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Everything posted by Left

  1. Quite possibly, although it's reaaaaaally hard for me to say that when I then immediately have to think back to the past three finales.... Still, the layering in this episode was phenomenal. I'm not sure if I can handle Watson if he stays "Marry" smart. I mean that last scene with him and Sherlock was crazy, as was the scene with Mycroft where John manages to just keep pushing them back. I'm not sure how I feel about Eurus, it depends on how the next episode goes. Can I just say that I thought there was something very off and fishy about that therapist from the very beginning of the episode?
  2. I had a fun weekend finishing Scion of Cyador and then reading all of I am not a Serial Killer. Scion of Cyador was definitely the best Recluse book I've read, and had a solid ending. It kind of tried to have a Sanderlanche( Sanderson's mindblowing and epic avalanche endings) but wasn't fast paced enough to make it work. Still pretty good, and I think I'll continue reading the Cyador based books. I am not a Serial Killer was amazing, and almost as soon as I finished I requested the entire series from the library. Very well constructed, very good prose, fantastic characters, wonderfully solid understanding of psychology, and I assume that the criminology was on point but I don't know much about the field. Can't wait to read Mr. Monster. I started Terry Pratchett's The Last Continent last night. I'm really sad this is the last one for me to read....It's been such a good trip. I guess I could read the Tiffany Aching books if I really wanted more discworld, but.... sigh. RIP Terry.
  3. Not really, that's why I've put down the Lightbtinger series and the Dresden files etc. I live with it in real life, but I prefer my entertainment to be less harsh when possible.
  4. Scion of Cyador, a novel of Recluse by Modesitt. I've never been a fan of the Recluse books, and the previous books in the series haven't given me any reason not to be. This one is remarkably good though, it's better than the first Corean trilogy and probably on par with many of the Imager books. I'll be interested to see if I can find other books in the series that this good. Waiting on my shelf is The Last Continent, the final book in the Wizard's subseries of the Discworld, and the final Discworld novel in my great Discworld adventure. On my radar: I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells- I've heard a lot about Wells and the synopsis sounds interesting-, The Fifth Season- which has been mentioned a lot on here-, and I'm thinking about reading Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy. I enjoyed what I read of the Lightbringer series, but the increasing frequency of the language made me stop before finishing book two.
  5. I'll add my voice here. I haven't been able to access my unread feed since at least 7:30 this morning (Eastern Time). I haven't tried doing anything else yet on the forums, so I don't know how extensive the bug is.
  6. Sherlock has returned at long last! I just saw the season four premier last night. What did ya'll think? I love the show generally, but each season seems to have one episode quite weaker than the others( such as Hound of the Baskervilles) and I guess I'm feeling like the season four premier was only on par with that. But, what did everyone else think? And what are your favorite episodes and characters so far? I love all three finales, Molly, Mary, and Lestrade, and of course Sherlock and Watson.
  7. I'm honestly probably not going to watch anime until the next season of one punch man comes out. Possibly when I have a very easy and reliable way of watching the d.gray-man reboot. Anime just hasn't been appealing to me for a while.
  8. Lies!! The mushroom melt and cheese curds are to die for!! I didnt get to bed till 2 this morning and then had church.... I'm soooooo tired. Maybe not the best way to start the year lol. Still, I really hope that this year is better. I'm not sure how it could get worse for me than the last six months, so here's hoping.
  9. That's what I've heard. Getting ready for Christmas by watching Die Hard on vidangel. Works for me.
  10. Steam sale time!!!!!! Grabbed Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, will be playing as soon as installed.
  11. The Dark One must be where either the WoT or the reckonerverse collides with the cosmere
  12. And then there's the tumblr pictures....even though they're always different, they always feel exactly the same to me. It's like the same person writes all of it, and it gets really old to me.
  13. You should have killed it then I find meme culture crazy interesting. I mean, if you keep up to date on templates and what's taken to be funny and what phrases stick around, it gets really fascinating. I feel like there's some great research material here for sociologists, and possibly social geographers.
  14. It's great, not a perfect film, but a very good one. Shouldn't we wait to start RS X until we know the title for Episode 8? Or maybe RS Solo, for the Han Solo movie?
