendered on their language, so Rock would probably say "This thing, I did not know he!!".
  18. I currently believe the Radiants all have some form of clarividence, also seem in Kaladin's dreams of riding the storm. It also makes the Truthwatchers stick out a little less, if what they do is just a powered up future focused version of what all orders do in their own ways.
  19. From what Pattern said, what changed was the number of individuals, not of types of spren.
  20. The Stormfather probably did inherit some of the Almighty's power, by virtue of being (merged with?) his Cognitive Shadow, but as far as we know, a great portion of said power was splintered by Odium and became spren. That is why Pattern told Shallan there were less sapient spren at the times of the Recreance.
  21. To add to this suggestion, maybe the lights can be eletric but the society that inhabits the city with them doesn't have eletricity.
  22. It is not directly a major spoiler, IMO, just a load of hints that make guessing the twist before it happens much easier. And as the plotline runs parelel to the Original Triology, I believe it just flows better if you read it before Wax&Wayne, in terms of themes, events and characters. That may be because I read the leaked Bands of Mourning epilogue before the book was released, and thus already knew the twist before even buying the book, but I still stand by my opinion that that single twist is not worth delaying your reading of M:SH by three books.
  23. It is a secret to everyone . (By that I mean I forgot to write "unreleased" bext to them) After the original triology. Forgot about it.
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