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Everything posted by Left

  1. I stayed up till one, when PA wasn't called but was obviously going to go to him. Ugh.... I really didn't want either of them. I'd have voted independent if I weren't a few months too young. I really thought that she was going to win easily and had kind of reconciled myself to that....Now I have to reconcile myself to him.... Yep, really is time to start praying for the 2nd coming. Nostradamus....sigh....
  2. Alright, so my review for this week's episodes Flash: That was a very strong episode. Kaitlyn's struggle with her relationship with her mum was trope ish, but I think it'll help set up later developments well. I loved how the anti-meta feelilngs are being explored in Julian and with the episode villain. Arrow: Well shucks. The growth inside of team arrow is good, I like Diggle and Wild Dog's relationship. Artemis desperately needs some attention. I'm really sad with the death at the end of the episode, just cause I wish that that character could have stuck around until at least midseason. On the other hand, he didn't have much more to add to the story, so maybe it's best this way. Legends: So, if you take this episode as kind of a goofy halloween episode, then it's a bunch of fun and great. Stein was good, and the interplay between both Sara/Citizen Steel, and Jax/Vixen were fantastic. Mick reaching out to Ray at the end of the episode had me standing up and cheering. They've been building towards that relationship since last midseason ish, and it is seriously rewarding. I thought there was some cheap historicaly appropriation. Grant was a waaaaay more interesting and gruffer person, so it felt cheap to see him made so bland. The slavery...Legends of tomorrow is a very bright, happy, upbeat show. American slavery was anything but. There was no way for one episode to do the subject justice, especially while staying in the family friendly area. So maybe I take issue with them doing it, or doing it badly, but there were limits on how deep they could go and so in the end, it felt cheap to me. Does anyone mind if I review the episodes of Gotham I'm on while I'm at it? Okay, Mad Hatter needs to go. His presence drags the show down quicker than Fish did. Hurry up and end this storyline. Where were Bruce and Selina and Alfred? All that time spent on Jim and Jervis, no resolution, and no Selina or Alfred??? C'mon, that's just not cool. Penguin falling in love with Riddler.... Umm... It could work. It fits Penguin's character. I just don't know how they're gonna play this one out... So far this season isn't nearly as fun as season two...But hey, only a fourth in, maybe it'll get better.
  3. Question! My family is really interested in watching The Crown, but we're hesitant to start it because of its Mature rating. So far I haven't found anywhere that has a content advisory for the show written( not surprising sonde it did Just come out). So what's the content?
  4. So yeah, I've been keeping up with the three "brothers" (Flash, Arrow, Legends,) but I just can't like Supergirl. I like the concept of Supergirl, but I don't like the characters/writing although the acting and effects are great. I didn't like the premier of Flash, but it's been getting better. The way they're dealing with multiple timelines seems to be working better this season. Arrow: So far so good. Having Church and Black Archer, dark arrow, whatever his name is, is great! It's something that would've been great in the past two seasons and helped make season 2 the best. Legends: YASSSSS, finally! It's finally living up to its potential, although I do miss Snart. I'm loving this duo dynamic between RFlash and Damien. I'm also watching Gotham season three. It's not the same tv verse, but it's related. This season hasn't been as crazy fun and full of laughs as the last season, but it's getting better.
  5. Awh, crem, I Titus was the other Red? I got my names mixed. *looks up appropriate character* Ahhhh, Ragnar there we go, he was probably my favorite. Although Pax Fitchner were great too. I did really love how Darrow knew how terrible he was, how much it hurt him, but how he was also trying SO hard to make it work and make things better.
  6. So yeah, I marathoned these books as quickly as I could a couple of months ago and absolutely loved them. The action, the suspense, the twists, AWWRRRMYYYYYGOSH. Easily the best books I've read this year. I can't wait for Iron Gold to come out( although I might be on my mission and have to wait for two years....sigh..) Favorite character was probably Titus Best relationship between characters was either Darrow/Cassius or Darrow/Sevro Favorite reference in the books was to the Wiggin children. What do you love?
  7. I'm going to create a thread for the Red Rising trilogy since it seems like there's enough fellow fans. On topic, I finished Heretics of Dune. Mmmmmm..... So, I think it's better than Children of Dune...But it was still pretty bad. At this point I know I'm going to get around to reading the Chapterhouse book that Frank Herbert wrote, but I really don't want to read Brian's books. So now I'm reading a ton of batman comics, The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin, and then I have to choose between a history of the ottoman empire, Frank Herbert's biography, The Dragon's Path, or Otherland book 2.
  8. The Red Rusing books are all limited to the solar system though, while the Enderverse is inherintly inter galactic. So while a Wiggin could have existed in the universe, they wouldn't have been quite like the ones in the Enderverse. On topic, I finished Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolf. The first half ish was good, but after that... it was like the Felurian section of A Wise Mans Fear... it just felt so pointless. Next up is either Heretics of Dune or Frank Herbert's biography.
  9. I thought those were just references to the books, as like classic literature.
  10. Amen. The Red Rising trilogy are easily the best books I've read this year.
  11. About halfway through Interesting Times, the second to last of the Wizards books in the discworld. .....which means I've almost completely finished the Discworld..... Next is Shadow of the Torturer, I've heard it's on par with Dune, so I'm looking forward to it. Ive got a ton more books waiting for me, and I plan on getting through them as quickly as I can.
  12. I just binged the second season of Gotham. My gosh that was fantastic.So many badchull moments. The finale was kinda meh though...But hey, the Fox app let's me keep current with season three
  13. As soon as I read that post I thought the same thing!! This is the best idea/theory I've seen in months
  14. Just a plain ol' straight guy for the most part. When I see a handsome or hot dude, I can appreciate him asthetically, but I don't find guys sexually attractive. I also totally get what Quiver was saying about not getting why anyone Would be attracted to dudes, I don't really understand it either that well. So, yup. That's about it.
  15. So I've restarted playing Deus Ex. I found a really good mod on steam that reskins and enhances the graphics, and the game is SO much more fun to play with it.
  16. Dune itself is a fine place to stop, children of dune has a pretty wrapped up ending, and God Emperor is a good place to end. Also: started White Sand graphic novel.
  17. Dune Messiah is okay, but Children is just storming weird. God Emperor is almost on par with the original, but book 5 I couldn't finish and I've only tried one of Brian's books.
  18. Never tell me the odds I finished Morning Star late Sunday night. I still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep. It was worth it. Havent had much time to read, but I've been working on Batman Court of Owls.
  19. The only games I've gotten mods for are Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1&2. I loved the mods, and some of them really added a lot of great content. Once you get enough installed, it's not even the same game which is kinda awesome.
  20. So Golden Son was STORMING AMAZING. Ahem. The Dark Talent was pretty good too. On to Morning Star, then all of the Flash and Batman comics I've been waiting to read.
  21. Totally forgot about the Bob joke and the Balefire, which just shows how late I stayed up because those were my two favorite jokes.
  22. Well Supergirl finally came to Netflix, so I'm watching that. Hopefully the season gets stronger, because I'm watching it out of loyalty to the DCTVU more than anything else. I might watch Gotham season two once it gets added, and I'll at least try the pilot for the Luke Cage show.
  23. That was great! The first half of the book was.... Not my thing. I struggled with how abrupt and SO very full of jokes it was. It got better though. I loved the references to other authors, I caught Abercrombie, Naomi Novik, and obviously Rowling. The Mistborn cover was great. I knew Dif was a traitor. I like that Brandon is stealing Pratchett's footnotes. Im really glad I found Bastille's letter.... I'd be pretty ticked if I hadn't....
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