  15. I just saw it last night, and I really liked it. Amy Adams is definitely not my fav, but I did like her performance in Arrival more than in other films I've seen her in.
  16. I read Arcanum Unbounded last weekend, and I'm almost halfway through A Darker Shade of Magic.
  17. So the first Star Wars Legends film is out! What did ya'll think? I went to the first showing I could. The vibe in the theater wasn't nearly as fun as it was for Force Awakens, which was sad but understandable. Good points for the film: Everyone dies. I think this was a really good choice, even though I did really enjoy a few of the characters. Darth Vader being a boss at the end The film was dark. It worked well. More people who are force sensitive, that' really exciting to me. The droid was channeling HK 47, and it doesn't get better than that. There were some really cool throw backs to A New Hope, and Jimmy Smitts coming back as Bail Organa helped keep a tie to the prequel movies that I really liked. The Bad: Tarkin: Was it really neccesary to animate the character? Same with Leia, although they did a better job with her. He took away attention from the Death Star General, who I really enjoyed watching. I honestly can barely remember any of the new character's names. I don't need to since they're dead, but it's not a good thing when I can't even remember their names. I liked most of them, but I don't know what they're called... There were two points where character development felt really really odd. First was when the black extremist rebel just decided to quit and die. That just felt really weird to me. The other was when the rebel assasin decided to not snipe Jen's dad. I don't understand what motivated him to stop. When Darth Vader makes his entrance, my first impression was that a woman was in the suit. His walk felt really off in that scene, like he was swaggering or doing a runway. At the very least, there's some hip swaying, which is NOT Darth Vader. They also messed with his suit design, which doesn't make sense since it should be identical to the one in A New Hope. All of my cons are pretty small nitpicks, it was a good movie, and I enjoyed it.
  18. Woah, Zmunkz, our profiles are twinning! I guess my joking wasn't quite clear. I adore Sanderson's anti villains like mr T and the guy from Elantris for being such conflicted and complicated people.
  19. I mean, I totally waited till 16 to start dating, but after a couple months I kinda quit on the group dating. It was just SO hard to get a double. Getting folks together for a party wasn't ever too bad, but...yeah, worked out well for me.
  20. I miss the days when we all just calculated the most effective means of creating allomantic animals from hemalurgy and other even more sordid questions of science and economics without bringing up morality until the very end as an after thought. Not that moral questions aren't really really important and everything, but it was fun just questioning what Could be done, not whether less interesting things Should be done.
  21. I'm happy because it means that we get the story and Brandon can focus on other projects. I like graphic novels, and while the first volume had issues as a graphic novel and as a story/book, I think that it will work better as the next two volumes come out. I've honestly been rather irritated with Brandon because it feels to me like he's been getting sidetracked away from Stormlight a Lot and I wish he could focus on just getting it done. White Sand as a graphic novel gives me an extra story, and keeps Brandon from going back and redoing White Sand. I think that much of the dissapointment from the shard towards White Sand GN is because of a lack of experience with the medium coupled with poor expectations. I know that I've gone into a couple of Brandon's other works with a mindset expecting a Mistborn or Stormlight, and being very dissapointed at first. After starting over and going through the book again I almost always like it more the second time because I have a better understanding of what exactly the book is. Steelheart was not a new Mistborn, it's a very different kind of book. Shadows for Silence is very different from Legion. Wheel of Time is about as far from Alcatraz as you can get. It's all about expectations. Sorry about going off on a total tanget
  22. Bands of Mourning Morning Star Secret History hmm... Whitesand.... I really don't read brand new books very often lol, mostly just Sanderson.
  23. -AP exams suddenly becoming far easier this year, specifically for statistics -As above, Trump actually proves most people wrong and is a good ish president -Oathbringer comes out on time - DC's shows and movies improve -VidAngel wins all of its legal battles and stays alive -All radio becomes ad free( okay this one's impossible, but I think everyone would support it) -My new department manager will be able to at least take care of scheduling well, even if they're super bad at everything else I can think of more, but mostly those are things that will make LeftVash's 2017 better, not really anyone else's.
  24. If the assassin in burgundy lives in America, most likely it is legal, although it depends on the state/city and the exact circumstances.
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