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Everything posted by Left

  1. I'm almost done with Golden Son, Red Rising book two. Next will be a quick detour to Alcatraz 5, then back to Red Rising 3. After that some comic books, then The Long War and The Long Mars.
  2. Storms. Red Rising was GOOD. Give the hunger games better characters, better writing, and a better plot, mix in some Enders game, add some philosophy and some extra grit and violence, and storms, that was one heck of a book. I'll be finishing the trilogy as soon as I can.
  3. I picked up an old play through of Majoras Mask that I never finished.
  4. Red Rising by Pierce Brown. It's good stuff.
  5. And thus my odds of winning a copy drop significantly in just a couple hours Hahahaha
  6. It is. I made it through the first book okay, but I had to stop midway through the second, it was getting far too violent and dark for my tastes. I still get the appeal, but as I understand it, they really are all very dark. Almost finished with The Long Earth, by Sir Terry Pratchett and Baxter. It's good, but the cursing is annoying.
  7. I can barely remember, but I think I thought I had side curls and stuff. I had just finished a huge history book by Chaim Potok about the Jews that afternoon/evening, which is probably why they were on my brain. Its ts actually against my religion to get piercings, although I do wish I could wear earrings.
  8. I've eaten sand, bark, and grass all on purpose. I was so sick and feverish last night that I woke up from a dream and thought I was a Hsadic Jew. When I woke up this morning my head felt like Guernica looks. I really wish there was more jewelry that guys can wear. I love anklets and my ring, but I don't feel like I could get away with a bracelet, and most men's necklaces are either crosses or dog tags. I don't want to wear either of those :/
  9. Let's see, it's been a while since I've updated this.... Lords and Ladies- Pratchett Maskerade- Pratchett Johnny and the Dead- Pratchett Wanderings, a history of the Jews- Chaim Potok Re listening to some Harry Potter books. The Dark Knight Returns New 52 Flash comics The 7 habits of highly effective people- Covey
  10. NOW THATS an idea Minus the fact that it could hurt the shows again...looking at Deadshot...
  11. Ummm, is the sequel out? I've been waiting for years, but I thought he'd just abandoned the Alvin world.
  12. It's not exactly abusive. At least as I recall. I don't like their relationship. Neither of them are really very nice people in my memory, and so the relationship (as I remember it) feels much like Sadeas and his wife. So not abusive, but not nice either. It's been a long time since I've read the books, so maybe take my word with a pinch of copper?
  13. Poland has been World Dominating since Civ V came out. Poland is incredibly strong, definitely my favorite civilization.
  14. Jukebox Hero by Foreigner. I heard it for the first time a couple days ago, it was instant love, and I'm still not over it.
  15. Since its in Columbus I really should go. But $$$.....
  16. Davita's Harp, by Chaim Potok, and summer reading for AP American Gov.
  17. I read the first trilogy and the Harper trilogy... They're okay. There's not a big bad, the relationships feel based on a mix of trust and lust rather than love, and it was a trope starter. If you don't mind those, read on.
  18. I used to struggle with it a lot. It's taken a lot of practice and getting mentally healthier and more mature, but I'm pretty comfortable now.
  19. Swing dancing is a Lot of fun. I took a class in the spring, and I loved it. It was a great series of dates too
  20. What's funny is I know guys who look a lot like wolfwood, so I guess I have good prospects for cosplay. ... Come to think of it, I really actually know some girls who look like Meryl and Milly...
  21. So actually... Anyone got any ideas on how to hatch an egg while stuck with the radius of a wifi hotspot? I mean I can run around my house in a tight circle, or the library. I'm kinda figuring that I'll load up on eggs, then next time I go to a big mall I'll just leave the app on in my pocket. Any better ideas?
  22. I've really just started playing a couple days ago. One of the guys at work that I respect loves it, and I figured why not. Thing is, my phone only works with wifi, so I have to hunt down wifi first. It's still a lot of fun though
  23. It really is. I might where it this Halloween just for that, even though I'm not much of a Doctor Who fan. It's a great coat, although the sleeves are a bit short. (I've got long arms)
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